East Bay Leadership Council News for January 2015 
In this issue
CEO viewpoint: Raising the Bar in 2015
January 22 East Bay USA dinner recap: A conversation between The Honorable Ellen Tauscher and Karl Rove at East Bay USA meets our highest expectations
Upcoming events: State of the East Bay, Senate Candidates Forum and Will Kempton coming right up
Task force briefings: February meetings and speakers
News for our members: East Bay Broadband Consortium holds summit in Oakland February 3 ... Contra Costa Adult Education Summit is February 3 ... EC2 Economic Development Summit set for February 27 in Brentwood
News about our members: Mojdeh Mehdizadeh named interim president of Contra Costa College
New members: Welcome, Samantha Caygill of the League of California Cities
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What We Offer ...

Significant influence through the involvement of a critical mass of top business leaders.

Collective action on issues that matter to your company.

Direct access to top federal, state and regional political leaders and stakeholder groups.

Valuable connections to the influential business and civic leaders in the region.

Credibility through well researched, fact-based positions and policy recommendations.

Regional policy expertise through internal experts, external networks and partner organizations.

For more information about joining the Council, contact Kristin Connelly or Terry Shoaff at 925.246.1880.
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Kristin Connelly Raising the Bar in 2015

By Kristin Connelly, President and CEO, East Bay Leadership Council

The recent East Bay USA dinner not only served as a fitting kick-off to the 2015 East Bay Leadership Series, but also kick-started an exciting year ahead for the Council.

A year that began with the release of Governor Brown's budget proposal which highlighted ripe opportunities for advocacy focused on workforce development, water, and infrastructure investment - to name only a few issues that the Council will be tackling.

Last week East Bay USA launched a new evening format to rave reviews. Adding to the fresh take was a surprisingly cordial and unsurprisingly thoughtful keynote discussion between The Honorable Ellen Tauscher and Karl Rove.

The pairing reflected the Council's focus on thinking creatively and raising the bar for policy discussions between people of diverse backgrounds and political beliefs - just like the Council!

With EBUSA behind us, the momentum is building for Parts II and III of the Leadership Series in April and September. Our program committee is working hard to lock in compelling speakers and a program that I know you will enjoy. Please keep an eye on our website and other communications for more details.

And I would be remiss in not thanking our series sponsors for their generosity. Our work is made possible thanks to your continued support. Thank you again.

On a different note, I want to encourage all Council members to complete our membership survey, which you will be receiving soon. Your responses will help us improve how we communicate with you and hone our priorities for the year. 

Below you will read about our upcoming events, which are all part of EBLC's advocacy strategy. These programs are presented to inform, engage and guide the policy choices required to ensure a vibrant economy and improved quality of life in our region. I urge you to attend as many events as you can.

If you have comments or thoughts on our plans for 2015, please contact me at 925.246.1880.

I am pleased with our early victories, but it is time to get to work. And I look forward to what we will accomplish together as we continue to raise the bar for the East Bay community.

Karl Rove and Ellen Tauscher
Karl Rove and Ellen Tauscher
(Photo by Amy Sullivan)
Conversation between The Honorable Ellen Tauscher and Karl Rove at East Bay USA meets our highest expectations

East Bay USA 2015 had it all. As one prominent audience member suggested, "It had the buzz, the sizzle, the content, the crowd and even the protestors!" (The latter refers to local activist groups who protested for a short time in front of the event venue.)

The pairing of The Hon. Ellen O'Kane Tauscher and Karl Rove--two very distinguished, and distinct, political personalities--at the East Bay Leadership Council's signature East Bay USA dinner did not disappoint. It piqued the interest of business and professional leaders across the Bay Area, drew a crowd of more than 300, and merited a terrific column by Contra Costa Times columnist Tom Barnidge and an article by Times political reporter Josh Richman.

KPIX Weekend Edition's Ann Notarangelo moderated the conversation between Tauscher and Rove, which was both topical and often unexpectedly agreeable.

They began by discussing California's upcoming Senate race, noting it was very early in the game, but gave Democrat California Attorney General Kamala Harris "a good chance." They also discussed the national political landscape and Washington politics. "During the seven terms that I was in Congress, I saw a lot of people walking through to vote and not even saying 'hello' to the other party," said Tauscher. "People can disagree, but in the end they are meant to get things done. If everyone stays in a rigid position, nothing gets done. I'm afraid that's what we have now. ...We need leadership in politics and for people to stand up and say what they stand for," she added.

One size fits all?

"Free education is an interesting proposal, but how do we afford it?" asked Tauscher. Rove agreed that a current community college plan proposing two tuition-free years "shouldn't go anywhere. The idea that one size fits all is wrong. I can't get my mind around how weird this is when we are shutting down four-year colleges," he said.

Asked who the Republicans will run for President, Rove replied that Jeb Bush's name will help him, "He's got to say who he is," he added. "I hope it is Hillary Clinton [on the Democrats' side]," said Tauscher, "although she hasn't decided to run. Hillary needs to do a few things, to build a campaign organization."

