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October 25, 2012
In This Issue
What's in a boiler label?
Got garbage?
Rising tides
Symbolic value?
A blueprint for inventing inventors
Nesting instinct
Think you got it going on?
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What's in a boiler label?
boiler There's some arguing going on in the European Union about what makes for a good boiler and a not-as-good boiler. As subscriber, Robert O'Brien, notes, "It sounds like our never-ending discussion of AFUE." And in the end, isn't it really about the building envelope, the system design, and the installer? Hmm.

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Got garbage?
garbage pile Send it to Sweden! They can use all they can get. Thanks to subscriber, Maurya McCall, for sharing this quick story about how district heating helps solve a common problem - what to do with all that trash. Remember the homeless garbage barge of 1987? How times have changed. 
Rising tides
underwater turbine And falling tides. They're now both supplying some power to the folks in Maine, and we'll probably be seeing more of this. Here's the story, with a big thanks to subscriber, Robert O'Brien.
Symbolic value?
Temple University So, to get college kids thinking about green issues, Temple University put a few solar-PV canopies over a few picnic tables. The kids can use the outlets near the tables to charge their many energy-consuming gadgets. Check it out here

Rehau Academy

A blueprint for inventing inventors
Sadoway Here's a terrific talk from TED that our buddy, Ray Wohlfarth,shared with me. TED is a treasure trove of ideas and this short talk is absolutely electric.  
Nesting instinct
nest thermostat The Nest thermostat just keeps getting better and better. Here's the latest. What if he decides to make a furnace? 
Think you got it going on?
denmark workshop Check out what the world of district heating is up to. These projects are fascinating and the solar/CHP thing in Denmark is just plain brilliant. 
Dead Men's Steam Schools
skull and cross bones Here's where we'll be. Hope you can make it. A good time will be had by all! 

Hug your kids.


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