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December 13, 2012
In This Issue
Two astonishing technologies
New school
Wind-turbine health hazards
Energy upgrades in Boulder, Colorado
How to heat a shipping container
Superstorm vs. Solar PV
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Two astonishing technologies
trees and sky Thanks to subscriber, Noel Kelly (who is a Renaissance man) for sending me these two videos. He writes, "As always, the proof will be in the pudding, but the ramifications are enormous." To which I agree. Here's the first video, and here's the second. Prepare to be boggled.


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New school
net zero design Check out this net-zero school that's planned for New York City in the borough of Staten Island. It wasn't that long ago that most of NYC's schools were steam heated, with coal-fired boilers, stoked by real-live firemen. I remember visiting these. It was like visiting a Dickens novel. They sure have come a long way, and Staten Island can use some good news right now.
Wind-turbine health hazards
colbert I urge you to watch this important video as soon as possible. It's from an authoritative source. Did you know that the mortality rate of people exposed to wind turbines is 100 percent? It's shocking!  


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Energy upgrades in Boulder, Colorado
boulder solar panels Boulder, one of the most environmentally conscious places in America, now requires landlords to make big energy improvements to their properties or lose their licence to rent. Who pays for this? The tenants of course, and here's the story.  
How to heat a shipping container
shipping container home Not the sort you'll find on a cargo ship, the kind you live in. I think folks who choose to live in a shipping container are interesting, and those who can figure out how to efficiently heat the thing are even more interesting. Here's the story
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Superstorm vs. Solar PV
solar panel Folks in New Jersey who lost power from Hurricane Sandy learned that having a roof full of PV panels isn't much help when the utility goes down. But you can always buy that $8,000 battery if you'd like. 
How's this for a project?
solar thermal in germany Solar-thermal for district heating, and on a very large scale. It's in Hamburg, Germany and the rest of the story is here. Enjoy!

Hug your kids.


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