Quick Links: SUPPORT MITM - (especially if you DON'T or CAN'T use the Miracle Martini Player or TuneIn Radio) Listen Live Peek Inside the Studio MartiniVision Weekdays 6:00-10:00 AM Pacific Time |
Very Happy Wednesdays
With Brad back from Boise, we're ready to eat, drink and meet you for lunch at Vitello's, our "Lounge Away from Home." MITM and Vitello's just celebrated the 2nd anniversary of our Wednesday lunches, and we're having more fun than ever. The food is fabulous, we've had friends from all over Southern California and frankly, all over the world, join us for our Wednesday lunch and so many great shows upstairs at Vitello's.
MITM Artists After Anniversary Party Upstairs at Vitello's
Click Here for the Upstairs at Vitello's calendar and prepared to be entertained. Be listening to Martini in the Morning for exciting news about more MITM musical fun at Vitello's.
One of the many advantages of internet radio is the multitude of ways to tune in. With so many options, we know it can actually become hard to decide the best way to get your fill. Click here to learn about your options for staying tuned to MITM at home or on the go, including an update on MartiniVision ... IT'S BACK!
Holiday Music Poll
It's that time of year again!
Starting on Monday, November 3rd it's your chance to vote in our 8th Annual Holiday Music Poll. Tell us your favorite holiday song and then tune in Thanksgiving weekend, starting at 6:00 AM PST to see if your song made the top 100.
By being a newsletter subscriber, you get the chance to vote before everyone else. Click here to vote for your favorite holiday song!
Race For The Cure
Race to the Finish
There are just a few days left for us to raise money to reach our team goals. Every donation helps provide life saving mammograms and fund needed research to help wipe breast cancer out of existence. Click here to support Team Martini.
Thank you to everyone who supported our team. We made a difference because of you.
You Can't Handle the Truth
Have you ever had the burning desire to know something about MITM? Perhaps about the cast of characters at MITM? Maybe it's some random question that you just can't find an answer to anywhere else. Here at MITM, we like to be helpful. Send us your questions for a future issue of Notes From a Cocktail Napkin and maybe you will finally get the answer you've been searching for.
What's Shakin with MITM Artists - New CDs, Shows and More
Steve Tyrell
November 6-9
Catalina Jazz Club
6725 Sunset Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 466-2210
November 15
Center Stage
1374 Peachtree Rd
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 885-9782
November 25-December 31
Cafe Carlyle
35 E 76th St
New York, NY 10021
(212) 744-1600
Dear -
OK, so it's been a while. Issues like the MartiniVision meltdown, the crash of our website, Mother Miriam's broken ankle, some changes in staff, resources and workload, and a pretty lousy job of stress management led to our notes being a little less regular than we'd like. But here's to a fresh start and our being in better contact.
There's a lot going on at Martini in the Morning, and as much as we want to share with you, this is an opportunity for you to "Share with the Class ..." Over the upcoming holidays, we'd love to share your Martini in the Morning stories - how you use Martini in the Morning, how you listen, where you listen, how you've "Shared the Martini," how Martini in the Morning has made a difference in your life or in the life of someone you know. Email [email protected] your stories. We'll choose some of the stories we receive for use on the air, some for use in Notes from a Cocktail Napkin, others for use on our website as we get close to getting it back to normal (whatever that is).
And as always, if you have any suggestions for future editions of the newsletter, please email us at [email protected].
Your Newsletter Team
What will I ramble about this time?
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Share My Ramblings
Our team of unintentional volunteers are working like crazy to keep YOUR MUSIC, OUR MUSIC alive and available around the clock and around the world. We are dedicated to this mission, determined to succeed. There are a few things that can and will make a BIG difference, and you can play a role in any or all of them.
Lounging Around
French Happy Hour at
Rive Gauche Cafe
For years, Martini in the Morning has invited you to participate and win CDs as we do "That Thursday Thing." Now there are Thursday "THINGS" to do, and you're invited to our French Happy Hour at Rive Gauche French Cafe and Lounge, 14106 Ventura Boulevard (at Hazeltine) in Sherman Oaks, CA. We get things started with special cocktails and appetizers, but wind up staying for dinner after our 4:00-7:00 pm broadcast.
This Thursday, we're back with special night before Halloween treats, including a chance to win brunch for two at Rive Gauche or a Frank Sinatra In Hollywood CD Box Set ... And we're conjuring up special brews featuring Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka.
Highest quality peaches and cream corn is distilled four times into a neutral grain gluten-free spirit and blended with pristine water from Newfoundland, Canada. The liquid is then filtered seven times, of which three are through layers of semi precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds.
Dan Aykroyd and John Alexander wanted to craft a vessel worthy of one of the world's purest vodkas. A symbol of life, reflecting power and enlightenment, to hold their award-winning white spirit of super natural purity.
Crystal Head contains no additives. No glycerol, citrus oils or sugars. Nothing is added to enhance or mask the taste.
Pre-Halloween cocktails inspired by the pure spirit of Crystal Head Vodka. Join us, 4:00 pm-7:00 pm Thursdays at Rive Gauche Cafe!
last call
While back in Boise, Idaho for my periodic (all too infrequent) visit to my wife, kids, Grandkids, in laws, etc, I posted video shot from our new apartment there. MITM artist, actress, model and renaissance woman Tamela D'Amico said "Why would you ever come back to la for the radio show? Do it there. Are you nuts!" And as beautiful as it is, and as much as I consider Boise my adopted hometown, Tamela knows the answer as well as anyone else.
This music we love and play for you was born on Broadway and in Hollywood. So many of these great songs were first introduced to us on Broadway and on the big screen. So it's New York or Hollywood.
So much of what we do that sets Martini in the Morning apart from all the boring Internet and satellite music services is Tamela D'Amico and Billy Vera coming in to talk about an upcoming show or new album, or Steve Tyrell coming by our Rive Gauche French Cafe event because it's in his neighborhood. Judy and Jim McHugh, Lee Newman, Grandchildren and Great Grandson respectively, of legendary songwriter Jimmy McHugh aren't likely to stop by and hang out at the studio in Boise, Idaho, no matter how beautiful it is. So we're here; where the music was born and lives on today, as contemporary as it was when it was first introduced.
Now, if we weren't struggling quite so much, I could hang out with my Grandkids a little more often. You know the rest.
Brad "Martini" Chambers