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Practices with Promise

March 1, 2017
In This Issue You'll Find:
Please pass this newsletter on to your colleagues who may not be subscribers to More on AEBG and encourage them to subscribe.

Article4No Webinar This Friday
There will be no AEBG Technical Assistance webinar this Friday, March.  There was a special webinar series, hosted on February 13, that complements the Student Data Collection Regional Training.  CLICK HERE to view the recordings from Monday's webinars. 

Also, as always, past webinars can be accessed via the AEBG Webinar Series page.  Click on "Listen to Recording" to access the webinar. You will be connected to the CCCConfer webpage where you will have to enter your name and email address and click "Connect" to listen to and view the archived webinar.  

Article4Preliminary Allocations Released

The AEBG 2017/18 and 2018/19 Preliminary Allocation schedule was released on Friday, February 24. 



Article4CFAD Now Open
With the release of the preliminary allocations, the 2017-18 Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD) is opened. The CFAD is the process whereby the AEBG consortia members agree upon whether to designate a fiscal administrator or choose direct funding.  Additionally, this is the process for members to agree upon their allocations for the 2017-18 fiscal year and make any adjustments from prior years.  
Consortia primary contacts can access the CFAD through the AEBG Consortia Portal. Access to the AEBG Portal is limited to the consortium primary contact or their designated representative.
If you are a primary contact or designated representative and have never accessed the Web Portal, click the link to the Web Portal below and click on the "Sign Up" link. If you forgot your password for the portal, navigate to the portal and click on "(forgot?)" next to "Password."  For more details regarding access to and navigation of the Portal, see the link for the Web Portal User Guide included below. 
Please note that member representatives will be required to certify the CFAD with their signature either on paper or digitally.  Primary Contacts should refer to the CFAD form or the guidance for instructions on how to submit these signatures. 
Important Links:

Article4Approved Data and Accountability Plans
Approved plans are being posted to AEBG.cccco.edu on the data and accountability page found under the For AEBG Grantees tab.


Article4Register for the AEBG Regional Trainings
The next AEBG Regional Training will be in San Bernardino on March 7.  The AEBG regional training series will cover student data collection requirements for AEBG-funded students. The morning session will cover policy guidance, and the afternoon will cover the technical submission of the data.

For more information about regional training, check out the recorded January 20 webinar. CLICK HERE for the archived webinar recording.

Regional Training Schedule
Below is the schedule of regional training sessions and a link to register for the session nearest you. Some of the sessions are full; however those in Ukiah, Sacramento, and Mt. Diablo still have spots available for those who have not yet registered. 

  • Visalia on February 8 (completed)
  • Santa Ana on February 22 (completed)
  • San Jose on March 1 (completed)
  • San Bernardino on March 7
  • Los Angeles on March 8
  • Ukiah on March 14 (spots remaining)
  • Oroville on March 15
  • Sacramento on March 16 (spots remaining)
  • Vista/San Diego on April 17
  • Hancock College on April 19
  • Mt. Diablo  on April 25 (spots remaining)
  • Huntington Beach on May 19

Article4National Immigration Law Center Webinar
The National Immigration Law Center, a CDSS contractor and immigration expert, is providing a free webinar for adult education and community college students who have DACA and/or are undocumented. This webinar may be of interest to adult education students so please pass along this information to those who may be interested.
Know Your Rights and Options: A Webinar for Community College and Adult School Students
Date: March 10th
Time: 12-1:30 PST
Are you a DACAmented or undocumented community college or adult school student? If so, then join the staff of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) on Friday, March 10, at noon PST for a webinar covering the future of DACA, what to do and not to do if approached by ICE, and considerations to keep in mind when planning to continue your education and/or to join the workforce.
Presenters include:
  • Nicholas Espiritu, Staff Attorney
  • Jessica Hanson, Skadden Fellow
  • Ignacia Rodriguez, Immigration Policy Advocates
  • Josh Stehlik, Supervising Attorney

Article4Sierra Joint Consortium Project Manager Position
The Sierra Joint Consortium is searching for a Project Manager.  The Project Manager, in consultation with the Sierra Joint Consortium Steering Committee, will lead the Sierra Joint Consortium through planning, implementing, organizing and monitoring, controlling and evaluating all aspects of the project in accordance with current Sierra Joint Consortium Work Plan with respect to AB 104, the Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG) implementation on file with the AEBG office, and Consortium policies and Bylaws. The application deadline is March 8.

Is your consortium currently hiring? If so, send us your job posting and we will include in the weekly AEBG Newsletter.
Article7Have Questions or Comments?

Send them to AEBG@cccco.edu.
Have questions or comments regarding AEBG? Please help us help you by sending any questions or comments to aebg@cccco.edu. Sending them to the AEBG inbox helps us get back to you more quickly and efficiently.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office & California Department of Education | 1102 Q Street | Sacramento | CA | 95811