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March 15, 2017
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Article4Preliminary Allocations Released

The AEBG 2017/18 and 2018/19 Preliminary Allocation Schedule was released on Friday, February 24. 



Article4CFAD Open, Due May 2
With the release of the preliminary allocations, the 2017-18 Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD) is open. The CFAD is due May 2. The CFAD is the process whereby the AEBG consortia members agree upon whether to designate a fiscal administrator or choose direct funding. Additionally, this is the process for members to agree upon their allocations for the 2017-18 fiscal year and make any adjustments from prior years.  
Consortia primary contacts can access the CFAD through the AEBG Consortia Portal. Access to the AEBG Portal is limited to the consortium primary contact or their designated representative.
If you are a primary contact or designated representative and have never accessed the Web Portal, click the link to the Web Portal below and click on the "Sign Up" link. If you forgot your password for the portal, navigate to the portal and click on "(forgot?)" next to "Password."  For more details regarding access to and navigation of the Portal, see the link for the Web Portal User Guide included below. 
Please note that member representatives will be required to certify the CFAD with their signature either on paper or digitally. Primary Contacts should refer to the CFAD form or the guidance for instructions on how to submit these signatures. 
Important Links:

Article4Register for the AEBG Regional Trainings
The next AEBG Regional Training will be in Sacramento on March 16.  The AEBG regional training series will cover student data collection requirements for AEBG-funded students. The morning session will cover policy guidance, and the afternoon will cover the technical submission of the data.

For more information about regional training, check out the recorded January 20 webinar. CLICK HERE for the archived webinar recording.

Regional Training Schedule
Below is the schedule of regional training sessions and a link to register for the session nearest you. All remaining training sessions have space available.

  • Visalia on February 8 (completed)
  • Santa Ana on February 22 (completed)
  • San Jose on March 1 (completed)
  • San Bernardino on March 7 (completed)
  • Los Angeles on March 8 (completed)
  • Ukiah on March 14 (completed)
  • Oroville on March 15 (completed)
  • Sacramento on March 16
  • Vista/San Diego on April 17
  • Hancock College on April 19
  • Mt. Diablo  on April 25 
  • Huntington Beach on May 19

Article4Workforce Navigator RFA for Limited English-Langauge Workers and Immigrant Workforce
A Request for Applications was released by the State Workforce Development Board and the Employment Development Department that may be of interest to AEBG Regional Consortia. See the below announcement and links to learn more. 
The State Workforce Development Board, in conjunction with the Employment Development Department, and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, announces a Request for Application (RFA) that makes available up to $1.5 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Governor's Discretionary funds to develop and implement a Workforce Navigator Pilot Program targeting English Language Learners (ELLs) and Immigrant workers. The goal of this initiative is to promote increased access, create/enhance program structure and availability, and provide supportive services within the workforce system for California's English Language Learner Population. Entities selected are expected to work in collaboration with community-based organizations (can include: faith based organizations, public and private non-profit and for-profit organizations, and educations and training providers) and other workforce partners, including adult education entities. Funding will be for 18 months, with the goal of providing additional funding contingent upon future Congressional appropriation. Please see the appropriate links to the documents below.
Important Links:
Article4Report: The Past, Present and Future of Noncredit Education in California
San Diego Continuing Education (SDCE), the noncredit division of the Sand Diego Community College District, in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office Educational Services, conducted the California Community College Noncredit Offerings Survey. From their findings, the SDCE issued the California Noncredit Offerings report.  The framework and intent of the report is to
  • address the need to document the past structure and growth of adult education in California through an in depth historical study.
  • determine the current state of noncredit programming in California and any immediate plans by the community colleges for increase in noncredit offerings through a survey of instructional experts at each of the community colleges and institutions statewide.
  • explore recommendations for moving forward, both in future research and the future of community college noncredit education.


CLICK Here for The Past, Present and Future of Noncredit Education in California report. 

Article4Resources for Immigrants
Below are some resources for immigrant students as well as resources for educators and counselors who work with immigrant students that may be useful to your consortium.

Article4Partnerships That Unlock Social Mobility Events
Local workforce development boards and community colleges are coming together to help achieve sustainable social mobility for all Californians through the acquisition of skills and access to successful careers, enhancing the system's capacity to provide career counseling, job placement, and supportive services. AEBG students especially lack social mobility because of limited English proficiency, no high school diploma, multiple barriers to success, no job, or a low-paying job. As a result, AEBG students are stuck and cannot move forward (and upward).
The California Workforce Association is hosting community events across the state. AEBG consortia are invited to attend to learn more about how this effort can help our AEBG students. There are seven remaining sessions throughout the state:
  • March 16 in Riverside
  • March 17 in San Diego
  • March 20 in Richmond
  • March 21 in Santa Clara
  • April 3 in Redding
  • April 4 in Eureka
  • April 10 in Napa

Article7Have Questions or Comments?

Send them to AEBG@cccco.edu.
Have questions or comments regarding AEBG? Please help us help you by sending any questions or comments to aebg@cccco.edu. Sending them to the AEBG inbox helps us get back to you more quickly and efficiently.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office & California Department of Education | 1102 Q Street | Sacramento | CA | 95811