National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH)
3333 University Way, Prince George, BC, Canada, V2N 4Z9
T: (250) 960-5250 | F: (250) 960-5644
[email protected]

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Summer Solstice heralds in the longest day of the year and cultural celebrations across Canada as part of National Aboriginal Solidarity Day. These warmer months are also a time of reconnections and visiting between First Nations, Inuit and M�tis families and communities as tents are set up, dances held, traditional foods and medicines are gathered, and the beauty of cultures abound.


The NCCAH has certainly been reconnecting with our colleagues and friends from across British Columbia and Canada over the past months. On May 6-7th, the First Nation's Health Authority (FNHA) held the 7th Annual Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey. I was delighted to speak on a panel at this this gathering alongside Nicole Cross and Brennan MacDonald, both regional directors of the FNHA. Following this, the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) held its annual conference, Public Health 2015, on May 25-28th. Along with the five National Collaborating Centres for Public health, we presented in plenary discussions, panels, networking events and workshop sessions at this forum (read the full web story). As well we displayed and shared NCCAH products at our booth and at the 10th National Community Health Nurses Conference, held June 22-24, in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


We invite you to visit our website this summer! We have updated our Aboriginal Health Links page to include international, national, provincial, research, child and youth, and governmental organizations involved in Aboriginal Health.


Our much anticipated book, The Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health in Canada: Beyond the Social (Canadian Scholar Press), edited by myself, Sarah de Leeuw, Nicole Lindsay, and Charlotte Reading was released this July.


Please enjoy and share our newsletter with your community and networks and join us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn to participate in updates as they happen!




Margo Greenwood, Academic Leader
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health

NCCAH Event Photos


1) Dr. Margo Greenwood and BC Assistant Deputy Minister, Arlene Paton were both panelists for Session #37 "Promising Practices & Models" at the 7th Annual Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey forum in Vancouver on May 6-7, 2015.


2) NCCAH Research Associate Regine visited with Warner Adams of the Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS) at our booth at the GWVII in May.


3) NCCAH Research Associate Roberta tended our booth at the Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) conference in Winnipeg this past June.


Attended Events

Upcoming Events


Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey VII


Vancouver, British Columbia, May 5-7, 2015. Conference web site link

Public Health 2015 (CPHA)


Vancouver, British Columbia, May 25-28, 2015. Conference web site link

10th National Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) Conference


Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 22-24, 2015. Conference web site link

Please visit the online NCCAH calendar of events, which highlights conferences, workshops, and other events of interest in the field of Aboriginal Health including regional, national and global listings.


CSFS Health and Wellness Conference


Prince George, British Columbia, July 13-16, 2015. Organization web site link

CAAN 17th Annual General Meeting and Wise Practices V


Vancouver, British Columbia, July 13-18, 2015. Conference web site link

International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL)


Vancouver, British Columbia, September 21-25, 2015. Conference web site link

Send us an email to [email protected] with "Calendar Submission" in the subject line if you have an event you would like added to our calendar. 


New NCCAH publications


The National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) is pleased to announce the release of the Review of Core Competencies for Public Health: An Aboriginal Public Health Perspective. In this report, Dr. Sarah Hunt reviews and analyzes the seven categories and appendices of the 2007 Public Health Agency of Canada's Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada 1.0 within an Aboriginal public health framework.


(Read the full web story)

Review of Core Competencies for Public Health: An Aboriginal Public Health Perspective


Aboriginal Health Researchers at Canadian Universities is a comprehensive listing of researchers who are affiliated with a Canadian university and have a wide range of expertise related to the health of Aboriginal peoples. These researchers have undertaken some form of research related to the health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit and/or Metis peoples, ranging from one study to a lifetime of work in a particular area.


(Read the full web story)

Aboriginal Health Researchers at Canadian Universities

Top Three Trending NCCAH publications

Fact Sheets: Aboriginal racism in Canada


Reports: Aboriginal Peoples and Historic Trauma


Report: Health inequalities and the social determinants of Aboriginal peoples' health


Do you have a particular NCCAH publication that you or your organization found to be an excellent resource? If so let us know what it was! Email your testimonial to [email protected] with "Publication Testimonial" in the subject line. We welcome your feedback!


