In This Issue
2014 Sets Available Now
New LexisNexis Record Collection
Huge Holiday Sale
ALM Media Bundles Content with Cataloging Records
2014 Sets Available for Order Now
2014 Update sets for HeinOnline's World Constitutions Illustrated and World Trials are available now for order!
Don't let your subscription lapse!  Continue receiving MARC21 RDA catalog records to match all new World Constitutions Illustrated and World Trials titles in HeinOnline.

World Trials 2014
The next installment of records to match your subscription to HeinOnline World Trials. Anticipating between 240 - 260 records added to this collection in 2014.

World Constitutions Illustrated 2014
The 2014 update set will include ALL 4,170 new and outstanding titles!
New LexisNexis Catalog Record Set
LexisNexis� A.S. Pratt and LexisNexis Sheshunoff™ are proud to offer a new collection of 
Banking Compliance and Legal publications 
in e-Book
format. We have the MARC21 RDA catalog records to match!

This collection begins with 30 titles including: 
ACH Training Manual
Brady on Bank Checks
BSA Officer's Administration Handbook
Clark's Bank Deposits and Payment Monthly
Internal Audit Procedures Handbook
Pratt's State Regulation of 2nd Mortgages & Home Equity Loans

Both the content and MARC record set will continue to grow!

Full site license for the MARC records - $150. Update service will be available. Contact us at 973-586-3200 or for more details.
Huge Holiday Sale Continues

10% off any order above $10,000
7% off any order $1,500-$10,000
5% off any order up to $1,500!

Our Holiday Sale applies to the following sets:
ALL HeinOnline collections
Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf
Core Collection
Hague Academy of Collected Courses Online
History of Supreme Court Nominations

ALL Wolters Kluwer collections
MCLE - Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education
NYCLE - New York Bar Continuing Legal Education
AZCLE - Arizona Bar Continuing Legal Education

E-Book collections
National Academies Press
E-Scholarship Editions of Public Titles

Specialty collections
CassidyCat's Digital Law Library
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
IICLE (Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education)

Last chance to take advantage of our Fall Super Sale - the biggest sale yet on WestlawNext and Lexis Advance records!

Our Fall Super Sale features big savings on WestlawNext and Lexis Advance collections. (The two sales cannot be combined)

15% off
WestlawNext E-Treatise ($450.00 off!)
LexisAdvance E-Treatise (up to $570.00 off!)

20% off
WestlawNext Primary Sources Plus ($2,200.00 off!)

If you have been holding off on adding these very valuable resources to your catalog because of price, we hope this huge price reduction will help!

Many changes have been taking place with Westlaw's databases.  Titles are changing, content is being moved, and content is being added exclusively to WestlawNext.

Lexis Advance is now the exclusive database for Lexis law school research.  When content migrated from to Lexis Advance, titles changed, the database was reorganized, and authors were added and deleted.
Cassidy Cataloguing is officially an approved cataloger for Westlaw Classic and WestlawNext for the law school market.  We have also been in close connection with the folks at Lexis to be sure records are completely accurate.  All Cassidy records feature deep linking - meaning that our records contain links which will bring a researcher directly to the resource, not just another search screen!
Update services available for all sets! Contact us for more information!

ALM Media Bundles Content with Cataloging!
You've been asking for it and we are happy to announce we made it happen!
We are very happy to announce a partnership with American Lawyer Media to bring you catalog records bundled with your content!

We have been working closely with our partners at ALM Media to provide the catalog records which will be bundled together with your content at one low cost.  Customizations and Update Service will still be provided by Cassidy Cataloguing and if you have any questions with loading records, we are available to help.

Contact Casey Walsh, Sales Director at ALM Media Law Journal Press for more information or to place your order.


Contact us at Cassidy Cataloguing for any questions about the catalog records or for free sample records.
973-586-3200 x6000


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Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc. 

248 W. Main St.
Rockaway, New Jersey 07866
Cassidy Cataloguing Services, Inc.
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