Notes from a Cocktail Napkin
Cheers to the New Year!
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Notes On "My" Music
with Tom Wopat

Normally we use this column to feature an artist writing about their own music. However, Lauren Brunjes, from our Fun and Games Department, recently had the chance to hang out with her favorite artist... Tom Wopat.

Click here to learn about Lauren's adventures and why Tom Wopat is her choice for "my" music.
Share the Martini
with Pete Miller

How we share the music we love has changed over the years, but the importance of it never does.

Click here to read how Pete's way of sharing has changed thanks to today's social media.

Vote Now!
Top 50 Love Songs Countdown!

Each year we ask you to vote in our annual Love Songs Poll. Vote now for your favorite love song and tune in on Valentine's Day to see if your song made the countdown!
We need your help while Brad is off in Italy and Mother Miriam is enjoying a much deserved break from Brad.  We want to know why you listen to MITM so we can share it with others as they join our MITM family. Click here for more details,
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Studio City, CA 91604
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Dear -

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2015! As we jump into the new year, we hope you will continue to enjoy our Notes from a Cocktail Napkin as well as the music.

In this issue:
  • Brad rambles about the changes and challenges in how we listen
  • Lauren shares Tom Wopat's music
  • Pete Miller explains how social media has changed the way we share
  • Meet listener Bjӧrn from Sweden
  • and more...
If you have any suggestions for something you'd like to see in our newsletter in 2015, please let us know by sending us an email to [email protected].

Your Newsletter Team
What will I ramble about this time?
Brad - My Thoughts Exactly
The Future is Here
As technology advances, the options for listening to MITM grow. With those advances come some challenges, but in the end, the most important thing is the music and you. 

Click here to find out how your options make an impact on us all.
From the Foreign Desk
Bjӧrn K. Johansson


Bjӧrn K. Johansson from Sweden has had a very varied career ranging from opera singer, to comedian, to motivational speaker and more. We asked him about his influences growing up and how he discovered his favorite radio station, MITM.


Click here to read more. 

last  MITM Martini Glass  call
Greetings from Teverola, Campania, Italy

It's Thursday morning local time and I write after sleeping 12 hours, recovering from a trip and the days and weeks leading up to it that have been nothing short of an adventure. Weeks ago, Martini in the Morning listeners, supporters and friends, Walt and Lynn Kendall in Granbury, Texas, wanted to make sure that despite our challenges, Karen was able to be in Italy when Bailey, the youngest of our 5 kids, has her first child. Charlotte as she is to be named, is due on January 26th. So when I mentioned on the air that Karen was going, Mark Grady, another member of the MITM family, an executive at Delta Airlines, offered a Delta "Buddy Pass," allowing me to fly stand-by to be there for Bailey, as well.

Travel day was ... umm ... interesting. I was to depart LAX early Tuesday, January 20. Late Monday evening as Al the Engineer, "Mother" Miriam and I were doing last minute work preparing for my two weeks away, we learned that my Tuesday morning flight was approaching sell-out. If I missed that flight, I'd miss the connection in Atlanta and wouldn't be flying with Karen to Rome and on to Naples. So Mark suggested a 10 PM flight Monday night. I arrived in Atlanta at 5:00 am Tuesday morning, waiting for Karen to arrive at 2:00 pm and our 4:31 PM departure to Rome. All day, the wonderful Delta folks were encouraging but realistic, telling me it was doubtful I'd make the flight. Only Mark was confident that I'd make it. Everyone was on the plane. I was in a group of stand-by passengers, waiting to see how many seats remained. Karen was on the plane, in business class, upgraded too make room for another passenger in coach, having no idea whether I'd make the flight or not. Mark Grady texted me - "They're assigning more seats. You're one seat away from Karen! Business Class! Wow!!!!"

I've always said that Martini in the Morning is more family than just a group of listeners. We've seen Martini in the Morning listeners go to bat for one another, coming to the aid of others sick, some fighting for their life. To have our MITM family spring into action to help my family, somewhat neglected these past 8+ years trying to get MITM rolling, is gratifying. Humbling. Thank you for allowing us to live our lives out loud, to share our life, good and bad, ups and downs, with you, our extended family. Keep listening, and check our Facebook pages, the MITM page and my personal page for updates and photos. And now that I've slept off the jet lag, Karen says get off the computer and enjoy Italy. 

Brad "Martini" Chambers