"Be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Ghandi

Dear Friends: 

It's that time again! September means more than changing leaves and cooler temps, it's marathon and 5k season...time to get your JACKSFUND on!

We're excited to reconnect with all our friends, supporters and sponsors at one of the following events:

"THIS RUN'S FOR JACK" 5k - Oct 18

Look forward to seeing you soon!

With hope,

Sharon Marston
fighting melanoma every step of the way
12th ANNUAL "This Run's For Jack" 5K RUN/WALK
October 18th - 8AM 
Register Before OCTOBER 2nd to GUARANTEE a shirt.

A unique opportunity for 
families, neighbors, school groups, businesses 
to come together for a great cause.  

Free skin cancer screening by local dermatologists at the race and at packet pickup.
Early detection saves lives!

It takes 250 volunteers.
If you don't run, please consider volunteering.   
Groups are Welcome

The vision of JF Board Member, Stacie Fallon: The tent serves as a place of respite, offering food, coffee and friendship to those whom melanoma has touched.
Sponsorships helps underwrite the cost of the race so that participant donations can fully support melanoma research, awareness and healing programs. 
"This Run's For Jack" 5k REGISTER HERE: 



875 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn, IL

Health Track Logo


Can't attend the 5k? Become a virtual runner! 

"Why We Run"
Powerful, personal testimonials shared by our marathon teams.
To support the fundraising goals set by these incredible athletes and read more about the team, click on the individual stories below or the marathon logo to view their group fundraising pages:

This is it ... the 23rd and FINAL Marathon

"Friends ... I hope this note finds you all well! I'm back at it again, running and raising money for Jack's Team but as all great things must come to an end this will be it for me! This will be my twenty third and final marathon!! No pun intended but it's been an incredible 'run'  -- the training and life don't always match up for me and at this point in my life the marathon training is getting tougher and tougher ... physically I feel fine but I've been in training for marathons the past fifteen years, it is time for a break.  I have been blessed to be a part of something powerful after something so sad, Jack Marston a friend battling melanoma that took his physical life but through his family, friends and Jack's team of runners, we keep fighting for him, we live for him and he is a reminder every day for us, to keep fighting and never give up!! ... read more"
I run for my dad, Bob Muckley

"Dad was always my biggest fan since the day I started running. He sacrificed so much so that I could travel to my races and have the shoes and gear I needed. He quickly learned when I had a good race and when I had a bad race and he wrapped me in his arms with pride after every race, no matter the outcome. I always felt that qualifying for the Boston Marathon was something out of my reach (the time for my age group is 3 hours and 35 minutes). But when my dad found out in February of 2011 that the melanoma he thought he had beaten had come back with a vengeance, I dove into a training regimen with the goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I wanted to give Dad something positive to think about and to be proud of.

The day of the race arrived in October 2011 and, sadly, Dad was simply in too much pain to come out and watch. He called me that morning to wish me luck and I knew he would be in my heart for the entire race. About 5 miles into the race, I realized that I had been running next to or near the same gentleman for some time so, understanding as runners we're all in the same fight at some point in a race, I introduced myself while I was still feeling good. He introduced himself...his name was Bob. Were I not trying to control my breathing I would have started sobbing right then ... read more"
VISION STATEMENT:  "We envision a world where every adult and child is aware of the risks of melanoma and takes preventative measures; where those who suffer from melanoma receive comfort and healing; and ultimately, where every case of melanoma will be completely curable"