In a discussion of jobs and business, Tauscher noted, "We have billions of dollars of American corporate money offshore. We should try to figure out how to have a tax holiday a couple times a year. We need that money back here," she added to applause.

Need for strong leadership

They also agreed on the need for strong government leadership in dealing with terrorism.

"The Dutch and French governments have a big problem and they know it," said Tauscher. "Terrorism is a big threat to our economy, our security and our way of life."

"We need to re-establish and recognize we will only be safe as a country if we have strong American leadership," said Rove. He added that government needs to confront challenges with sustained bipartisan leadership.

The decision you have to make as business and community leaders," he told the crowd, "is whether you want to shape or be shaped."

"I wish Ellen were running for the United States Senate," said Rove. He said he would work for her or against her, whichever would help her win. Tauscher, however, had already said she "loves the private sector" and does not intend on running.
Candidates Forum flyerSenate Candidates Forum and Will Kempton reception coming right up

Right on the heels of the highly successful East Bay USA Dinner on January 22, the East Bay Leadership Council continues its busy events lineup in January and February, plus East Bay Leadership Series 2015 programs in April and September. 
  • Wednesday, February 11: State Senate District 7 Candidates Luncheon Forum, with declared candidates Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, former Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer, teacher/scientist Terry Kremin of Concord
    (invited) and businesswoman Michaela M. Hertle of Pleasanton (invited), at the Walnut Creek Marriott, 11:30 a.m. (A special primary election is scheduled for March 17; the top two finishers will square off in a special election on May 19.)
  • Thursday, February 12: Reception for Will Kempton, newly named executive director of the California Transportation Commission, at Scott's Seafood, Walnut Creek, 5:30 p.m. Kempton will offer a perspective on his new position, his vision and priorities for the commission.
  • Thursday, April 16: East Bay Leadership Series 2015, Part II, East Bay Economic Forecast and Infrastructure Panel, with Christopher Thornberg of Beacon Economics, followed by a panel discussion about the infrastructure and transportation needs of the East Bay, at the Hilton Concord, 8 a.m.
  • September 2015: East Bay Leadership Series 2015, Part III, East Bay Workforce Innovations and Healthcare Trends, a panel discussion about innovations in workforce investment in the East Bay and the healthcare sector, 12 noon.
More details about these events will be provided as soon as they are finalized. Please watch our website and social media (Twitter, Facebook and now LinkedIn) for information and registration links.
Land Use Task Force meeting
EBLC CEO Kristin Connelly facilitates discussion at recent Land Use Task Force meeting
February meetings and speakers

New and prospective Council members are welcome to attend task force meetings. Please notify a task force co-chair prior to the meeting to confirm meeting topics, time and location, as details may change. To view task force agendas, policy papers and recent presentations, visit the Task Force pages on the Council website. Watch the website Announcements page for meeting updates.

Workforce Development/Education Task Force . . . Wednesday, February 4, 8:30 to 10 a.m. . . . Contra Costa Workforce Development Board, 300 Ellinwood Way, Bodega Room, Pleasant Hill. Dr. Duane Crum, state director of Project Lead the Way California, will present information about the Career Technical Education (CTE) curriculum of choice in many East Bay school districts. Alan Ichikawa of Dow Chemical and chair of the Diablo Delta Industry Roundtable, offers Diablo Delta Corridor Project: An Industry-led Business/Education Collaboration. Co-chairs: Joanne Durkee and Kathleen Robinson

Health Care Task Force . . . Thursday, February 5, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. . . . Burr Pilger Mayer, 2001 North Main Street, Suite 360, Walnut Creek. Will cover legislation and policy issues, among other topics. At the December meeting, the task force received an overview of the Cancer Support Network and updates on the Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo, Covered California and other legislation. Next meeting is Thursday, March 5. Co-chair: Steve Van Wart

Economic Development Task Force . . . Friday, February 6, 8:15 to 9:30 a.m. . . . Brown and Caldwell, 201 N. Civic Drive, South Tower, Suite 300, Walnut Creek. A joint presentation with the Environment/Manufacturing Task Force and Airphrame, a well-backed startup that uses drones monitored and controlled over the internet to create maps and graphics for multiple business industries' use. At the January meeting, Ed Del Beccaro, managing director of Transwestern's Walnut Creek office, discussed the commercial real estate landscape and the business hubs supporting major corporations in the East Bay. Lizeht Zepeda, economic development program manager for the city of Antioch, was introduced. Co-chairs: Jodi Avina and Jeff Stemke

Environmental/Manufacturing Task Force . . . Friday, February 6, 8:15 to 9:30 a.m. . . . Brown and Caldwell, 201 N. Civic Drive, Suite 300, Walnut Creek. Joint meeting with the Economic Development Task Force (see above). The January meeting featured a presentation by representatives of Lehigh Hanson and Lind Marine on sand mining in the Bay. Co-chairs: Peter McGaw and George Smith

