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October 3, 2013
In This Issue
The future of energy?
Fishing for electrons
Does it come with instructions?
Got dirt?
As Maine goes
Selling Btus
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The future of energy?
We're watching all this fracking going on in more and more places but there are other things happening around the world that are even more promising. This article gave me lots to consider. Let's both do our best to stick around and see what happens. 


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Fishing for electrons
wastewater Here's something brand-new from the big brains at Stanford University. Imagine getting electricity from wastewater, and all by way of microbes. It's all small-scale stuff right now but the potential sure is there. My son-in-law, John, is a Stanford graduate in mechanical engineering. I'm going to ask him why he didn't think of this. Hey, he could be providing for me in my dotage. 
Does it come with instructions?
ikea IKEA, the folks who bring us all that cool (and maddening) furniture from Sweden, will soon open their Kansas store, making them the owners of the largest geothermal project within the states of Kansas and Missouri. They did a similar thing in Denver a couple of years ago. Here's the Kansas story. Oh, and the meatballs are still extra. 
Got dirt?
power plant Here's an interesting report on where the dirtiest power plants are spewing. See where your state stands. We have a nasty one right here on Long Island.  Americans have nothing on China, though. Check out the bar graph on page six of the report. Gag me!
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As Maine goes
man holding wood pellets So goes the oil-heating industry. I wrote this column in 2011. Here's a story about what's going on now. They sure seem to be feeling good about wood up there in Maine.
Selling Btus
heatpod And along those same Maine lines, there is this story, coming to us by way of the ever-curious, Robert O'Brien. Seeing a trend? 
fracking This article ties back to that first article, making a complete circle. Now I'm really confused. Anyway, it seems we may be making some tough choices in the years to come. Would you rather be breathing or drinking? Thanks to subscriber, Bruce Good, for the heads-up.
Hug your kids.


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