Washington Area Coalition of Men's Ministries
Featured Video
Valentine's Day Reminder
Men, remember February 14 is a special day to express your love to your wife and honor her with your thoughtfulness.
There are consequences for forgetfulness or cheesyness. Check out what can happen. HERE
Featured Video
Best Commercial
While this past weekend delivered a great game, the commercials were a fixed bag. Many seemed dull, crude or worse. But this one was an exception, reminding us of God's creation and what makes up character. Check it out HERE Let us  know your thoughts and favorites
A WOW! Video
"Johnny Football"
Texas A&M Quarterback Johnny Manziel recently won the Heisman trophy as a freshman. In one of the most impressive trick shots caught on video, "Johnny Football" perfectly zooms a football into a basketball hoop from the top of the College Station stadium. Manziel is joined by trick-shot team Dude Perfect, who in 2009 sunk the world's longest basketball shot from a slightly closer part of a stadium. Watch this unbelievable performance
WACMM Resource

Speakers Bureau  

If your church or ministry is looking for a great speaker for a 2013 event, WACMM has some of the best speakers in the country. Check us out and let us know how we can serve you. HERE 
C. S. Lewis on Real Men 

"God can show Himself as He really is only to real men. And that means not simply to men who are individually good, but to men who are united together in a body, loving one another, helping one another, showing Him to one another. For that is what God meant humanity to be like; like players in one band, or organs in one body."

C. S. Lewis  


Memories and Dreams 
"When your memories are more exciting than your dreams, you've begun to die." - Howard Hendricks


Cowardice and Conscience

"Cowardice asks, Is it safe? Expediency asks, Is it politic? Vanity asks, Is it popular? But conscience asks, Is it right?" - Martin Luther King Jr.


RG3 on

His Faith

"My relationship with God is my most Important Influence." Robert Griffin III






A Message for All Men on Radical Living 

David Platt is the Lead Pastor at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham AL and author of bestselling books Radical, Radical Together and his just released Follow Me: A Call to Die, A Call to Live.


In this powerful video message from Urbana 2012 Missions Conference, David demonstrates the worth of Jesus that propels us into the world making His worth known to the ends of the earth. He paints a picture of Jesus as a man who's not asking for part of our lives, but our whole lives. As men, we don't respond to his radical call because it's easy, but because he is worthy of our trust, our plans and dreams, and our affections. "Far too many of us have reduced Him to a poor, puny savior who's just begging for us to accept Him into our hearts" and we have deluded what it means to be His disciple in the world.


 Mega-Men's Event Features Tony Evans
Dr. Tony Evans, one of America's most respected leaders and sought-after speakers, will be a keynoter at WACMM's 14th Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conference on Saturday March 23 from 8:30 am-4:55 pm at New Antioch Baptist Church in Randallstown MD Dr. Evans will also be doing a special seminar on biblical manhood. Join men from across the region to be encouraged and equipped by Tony! Don't get shutout. Sign-up Now!
He will be joined by Jeff Kemp, an 11 season NFL quarterback and Family Life VP, who will be keynote and present a seminar. Sixteen other top notch pastors and ministry leaders will also be speaking on issues relating to manhood. Masculine worship will be led by the SPC Praise Band.

Over 8,000 men have attended these WACMM conferences in the region. You can signup now for early discounts. Inform, invite and mobilize men from your church, small group, neighborhood and work for this life changing day! For Information and registration, click HERE  If you have questions contact Conference Director Tony Dronkers HERE
Host a Stepping Up Conference at Your Church

In 2013 WACMM will be leading and facilitating one-day "Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood" mini-conferences in the region. The video-based, interactive event can be held in your church to host neighboring churches. Conference presenters include Dennis Rainey, Tony Dungy, Stu Weber, Bill Bennett, Robert Lewis, Mark Driscoll, Joshua Harris and others. The mini-conference can be followed up with a ten session men's group video series. If you're invited in bringing "Stepping Up" to your church, contact us at dave@wacmm.org
New Articles and Resources to Check Out

Welcome Back Duke: A Look Back at the Heroes of 9/11 - HERE 

Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart - An Interview with Pastor J. D. Greear on his new book Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart: How To Know for Sure That You're Saved The interview will surprise you and challenge your thinking about what the Bible really says: HERE


New Barna Report on The Most & Least 'Biblically-Minded' Cities - HERE


Heritage Foundation Report - No society has ever challenged marriage as male-female union until now. Check out the Heritage Foundation's defense of the historic consensus for traditional marriage - HERE

Men's Events and Gatherings

WACMM Conference Call-In

Thursday February 21
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Open Line Meeting - Join the Conversation


Call in at:


when prompted enter code



Feel free to also invite others to get plugged into the region's premiere ministry to men for news, ecnouragement and prayer.



How to Share Your Faith Faith With Your Family and Friends
An interactive seminar by bestselling author Randy Newman - March 16 from 2 pm - 5 pm at Immanuel Bible Church, Springfield VA - More info


Weekend to Remember Conferences by Family Life

February 8-10, 2013           

Gaylord National Resort

Oxon Hill, MD


April 5-7, 2013              

Reston Hyatt

Reston, VA


Info and Registration

Want a Career in Men's Discipleship?
Our friends at Man in the Mirror are recruiting a few good men to help every  church disciple every man. What a mission!

They have purposed to hire 330 full-time Area Directors located throughout the United States to help churches more effectively disciple men. Are you interested or know someone who might be interested in joining the fifty-one men already appointed to reach 10,000,000 by 2020? If so check out, www.areadirectors.org for more information.

The Soul of Steve Jobs
Whether one liked or disliked Steve Jobs, he is certainly one of the most talked-about leaders of our time. In his 56-year life, he founded and ultimately led a business organization to a commanding position in the world of technology. He assembled and led teams that produced some of the most admired technological products of our time: Mac Books, iPods, iPhones, iPads. Whole industries came into being because of him.

But Steve Jobs also had many critics. "He mistreated people." "He was ruthless in his business dealings." "He was vindictive." "He lacked compassion." And that's just the light stuff.

We all know that Steve Jobs was not a professing Christian. While he respected Jesus, he walked away from Christianity at an early age-at least in its organized and doctrinal form. READ MORE
Doing Together What We Cannot Do Alone,




Dave Brown 

Director and Pastor-at-Large

Washington Area Coalition of Men's Ministries

Chairman, Foundation for Manhood

10309 Freeman Place

Kensington MD 20895



