The Insight Bureau quarterly newsletter

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We are delighted to announce the launch of our revamped website, designed to be more informative and easy to navigate. Take some time to look around and use the on-line forms to request further information, or simply give us a call and we will consult with you on your upcoming needs. Thank you for your continued support.



Graeme Maxton - Club of Rome

Congratulations to Graeme Maxton who, at the end of last year, was appointed as the Secretary-General of the Club of Rome. 

He leads the strategy for the organisation and is its spokesman on the critical issues facing the world - economic, environmental and social.  He coordinates the world of a distinguished group of leaders from the world of science, academia, politics and business. 

Graeme is well known and highly respected for his book, The End of Progress; how modern economics has failed us (2011). 

Read more about



We have now just released the latest Bellwether Report in the series of
GEMS reports, especially written and edited by Dr Yuwa Hedrick-Wong for The Insight Bureau. 


The Global Emerging Markets Service of The Insight Bureau 

The Insight Bureau Newsletter

January, 2015

Dear ,


As we enter 2015, let me firstly wish everyone the very best for the year ahead. We plan to send out only two newsletters a year by way of keeping you updated on a few new developments, and to simply remind you now and again about our 'treasure chest' of speakers, as one of our clients graciously described our bureau!  


We service conferences, client events, strategy / Board meetings and leadership development sessions, working with some truly talented and insightful people. 


We continue to send through "From The Desk Of" articles, written by selected speakers. Last year we actually shared "Caf� Insights" audio interviews, and these will continue in 2015. We are glad to share such insights via our website, by email or via LinkedIn, with our compliments. 


Again, all the best for the year ahead.  


Andrew Vine

Chairman & Managing Director, The Insight Bureau
E: [email protected] | T: +65-6300-2495


View my profile on LinkedIn

What's New:

New speakers join the bureau's global network


We continue to expand and renew our speaker network, and among the individuals we welcomed in 2014 are the following: 


A futurist, speaker & author, working at the interface of technology, new markets and human development to identify a blueprint for the organisation of the 21st Century.

The co-author of Hybrid Reality and speaker on emerging technologies, innovation, education and the future of smart cities; A woman with her eye on our intelligent future.

Global Thought Leader on technology and innovation. His passion about the new technologies which will change our world blows audiences away -- what was once pure science-fiction is fast becoming reality and poised to regenerate optimism for the future. 

A former professional poker player and entrepreneur, he delivers motivational presentations about risk; the master of turning calculated risks into good decisions!

An international writer and commentator on China's societal development. From rocket factory worker to now, she shares an inspiring life story which reflects the phenomenal changes which have occurred in China.

Leader of Singapore's first Everest expedition, he is a speaker & facilitator on leadership & motivation who not only inspires us through his personal story, but is an expert in the area of leadership.

Professor of Climate Strategy & Co-Author of Limits to Growth and Author of 2052: one of the most respected names in the field of climate change who forecasts a challenging future for humanity.

Top Speakers in 2014: 
Some of our most popular speakers of last year who will no doubt continue to provide timely insights and inspire fresh thinking into 2015 and beyond.

Digital Editor, The Economist. Tom is someone who constantly scans the future looking out for new things that will change our world.

Author of The Rise of the New East, and speaker on Asia economics & business, offering independent, insightful analysis of the dynamics of the economies of China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East regions.

Author of The Idea BookDeveloping World and One World One Company. A brilliant speaker on creativity, idea generation and innovation.

Senior Editor with The Economist and the author of Need, Speed, and Greed, he is an outstanding speaker on innovation, standing at the very forefront of thinking and debate about the technological and other innovations that will enable us to tackle the world's 21st century top challenges.

Secretary-General of the Club of Rome, author of The End of Progress and a speaker on the world's economy, society and sustainability. When Graeme speaks, people listen. His tough message is not always what we want to hear, but certainly what we need to think about.


A global economist and business strategist, his combination of rigorous economic analysis and effective communication allows him to convey the key developments that matter in the world economy and in the emerging markets and to interpret their implications in ways that business leaders can understand and act upon.  

Cafe Insights with...

The Insight Bureau's Caf� Insights are designed to be a series of inspiring, Q&A style interviews conducted with our speakers in a casual, informal caf� setting.


Café Insights with Mike Walsh
Mike Walsh
Caf Insights with Mike Walsh

In this, our most recent issue, Mike Walsh best-selling author of "Futuretainment" and CEO of innovation research lab Tomorrow, talks about technology, innovation and human interaction, and what this all means for businesses in the future and for Asia.


About The Insight Bureau


We provide timely, independent and objective insight and analysis to help business leaders make better decisions and to help organisers of business events to develop more meaningful programmes, engaging the top issues that shape corporate agendas around the world.  


We place speakers chairmen and moderators into business summits, client events and companies' internal planning and strategy sessions, board presentations and leadership development briefings. When you need well-thought out, independent insight and analysis, remember you can turn to us. 

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