President's message

Dear Division Members,


Happy New Year. I can hardly believe that 2014 has ended and we are well into 2015! 

I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all of you for your support in 2014. Without your support we could not have achieved GREEN status in our Division Health Report (DHR). Thank you!

The IIE Annual Conference & Expo 2015 scheduled to take place May 30 through June 2 in Nashville, Tennessee, is fast approaching. I hope you are planning to attend. We have exciting presentations featuring practical applications and research outcomes in the construction industry lined up. These presentations are designed to help you and your organization increase productivity, quality, and efficiency through initiatives like lean thinking and continuous improvement. More from the president

 Construction Research Track - ISERC 2015 

Our track looks forward to a high-quality program of research presentations at the 2015 ISERC conference. In the first round of submission, 12 abstracts were received and although paper submission was optional, five authors submitted full papers in the second round of submission. 

At this year's conference, construction research track will host four sessions with three unique presentations in each:

  • Construction Safety
  • Information technologies & systems in construction
  • Quality/productivity in construction
  • Sustainable construction

Looking forward to seeing you there.





Greetings Construction Division Members!
Hope to see you at the 2015 IIE Annual Conference in Nashville. Otherwise, I wanted to leave you all with my usual plug for member-generated content: 

  • Please let us know if you have any best practices to maybe share with us. We are always looking for new innovations in making our construction processes more efficient and effective.  
  • If you would like to submit an article for our newsletter, please contact us. We continually learn new takeaways from our fellow IE's that can enhance our own jobs.  
  • Lastly, please let me if know you are interested in serving the Division in any capacity.  

George P. Gardner, P.E

State Partnering Coordinator, Virginia Department of Transportation  


Student Paper Competition  

Important Update: Papers due Feb. 27 

Attention students: We want your papers! The Construction Division is holding its student paper competitionMACVAL again this year, sponsored by MACVAL Associates LLC. Entries can come from undergraduate or graduate students and can reflect research, industry experience, or class projects related to industrial engineering in construction. The first place winner will receive complimentary conference registration, one Honors & Awards Banquet ticket and a cash award. The first place winner will present their paper at the IIE Annual Conference & Expo in Nashville, Tennessee and will receive a travel stipend to attend. Click here for details.


Submit all entries to Laura Ikuma by Feb. 27. We look forward to seeing your papers!          



Message from the Editor

With another year in full swing, I want to reach out to our loyal readers and reiterate the importance of "crowdsourcing" content for these Newsletters.

Please do not hesitate to keep me apprised of the "latest and greatest" achievements in your personal and professional lives - we are always looking to use this as an outlet for celebration! Also, if you have any insight or overarching sentiments that you wish to share via a guest article or other submission, send it my way!


As always, contact me at [email protected]


Hopefully everyone forced to bear the cold weather can look forward to "fun in the sun" at the Nashville conference. I look jealously toward everyone already experiencing a pleasant climate!

Sammy Geroulis

Newsletter Editor


Social Media Update

We are looking to conduct a "member spotlight" in subsequent newsletters where we featured a member of the IIE Construction Division and discuss how they incorporate industrial engineering into their professional or academic work in the field of construction. Essentially, content is comprised of a brief write-up on yourself, your interest in industrial engineering and/or construction, and a look at how you got into your field. We would love some volunteers to sign-up or for individuals to get "nominated" individuals; please contact Carl Kirpes, and he will send a prompt to any interested parties or nominees!

Lastly, if you still have yet to do so, please join and interact with our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages!


February 2015 
In This Issue
President's message
Construction Research Track - ISERC 2015
Student Paper Competition
Message from the editor
Social Media Update

Sign Up to Join The Construction Division!
1. Go to this link
2. Select "Update Your
Member Record"

3. Set up username and password (if you don't already have one)

4. Under "Societies and Divisions," select "Edit" and click on the
Construction Division

Call Robyn Dowdall at
(800) 494-0460, ext. 102, for assistance.

It's fast, free and simple.
Construction Division Committees

Please consider joining one of the following committees and helping the division through your expertise.


Continuing education  
Industry liaison  
Discussion board/Website support  

To get involved, contact

Construction Division Board
Al Attah 

George Gardner
Membership Director


Isa Nahmens


Paul Ray
Education Chair

Samuel (Sammy) Geroulis 
Newsletter Editor

Carl Kirpes
Social Media Coordinator

(Position Vacant)
Student Liaison

International Correspondents
Farook Azam - India
Brent Robertson - Canada
Sammy Wan - Hong Kong

Volunteer leadership is the heart of IIE and its technical divisions.