Society for Health Systems Newsletter
May 2015 Society for Health Systems website
Achieving transformation change: Becoming a high performing healthcare organization


Dr. Brent James is a leader researcher and visionary on healthcare improvement. He describes in this presentation the key essentials for becoming a high performing healthcare organization. These essentials include a vision, a model and transparency. Transparency is often discussed in healthcare, and Dr. James describes why the conventional view of transparency is insufficient.

Mary "Ali" Hobbs named SHS Scholarship recipient

Scholarship sponsored by Parallon Workforce Solutions 


Mary HobbsAli is an industrial engineering student at Clemson University in the B.S./M.S. program. While at Clemson she has conducted various healthcare research projects with Dr. Neyens and Dr. Childers. These include examining visitor hand hygiene for utilization improvement and time studies in clinical settings. As an intern, Ali was also involved in several applied healthcare projects at Northeastern University's Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute including CLABSI reduction and studying patient flow through a clinic. She is the president of Clemson's Chapter of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School.

Customer Intimacy Meets Operational Excellence


Presented by Society for Health Systems 
June 2 | 2 p.m. Eastern time

Presenter: Brad Power, Consultant

Some organizations have competed successfully for decades by focusing primarily on creating unique solutions for each customer, yet they are now embracing operational excellence to drive even more customer value. No industry is closer to its customers than healthcare.


More information and registration

Children's hospitals' solutions for patient safety makes big gains in reducing hospital acquired conditions


In less than three years, more than 80 children's hospitals have joined together to share successes and failures transparently and agreed not to compete with each other on patient safety. Member organizations have reduced falls by 81 percent, ventilator acquired pneumonia by 47 percent, adverse drug events by 42 percent, and surgical site infections by 19 percent.

2015 is already the year of the healthcare hack 

More than 120 million people have been affected by more than 1,100 separate breaches at organizations handling protected health data since 2009, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2015 is being considered the year of the healthcare hack, during which consumers will need to closely safeguard their health information.

Google, J&J partner to create robots

Ethicon, a J&J company, will work with Google to develop new robotic tools and capabilities for surgeons and operating room professionals that integrate best-in-class medical device technology with leading-edge robotic systems, imaging and data analytics.

Healthcare Payment Network launched


President Barack Obama unveiled plans for a network that will develop new models for healthcare delivery and payment during a March 26 White House kick-off meeting.

 Nurses blame interoperability woes for medical errors


A study of the nation's registered nurses shows that 60 percent of those polled believe medical errors could be significantly reduced if hospital medical devices were coordinated and interoperable.

Lean Blog Podcast - Dr. Bob Wachter, Lean & the Digital Doctor                   

Digital DoctorHealthcare Improvement author and SHS Member Mark Graban interviews patient safety and quality guru Dr. Bob Wachter on the subject of patient safety, lean and information technology in this podcast. Dr. Wachter is perhaps the most prolific researcher and author in the United States on the subject of patient safety and quality. He just recently authored the book The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine's Computer Age. Graban and Dr. Wachter discuss a variety of topics including some of the positive and potential negative aspects of electronic medical records.

Be sure to attend!


SHS Town Hall Meeting


IIE Annual Conference


Sunday, May 31

12:30 - 1:45 p.m.

Room 201 - NCC  


See you there! 

IIE Training Center Logo


June 08

Lean Green Belt for Healthcare
(Norcross, GA)

June 15

Intro to IE in Healthcare

(Norcross, GA)


June 17 

Healthcare Labor Management

(Norcross, GA)

SHS Newsletter Team
Lauren Milne
Bart Sellers
Eddie Perez-Ruberte
Kendall Sanderson
Pranjal Shah

If you have an article or any other content you would like to see in the newsletter, please send it to Lauren Milne at




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Six Sigma Green Belt For Healthcare


This introductory course in Six Sigma gives you a thorough understanding of Six Sigma as applied to healthcare.