INTAgLIO Business Solutions
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Quality Reviews Strengthen Relationships And Build Loyalty 

Generate Add-ons and Referrals After Each Important Project Or Sale

Quality Review Report Card

Quality Reviews Prove Your Commitment

To Total Client Satisfaction

After important projects or sales, a quality review debriefing between you and your client verifies that desired results were achieved and discovers gaps requiring resolution. It recognizes those that contributed valiantly.  It reveals your company's weaknesses that need to be addressed along with strengths that can be leveraged en route to being selected for the next opportunity. It gives the client confidence to refer you to others who have a similar challenge.

Understand Your Customer's Perspective Reality Check

Were they completely satisfied from pre-purchase through post purchase?   If not, what can be done to raise their experience rating to 100%?


What would they have done differently if they could start over?

Unfinished Business
Coach Customers To Optimize The Next Initiative

In some situations a customer isn't totally pleased with a recent purchase because they didn't understand something about how a product worked or how they should have implemented the solution.  A Quality Review reveals gaps that prevent your customer from being totally satisfied.  Build loyalty by helping the customer to close these gaps.   Then, coach the customer on how to better follow through on their commitments and to take advantage of what you have to offer.

Results Provide The Common Denominator

Increase the probability of being considered for the next opportunity with this client and earn the right to request referrals from influential contacts.

      • Co-authored KPI's provide objectivity.
      • Answers to your open ended questions enable rapid attention to issues that the customer wouldn't have otherwise revealed. 
Innovation Pearls

Receive Valuable Market Research Information

  • What new products and services should you develop?
  • Does your client use your product or service in a unique way that would benefit other customers?
  • What touch points made an impression [positive or negative] on your client?
  • What external opportunities or threats will impact your company?
  • What is the client's perception of your competencies, brand identity and value proposition?
  • Is your company easy to work with?

Sales Team The Proposal Process Influences Sales Velocity 

Ensure a high probability of winning and a shorter sales cycle if your proposal promises that you will conduct a Quality Review.  If the proposal includes a well articulated problem statement, root cause analysis, clear and concise preview of the solution, and KPIs that were co-authored with your client, the Quality Review will be effective. 

Referrals Referrals Should Motivate Excellence

You can be confident that your client is totally satisfied if they allow you to write a Success Story about their challenge, your solution and the results they enjoyed, and if they feel comfortable recommending you to others who have a similar challenge.

Make It Happen John Bernardi
Benefit from a reliable and friendly resource to facilitate your Quality Reviews. 



John J. Bernardi

Change Agent 



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