Meeting Highlights:
October 28, 2014
A summary of actions from regular, monthly Board of Education meetings.   
Upcoming Monthly Board MeetingThe next regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the TF Center for Academics & Technology, located at 1605 Wentworth Avenue, Calumet City, Illinois Note:  Due to the holiday schedule, the December Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 16, 2014.


Excellence Counts: 


Felicia Blitstein, of Meats by Linz, Inc.,  was nominated for the District 215 Excellence Counts Award by staff member Jennifer Donovan.  Ms. Bliltstein was nominated for her commitment in providing placements for students as part of a student work


Pictured Above:  Felicia Blitstein (L) & instructor Jennifer Donovan (R)

Pictured Below:  Forest James 





Mr. Forest James, a maintenance employee (and alumni) from T.F. South High School, was nominated by Foreman Tim Stephan for the District 215 Excellence Counts Award.  Mr. James will be retiring this week after 38 years of service to District 215.  



2013-14 School Report Cards:


Mike Fies, Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, presented an overview of the 2013-14 District 215 State School Report Cards being released this week.  The documents, in their new format, are available on the State Board of Education web site as well as the District 215 web page


Policy Revisions


Revisions to the following policies were presented for a 1st reading by the Board of Education and will be presented at the November meeting for adoption:  


2100: Administrative Compensation - cleanup language

2111: Administrative Contracts / Support Staff Workrules - cleanup language  

4142: Filing of Documents -  cleanup language   

5061: Prevention of Bullying - major revisions as required by changes in the law


Estimated 2014 Tax Levy:

Annually, an estimated tax levy is presented to the Board of Education for approval.  The estimation is 1.198% greater than the total 2013 tax levy extension.  The total levy extension is the actual total amount of taxes billed by Cook County for District 215.    



Approval to Administer 457(b) Plan:  


This plan offers eligible employees the opportunity to contribute to their personal retirement savings by deferring current compensation. 

2014 Bonds Issued to Refund 2005 Bonds:


The 2005 Bonds are callable on 12.1.2014.  Interest rates are lower now than when these bonds were originally issued.  The refunding of these bonds does not extend the term. 


Routine Financial and Personnel:  


A summary of the monthly financial and personnel actions may be found in the approved Board of Education minutes posted to the District's webpage. 

Click Here for Minutes:  Board of Education Meeting Minutes




 Click on the following link to view the 2014-15 School Calendar.  

Thornton Fractional High School District 215
Contact: Julie Venem
Phone: (708) 585-2309
Fax: (708) 585-2318
Copyright �2013. All Rights Reserved.