Did you know you can request our publications FREE of charge? Send your requests to [email protected] with "Publication Request" in the subject line, which publications you would like, how many and full contact details of the requestor and delivery address. We will do our best to accommodate your requests based on our current available printed inventory.


Books & Online Resources


In support of creating a health community focused on knowledge synthesis, transfer and exchange we have chosen a sampling of current online resources to share. Please note the links provided in the NCCAH newsletters are for general interest only and do not indicate an endorsement. The views expressed in the linked resources do not necessarily represent the views of the NCCAH or our funder the Public Health Agency of Canada.


Send us an email to [email protected] with "Online Resource" in the subject line if you have an online resource or newsletter you would like added to our next newsletter.



Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health in Canada - Beyond the Social


"This unique collection, comprised largely of contributions by Indigenous authors, offers the voices and expertise of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis writers from across Canada. The multitude of health determinants of Indigenous peoples are considered in a selection of chapters that range from scholarly papers by research experts in the field, to reflective essays by Indigenous leaders. Appropriate throughout a range of disciplines, including Health Studies, Indigenous Studies, Public and Population Health, Community Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, and Social Work, this engaging text broadens the social determinants of health framework to better understand health inequality. Most importantly, it does so by placing front and center the voices and experiences of Indigenous peoples." 1


Edited by Margo Greenwood, Sarah de Leeuw, Nicole Marie Lindsay, and Charlotte Reading.


1. Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health in Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2015, from


A Review of Frameworks on the Determinants of Health (CCSDH)

The Guide to Mental Health Counselling Services (NIHB and IRS RHSP)

Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: 2015 Update to the National Operational Overview (RCMP)

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)

What We Have Learned: Principles of Truth and Reconciliation (TRC)

Paige's Story: Abuse, Indifference and a Young Life Discarded (RCYBC)

Aboriginal Pregnancy Passport (Perinatal Services BC resource)

Spirit Magazine: The Men's Issue (FNHA publication)

Inuktitut Magazine 117 (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami publication)

The First Peoples Child & Family Review (Bi-annual FNCFCS publication)

The Northern Review: Exploring human experience in the Circumpolar North (Yukon College Journal)

Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society (Open Access Journal)

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada Summer 2015 Newsletter

First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) Newsletter

Aboriginal Health: Northern Health Updates Summer 2015 Newsletter

Online Multimedia

This section features infographics, interactives, apps or videos that we found interesting or educational. Please note the links provided in the NCCAH newsletters are for general interest only and do not indicate an endorsement. The views expressed in the linked resources do not necessarily represent the views of the NCCAH or our funder the Public Health Agency of Canada.


Send us an email if you have multimedia resources you would like included in our next newsletter to [email protected] with "Multimedia Submission" in the subject line.



1) Visualizing Canada's Urban Aboriginal Population is an interactive tool to explore important data on Canada's young and growing urban Aboriginal population. The tool is based on data generated from the 2011 National Household Survey and Statistics Canada's 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. Explore the interactive tool.


2) An infectious disease specialist says the soaring rates of HIV on Saskatchewan First Nations are "shocking" and "a real Canadian crisis." CBC's iTeam has learned the rate of new HIV infections on Saskatchewan reserves is 11 times higher than the national rate. View the Infographic slideshow of statistics.


3) Traditional First Nation community names interactive map created by the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (MFNERC) displays traditional First Nation community names, described by a member of that community. It features the five main First Nations languages in Manitoba: Cree, Ojibway, Dene, Oji-Cree and Dakota. View the interactive map.


4) The Connecting with Culture: Growing Our Wellness resource is comprised by the Facilitators Handbook and accompanying Client Activity Guide. These materials are the outcome of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded study that aims to introduce service providers and their clients to a step-by-step process that supports engagement with what Indigenous culture means for client wellness. View the Indigenous Wellness Framework poster.


5) Mark Dockstator, president of First Nations University of Canada, uses a chart to illustrate how the relationship between First Nations people and Canadian society has evolved over the years. View Infographic.


6) Cancer among First Nations people living in BC infographic created by the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). View Infographic.


The NCC's of NCCPH

The NCC's of NCCPH work together to promote and improve the use of scientific research and other knowledge to strengthen public health practices and policies in Canada. We identify knowledge gaps, foster networks and translate existing knowledge to produce and exchange relevant, accessible, and evidence-informed products with practitioners, policy makers and researchers.


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