Thank you Sponsors!
FINAL REMINDER - 5k Registration
October 16, 2013
We believe healing happens when friends, family and even strangers come together to make a difference. We've seen it. We've experienced it first hand. And that is why we set the 5k fees as a donation - never to price anyone out from participating.
The ability to offer our 5k participants a donation option at registration is due to the generosity of our
Sponsor dollars help balance the cost of race expenses: t-shirts, food, water, tents, permits, printing, rentals, timing and much more, allowing donations to go directly to research, awareness and survivorship programs.
Thank you sponsors for making the
10th anniversary of
"This Run's For Jack"
a special morning,
filled with hope, healing and friendship.
** On-line registration remains open **credit card, check or cash accepted for same day sign up.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
8:00 AM
Ackerman Park, Glen Ellyn
Free Private Skin Checks by local dermatologists,
ChronoTrack timing tag, USATF Certified Course, Music, Awards, Food, Kids Zone, Massages, Team Challenge
Long Sleeve Shirt (while they last), Meet our 2013 Marathon Team Members.
Registration is available on Friday and Saturday at Packet Pick-up, as well as on Sunday morning. Avoid the lines on Sunday and register on-line today.
 Ackerman Sports Center 800 St. Charles Rd., Glen Ellyn, IL Friday 5 pm - 10 pm Saturday 9 am - 5 pmInside Ackerman Sports Center - Upstairs
follow signs. Registration is still open ! note: credit card, check or cash accepted at same day registration.
Details, Documents, Waivers and More
- Local hotels offer special priced rooms for Jack's Fund
10th Annual "This Run's For Jack" 5k
Race Day Schedule for October 20, 2013
6:30 am Same Day Registration 7:00 am - Meghan Saletta (Nashville singer/songwriter) 7:30 am Welcome and Announcements
7:45 am Warm Up 7:50 am National Anthem - Kate Wild (performs at major sporting events)
8:00 am START
9:00 am Raffle Winners Announced
9:15 am Awards Ceremony (check website for categories)
Please no pets. Strollers line up behind walkers.
Ackerman Parking. Parking attendants will direct you to alternate locations after lot fills.
Alternate Parking can be found 3-blocks from starting line at Main and St. Charles.
Arrive Early! Enter Ackerman Park at the EAST entrance near WATER TOWER. Carpooling, biking, walking encourage. Ackerman lot fills up fast on race morning. If lot is full, map to alternate parking will be handed out by parking attendants. Race Results. Posted Sunday afternoon on JACKSFUND websites AND are available as a text message through Chronotrack (must sign up in advance through your registration information). Also posted Monday at My Chicago Athlete
Jack's Fund Dri-Fit Shirts for Sale
cash only.
- Vintage Jack's Fund Shirts $5.00
- Gildan sweatshirts/hoodies $25.00
 Virtual Runner/Walker Can't join us on October 20th in Glen Ellyn at "This Run's For Jack," but you would still like to support the cause ? ... Become a VIRTUAL runner/walker. We'll send you this medal and a race t-shirt. WHAT IS A VIRTUAL RUN? There are no rules, no finish times, no distance restrictions. Run/walk a treadmill, around the neighborhood or don't run at all. It's up to you. It's on your time. It's your "run." Form a Virtual TEAM -- We welcome all who want to make a difference in the fight -- raise awareness, fund research, support healing. Share this with your friends.
Jessica Linney
Official 2013 Race Starter
We are so honored to welcome Jessica and her daughter to the 5k. They are flying in from Colorado to join us on Sunday morning. Jessica is a melanoma survivor who is passionate about raising awareness. She hosted a fundraising event in Colorado this past March (benefiting Jack's Fund) and is a member of Jack's Marathon Team.
"If you need anymore motivation for a race to benefit melanoma here it is... I had a mole removed on Valentines Day that we had been following and it was a melanoma. Fortunately, it is early and I will be getting a minor surgical removal of the area with hopefully no further treatment. Almost seven years without a melanoma until now so I am grateful. Thank you everyone for being a part of this race that I hope will save lives."
Free Volunteer Breakfast - We Celebrate You!
All 250 volunteers are invited for a free breakfast, starting a 9:30 am, hosted by North Side Bar and Grill. Check-in list at the door. Questions click here.
Share your stories ... parking, registration, course marshals.
The food is unbelievable, the conversation is filled with laughter and the memories last a lifetime. |
Congratulations! Jack's Marathon Team Chicago
More pictures and stories in the next newsletter.
"Like" us on Facebook to view team albums.
"We envision a world where every adult and child is aware of the risks of melanoma and takes preventative measures; where those who suffer from melanoma receive comfort and healing; and ultimately, where every case of melanoma will be completely curable." |