Land Use Task Force . . . Wednesday, February 11, 8 to 9 a.m. . . . Archer Norris, 2033 North Main Street, Suite 800, Walnut Creek. At the January meeting, EBLC President and CEO Kristin Connelly provided an update on legislative priorities of the R.E.A.L. Coalition and the Bay Area Business Coalition, and an emerging opportunity related to automated and connected vehicle testing at the Concord Naval Weapons Station property. A lively discussion of task force priorities covered jobs, housing affordability, Plan Bay Area, Concord Naval Weapons Station, CEQA, and the need for increased housing stock. Co-chairs: Mike McGill and Ed Shaffer 

Small Business/Entrepreneur Task Force . . . Tuesday, February 24, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. . . . De La Housaye & Associates, 165 N. Main Street, Suite 260, Walnut Creek. In January, the task force held its quarterly meeting of Chamber of Commerce executives and legislative representatives. Dave Kelly discussed Small Business California. Co-chairs: Angela De La Housaye and Jenny Kohler

Water Task Force . . . Friday, February 27, 8:15 to 10 a.m. (note change of date) . . . Brown and Caldwell, 201 N. Civic Drive, Suite 300, Walnut Creek. At the January meeting, Karen Larsen, assistant director of the Division of Drinking Water, now part of the State Water Resources Control Board, discussed development of a Safe Drinking Water Plan. Co-chairs: Ann Spaulding and Bob Whitley; Vice-chair: Gary Darling
East Bay Broadband Consortium holds summit in Oakland February 3

Join the East Bay Broadband Consortium as it launches
A Year of Action on Broadband, a summit being held on Tuesday, February 3, from 8:30 to10:30 a.m. at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 388 9th Street, Room 290, Oakland.

Hear from elected leaders, telecommunications leaders and others on opportunities ahead in 2015 for progress on broadband policy and infrastructure in the East Bay and statewide. The program will include a discussion on cities and broadband with the mayors of Oakland, San Leandro, Brentwood, Benicia and El Cerrito. A broadband providers' conversation will include Ken Maxey of Comcast, The Hon. Ken Mintz of AT&T, Tara Sharp of Sonic and Zoe Salnave of Youth Radio and chair. Register here for this free event.

Earn & Learn East Bay 2015 Kick-Off Breakfast on February 6

Please join the Contra Costa Economic Partnership and the Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa for a business breakfast and kick-off of Earn & Learn East Bay 2015 on Friday, February 6 from 8-10:30 a.m. at the Renaissance Club Sport 2805 Jones Road in Walnut Creek. The Earn & Learn East Bay initiative is aimed at providing summer jobs, internships and work-based learning experiences for youth age 16-21.

EC2 Economic Development Summit set for February 27 in Brentwood

EC2, the East Contra Costa County Collaborative, plans an Economic Development Summit to discuss agriculture, food processing water usage and tourism, on Friday, February 27, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Brentwood Community Center, 35 Oak Street, Brentwood. Hosts include EC2, the city of Brentwood and the Brentwood Agricultural Land Trust (BALT). Registration is free but seating is limited.
Mojdeh Mehdizadeh named interim president of Contra Costa College

Mojdeh Mehdizadeh, executive vice chancellor of Education and Technology for the Contra Costa Community College District, has been named by Chancellor Helen Benjamin as the interim president of Contra Costa College in San Pablo. The position became available following the recent selection of former president, Denise Noldon, as the interim vice chancellor for student services and special programs at the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.

Please welcome our new members!

League of California Cities
Samantha Caygill, Regional Public Affairs Manager, East Bay Division
1400 K Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

LPL Financial
C. Russell Pound
1632 N. Clear Creek Place
Danville, CA 94526

General Legal Counsel, APLC
Joseph Freschi
4695 Chabot Rd., Suite 200
Pleasanton, CA 94588

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Kristina Lawson
One Embarcadero Center, 30th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Shimmick Construction Co., Inc.
Paul A. Cocotis, CEO and Chairman
8201 Edgewater Dr. Ste 202
Oakland, CA 94621

ICF International
Mike Davis, Senior Vice President
620 Folsom Street, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94107

The East Bay Leadership Council is a public policy advocacy organization that promotes the economic vitality and quality of life in the East Bay region. The Council engages on issues of critical importance to the business community and residents, balancing the needs of a diverse region through policy efforts that provide for local and regional economic development while retaining our quality of life.

Through its task forces, the Council develops and supports policy positions to further its mission and sponsors educational forums for its members and the community.

For more information, please visit our website at www.eastbayleadershipcouncil.com.

To comment on items in this newsletter, please contact Kristin Connelly at the East Bay Leadership Council.

This issue was edited for the East Bay Leadership Council by Molly A. Walker of Walker Communications.

� 2015 East Bay Leadership Council