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Summer 2013
Centre News
NCCAH Publications
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National Collaborating Centres for Public Health

National Collaborating Centres for Public Health  

The NCCAH is one of six National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) working together to promote and improve the use of scientific research and other knowledge to strengthen public health practices and policies in Canada. We identify knowledge gaps, foster networks and translate existing knowledge to produce and exchange relevant, accessible, and evidence-informed products with practitioners, policy makers and researchers.    


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A survey of the educational needs of nurses working in First Nations health transferred communities.
The Health Council reports on the progress made by jurisdictions in five priority areas of the health accords.


A joint First Nations Health Council and First Nations Health Authority Newsletter with updates and highlights on the transition of health governance to First Nations. 



Healthy Teeth, Healthy Lives: Inuit Oral Health Action Plan 2013



Statistics Canada Report: Dietary habits of Aboriginal Children



National Household Survey: Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit 



Article: Mental health of Aboriginal children and adolescents in violent school environments: protective mediators of violence and psychological/nervous disorders

Article: Illicit and prescription drug problems among urban Aboriginal adults in Canada - The role of traditional culture in protection and resilience


37th Annual BC Elders Gathering, Prince George, BC
July 8-11, 2013
The Basic purpose of the Gathering is the need for Elders throughout the province to have inter-social and community links that bind them together as a Nation.

International Indigenous Voices in Social Work, Winnipeg, MB
July 8-11, 2013
This conference will support global learning of Indigenous knowledges and practices, support people in the local efforts, and bring people together for meaningful connections.

Conference website
IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Pattaya, Thailand
August 25-29, 2013
The conference aims to contribute to the development of equity and social justice across the globe by offering a unique platform for dialogue on the best investments for health between participants from various sectors from all over the world.

Conference website
International Conference on Prevention of FASD, Edmonton, AB
September 23-25, 2013
The conference will serve as an international knowledge exchange and networking forum for those interested in FASD prevention, bringing together key experts from around the globe.

Conference website
Wise Practices IV: Aboriginal Community-based Research Gathering, Saskatoon, SK
September 25-27
The Gathering provides opportunities for multi-directional learning, capacity building, networking, reflection, and sharing innovative integrated and end-of- project research results. Sessions highlight the lived experiences of HIV/AIDS in the Aboriginal community and contribute to CAAN's research activities.

Conference website

wild berries

Welcome to our summer newsletter! I am happy to share some of the exciting activities at the NCCAH over the past few months. We have published several new reports and factsheets on topics such as cultural safety in health care, urban Aboriginal families, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in Aboriginal contexts, and childhood wellness. We hope you enjoy, learn from, and share our new materials on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples' health and wellbeing.


Our commitment is to continually improve our knowledge exchange activities by providing information in the most accessible, relevant and timely way. One of these ways is to provide more frequent quarterly newsletter bulletins to you, keeping you up-to-date on our activities. Please join us on Twitter and Facebook to receive updates as they happen!


I invite you to enjoy this newsletter and to visit the full documents on our website. 




Dr. Margo Greenwood, Academic Leader

National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health


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Centre News       


Dr. Margo Greenwood appointed Vice President of Aboriginal Health for Northern Health Authority

June 1, 2013, Margo accepted the position of Vice President of Aboriginal Health for the Northern Health Authority. In this role, she is providing executive leadership to the Aboriginal Health portfolio, including the development of relationships with the First Nations Health Council, North Region Health Caucus, and the First Nations Health Authority. Margo is working part-time in her role as Vice President at Northern Health and continues her role as Academic Leader of the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, and as Associate Professor in the College of Arts, Social and Human Sciences at UNBC.

5th International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health

The International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health (IMICH), held every two years, focuses on innovative clinical care models and community-based public health approaches for children and youth in First Nations, Inuit, Métis, American Indian, Alaska Native and other Indigenous communities around the world. The NCCAH participated at this 5th international meeting in Portland, Oregon in April 2013. We were there with all of our materials to share. As well, Dr. Margo Greenwood participated in a panel discussion on health systems and presented a session on healthy communities as places to live, work and play.
Conference website...

Mobilize for our Community's Well-being
Dr. Margo Greenwood participated in an event in Saskatoon on May 13 organized by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health. The event focused on action for health equity, and Dr. Greenwood contributed an Aboriginal health perspective to a discussion on community well-being. You can find out more about the event or view the "Storify" link to see social media activity related to the event.


NCCAH Research Associate wins BC Literary Excellence Award

Dr. Sarah de Leeuw, Research Associate and long-time collaborator with the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, was recently honoured with a BC Book Prize for Literary Excellence.


Canadian Public Health Association 2013 Annual Conference

The NCCAH will be at the upcoming Canadian Public Health Association Conference in Ottawa June 9-12. This year's theme is
Moving public health forward: Evidence, policy, and practice. We are very proud to support this important annual event, and will be participating along with the other five National Collaborating Centres (NCCs). On June 9th, the NCCs are hosting an interactive networking dinner
Sharing Experiences Face-to-Face. On June 10th, the NCCs are are presenting a collaborative session on Evidence in Action

You can also find us at our information booth sharing all of our resources, as well as at a collective presentation on the National Collaborating Centre program. We look forward to sharing the highlights of this important annual event.

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Featured NCCAH Publications


Strengthening Urban Aboriginal Families: Exploring promising practices

This report identifies promising practices that agencies, practitioners, and policy makers can use to strengthen urban Aboriginal families. It includes six detailed case studies of service agencies that have all been successful in building service demand and matching community needs.


Read the web story... 

Download the report... 



Cultural Safety in First Nations, Inuit and Métis Public Health

This report provides an in-depth look at the state of cultural safety knowledge in Aboriginal health care, including such things as terminology, core competencies, accreditation standards, undergraduate and graduate level curriculum, professional development and continuing education opportunities, and provincial and national projects engaging with the issue.


Read our web story on cultural safety... 

Download the report... 



A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in an Aboriginal Context

This report focuses on the under representation of Aboriginal peoples in the privileged Western research design of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The authors make a strong case that to remedy existing health care disparities; researchers need to develop participatory, socially relevant, and culturally safe methods for conducting RCTs within First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.


Read the web story... 

Download the report.. 



Childhood Health and Wellness Booklets

Four new resource booklets were collaboratively developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health and BC First Nations Health Authority to share important parenting information, strategies, tips, and other resources that will help First Nations and Métis parents raise healthy, secure, confident, trusting, and resilient children.


Read the web story and download the booklets...  



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Contact us


Tell us what you think!

We always love to hear from you! Contact us with your comments, questions and feedback at    






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National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health
3333 University Way
Prince George, British Columbia  V2N 4Z9
Tel: 250-960-5250
Fax: 250-960-5644
Contact us: