Last issue of 2015: a recap of the Judicial Reception, nominations due for Women Making History, Membership Spotlight on Miranda Soto, 2 Miami-Dade FAWL members selected by the JNC, a night out with Judge Young at Kinky Boots, and "insider" deals to upcoming shows at the Arsht Center. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
DECEMBER, 2015, Vol. XLI, Issue 7
33rd Annual Judicial Reception at the Four Seasons Was Nothing Short of a Winter Wonderland
By: Elisa D'Amico & Stephanie Moncada
Bert Ocariz and Katie Phang donning tree-toppers and spreading some holiday cheer
On December 2, 2015, Miami-Dade FAWL held its 33rd Annual Judicial Reception at the Four Seasons Hotel in Brickell. With Wargo French as the Title Sponsor and with more sponsors supporting the reception than ever before, to say that the event was a success was an understatement. More than 65 esteemed members of the state and federal judiciary were in attendance along with many practicing lawyers and community representatives.

To commence the luncheon, Ramķn Abadin, President of The Florida Bar, welcomed attendees and delivered the invocation. The Hon. Sarah Zabel delivered a brief but poignant talk on "Civility in the Legal Profession" as Miami-Dade FAWL helped to reinvigorate the "Got Civility?" campaign that she started and which has since been adopted by a number of voluntary bar organizations.

The crux of the "Got Civility" movement is simply to promote courtesy in the legal profession. To celebrate the campaign, Judge Zabel spoke to attendees about how important it is for practicing lawyers and members of the judiciary to practice civility and professionalism both in court and in all aspects of their practice. And Miami-Dade FAWL handed out pins to remind attendees to be civil and professional, even when doing so presents a bit of a challenge.

Jody & Ileana
Ileana Cruz presents the "Outstanding Fundraiser Award" to Jody Shulman
At many of its annual events, Miami-Dade FAWL presents a number of awards to honor its members who are deserving of special recognition, and the judicial reception is no exception. Miami-Dade FAWL President Ileana Cruz led the award portion of the ceremony by surprising Director and Judicial Reception Committee Chair Jody Shulman with the Outstanding Fundraiser Award.

Back in 2008, Miami-Dade FAWL established the Honorable Theodore Klein Award in honor of the late Honorable Theodore Klein, who was the first male member of Miami-Dade FAWL. Each year, the organization presents this award to a male lawyer or judge in our legal community who has demonstrated both initiative and dedication to women's issues.
The 2015 Honorable Theodore Klein Award was presented to Ira Leesfield of Leesfield Scolaro, P.A., longtime Miami-Dade FAWL member and extraordinary humanitarian. Over 30 years ago, through his Leesfield Family Foundation, Ira Leesfield (along with his sister, the Hon. Ellen Leesfield) is credited with starting the Miami-Dade FAWL scholarship program. Since that time, Ira Leesfield has continued to fund numerous Miami-Dade FAWL scholarships for deserving law students, he has sponsored countless Miami-Dade FAWL events and programs (his firm was a Grand Benefactor of this year's judicial reception). Ira Leesfield does not limit his philanthropic efforts to Miami-Dade FAWL; rather, his foundation routinely donates to causes that help educate single mothers and he donates to female students in need all over the country. Ira Leesfield has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for women running for public office on the national and local level. He is a voice of encouragement and support to qualified women considering a life of elected or appointed public service, and a mentor to many Miami-Dade FAWL members. He truly has demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of women in the legal profession and Miami-Dade FAWL is proud to honor him with the 2015 Honorable Theodore Klein Award.

Andy Klein, son of the late Judge Theodore Klein, introduced the award and talked about his late father's legacy. Many attendees knew Judge Klein personally, and smiled as they recounted their own memories with one of the sharpest legal minds in South Florida. Throughout his life, Judge Klein exhibited an unwavering passion for the law and a dedication to the advancement of women in all professions, including the law. For these reasons, Miami-Dade FAWL is proud to present an award in his honor each year, and was lucky enough to have Judge Klein's son and brother in attendance to help present this year's award to a most-deserving recipient, Ira Leesfield.
The Hon. Ellen Leesfield, Andy Klein (son of late Judge Ted Klein), Ira Leesfield (Winner of the 2015 Theodore "Ted" Klein Award), and Hank Klein (brother of late Judge Ted Klein)
The Hon. Ellen Leesfield, presented the Hon. Theodore Klein Award to Ira Leesfield. In a brief but poignant speech, she spoke of their incredibly hard-working single mother who gave them both the tools to get ahead. Judge Leesfield spoke of her brother's ability to "hit it out of the park" even at a very young age. She presented her brother with the award, and they both posed for a photograph with Judge Klein's family.

Kelly _ Bloom
The Hon. Carroll Kelly, Award Recipient Chantelle Melendez,
and the Hon. Beth Bloom
Next, Miami-Dade FAWL Directors Courtney Engelke and Mallory Gold presented twelve students from across the state of Florida with scholarship awards. Each of these students was hand-picked by the awards committee because of various characteristics such as involvement in the community, academic success, and philanthropic commitment. The 2015 Miami-Dade FAWL Scholarship recipients are: Brittnay Wittnebel; Greeny Valbuena; Leticia Mora; Gabriela Alfaro, Katherine Sloan, Chantelle Melendez; Tanika Bango; Stephanie Ann Rosendorf; Jessica Santinoff; Maureen MacSweeny, Melissa Stubbs; Sabrina Niewialkouski; and Maria Ordonez.

Miami-Dade FAWL is incredibly grateful to the donors of the scholarships handed out at this year's judicial reception: Alexandra Bach Lagos Scholarship; Lara Bueso Bach Scholarship; Gamba, Lombana & Herrera Scholarship; Jenneth L. Pemberton Memorial Scholarship; Jean Perwin Memorial Scholarship; Judges Beth Bloom and Carroll Kelly Scholarship; Kozyak, Tropin & Throckmorton Scholarship; The Ellen Leesfield & Victoria Platzer Scholarship; Leesfield Scolaro, P.A. Scholarship; Lucinda A. Hoffman Scholarship; Sonia "Sunny" Yahr Memorial Scholarship; and Judge Victoria Sigler Scholarship.

If you are interested in becoming a donor and funding one of our Miami-Dade FAWL scholarships, please email the Scholarship Committee at

Edith Osman, Judge Jason Bloch, Rebecca Ocariz, Katie Phang, and Elisa D'Amico
Tanika Bango (second from right), a 3L evening student at the Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, is presented with the Kozyak, Tropin & Throckmorton Scholarship


Ileana Cruz, President

Rebecca Ocariz, President-Elect

Katie S. Phang, Secretary

Lara Bueso Bach, Treasurer

Elisa D'Amico, Newsletter Editor

Deborah Baker-Egozi, Immediate-Past President

Ardith Bronson
Stephanie Moot
Lauren Brunswick

Kelly Peņa

Stephanie Casey
Jody Shulman
Courtney Engelke
Alicia Welch
Mallory Gold
Talia Zucker
Diana Mendez
2016 "Women Making History" Award Nominations
Due on January 4, 2016

2015 Women Making History Celebration: Professor Mary Anne Franks (honoree), Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis (honoree), Miami-Dade FAWL President Ileana Cruz, and Judge Tanya Brinkley
Miami-Dade FAWL presents the Women Making History Award each year during Women's History Month (March) to a member who exemplifies the ideals of professional achievement, perseverance and dedication to women's issues. Her accomplishments in the area of promoting women's issues continue to pave the way for new women leaders of today's generation.

Nomination forms are available here and must be submitted on or before January 4th to President-Elect Rebecca Ocariz per the instructions on the form. 

Miranda Lundeen Soto

Shook, Hardy & Bacon Miami Partner, Miranda Lundeen Soto, partner with Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P., has been admitted to the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel ("FDCC"), a sought-after group of legal leaders in the community who have achieved professional distinction. Membership to the FDCC is by invitation only with a rigorous vetting process. The organization limits membership to 1,000 U.S. defense counsel. Currently, 86 FDCC members reside in Florida and only 15 of them are women.


Two of the candidates selected by the JNC for consideration for appointment to fill the judicial vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Johnson to the Circuit Court bench are Miami-Dade FAWL members:

Alexander Spicola Bokor
Julie H. Nelson

If you wish to send letters of support to Governor Scott, you may send them to: Governor Rick Scott, 400 S. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. Alternatively, you may call his office (850 488 7146) or send an email via his website.

Diversity Should Be Encouraged, Welcomed, and Embraced -- Not Merely Tolerated: a night out at the theater for some Kinky Boots with the Hon. David Young
by: Freddi Mack and Amber Kornreich

The Hon. David Young & Amber Kornreich
14 Miami-Dade FAWL members were lucky enough to score tickets to a performance of
Kinky Boots at the Arsht Center hosted by Judge Young on December 9, 2015. Before guests sat down to enjoy the production by the U.S. Touring Cast, Miami-Dade FAWL member Amber Kornreich led a question-and-answer discussion with esteemed host the Hon. David Young.

Judge Young -- a lifelong theater enthusiast -- shared with attendees what the message of "Kinky Boots" meant to him as both a jurist and a citizen of Miami-Dade. Growing up on North Miami Beach, Judge Young recounted that his community was somewhat insular. The young(er) Judge Young had little opportunity to interact with those of different cultures and different viewpoints. But as an adult, he came to truly value Miami-Dade County's diversity. He shared his profound thoughts about diversity, that it should not merely be "tolerated" but rather "encouraged, welcomed, and embraced."

With respect to the bench, Judge Young (who is currently running for election) emphasized that race, gender, and sexual orientation diversity are more than just a quota or a box to be checked. Diverse jurists do not carry their own "agendas." Instead, he explained that a judiciary with varying experiences and perspectives is crucial to the fair administration of justice.

Before entering the theater, in response to an inquiry about his favorite Broadway musical, Judge Young shared his experience seeing Gypsy on Broadway and receiving a standing ovation after the performance for his Ethel Merman impression. (It is true that only the cleaning crew was around to see/hear it but they surely appreciated his talents!).

The show was uplifting and heartwarming. Miami-Dade native Juan Torres-Falcon delighted us with his performance during the show and when he grabbed the microphone to chat with the audience from the stage after curtain call. (If you haven't yet read it, check out the interview of Juan by Event Planning Committee Chair Freddi Mack in last month's The Advisor, available online here; and you can follow Juan on Twitter here to see where he and the cast are performing.)

Keep your eyes peeled for information about how to get tickets to the next show in the Miami-Dade FAWL Broadway series!

Amber Kornreich moderates a talk on diversity and inclusion with Hon. David Young
Kinky Boots cast member and Miami-native Juan Torres-Falcon took Elisa D'Amico and Freddi Mack backstage for an up-close and personal look at the incredible costumes, wigs, and shoes! 
Freddi Mack & Elisa D'Amico making an appearance and supporting Hon. David Young, "Juan from West Kendall," and friends of Miami-Dade FAWL" Craig, Calin, & Adam from the Arsht Center
DISCLAIMER: This article is provided for informational purposes only and as a reminder, Miami-Dade FAWL does not endorse any candidates for public office.
Fresh for 2016:
Miami-Dade FAWL's "Insider" Tickets to the Arsht Center

FAWL Arsht
The "FAWL" code works for all of the listed performances, but one of our "insiders" tells us that you might want to check out these performances:

Rapture, Blister, Burn (1/14-31) Playwright Gina Gionfriddo traces the course of feminism across three generations (sort of).

Florida Grand Opera: Norma (1/23-30) "If I were shipwrecked, I would leave all of my other operas and try to save Norma." -Vincenzo Bellini

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (2/18-21) Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns with a dazzling array of offerings including a world premiere by Artistic Director and Miami native Robert Battle, co-commissioned by the Arsht Center's 10@10 series.

The Phantom of the Opera (2/24-3/6) Take a peek at how James Barbour - the man behind the mask on Broadway - gets into makeup as the Phantom in this video!).

Flamenco Festival (3/2-13) Experience breathtaking performances by an array of international stars at the 9th Annual Flamenco Festival Miami.


Miami-Dade FAWL is a volunteer bar association dedicated to actively promoting the advancement of women in the legal profession, expanding the leadership role of its members in the community at large, and promoting women's rights.
Elisa D'Amico, Newsletter Editor | Miami-Dade FAWL