November 6 2013
eNews #52
Newsletter 1st Anniversary 

Can you believe it has been a whole year since we started this newsletter? Technically, we started in October of 2012, but this is the 52nd edition of the eNews, meaning we have sent one for every week of the year! This week's newsletter will highlight some of the best topics from the past year. We don't plan on stopping anytime soon, so look forward to new information next week in eNews #53! 

Combining Data (eNews #33)
Combine Customers

To combine two customers within your Customer File, go to AR | Utilities | Combine Customers. The system will caution you with combining customers that may be in use on a different workstation. Once you have ensured the customers you want to combine are not open on another workstation, type YES into the field and click OK. The Combine Customers Form is split into three steps.


Step one is to locate the customer to keep. On the left side of the screen, click the Find button next to "Find Customer to Keep." Locate the customer using the Find Customer window that appears. This will bring the customer you want to keep into the Combine Customers Form. Next, click the Find button on the right side of this window next to "Find Customer to Combine." Locate the customer you want to combine with the customer found in step one. Finally, verify the two customers on the Combine Customers Form screen and make sure the customer you want to keep is on the left side. If you wish to restart the process, click the Reset button to clear all information or click the Find button on either side to find a different customer. Once the information is correct, click the Combine button along the bottom. The system will ask you if you want to combine the customers. It will require you to enter YES into the window and click OK to finish the process.

Combine Items

To combine two items within your Inventory File, go to IC | Maintenance | Combine Items. Much like the Combine Customers process, Combine Items is split into three parts. Step one is to locate the item you wish to keep. You can find the item you wish to keep by clicking the Find Item button on the left side (Item to Keep). Using the Find window, locate the item you wish to keep and click Select to choose it. Next, click the Find Item button on the right side of the screen where it says "Item to Combine." Locate the item you want to combine the same way you found the previous item. Once both items are located, you can select which values to retain on the combined item. Select the buttons below to determine which values will be retained. Once you are done, click Combine. The system will ask for confirmation so answer Yes when you are sure you want to combine the item IDs shown.


You can also pull in a Duplicate Item Report to combine item(s) that appear as duplicates within the system. To do this, click the Get List button. If you ran the report previously and saved it, you can click Get File to import the report; otherwise, click Create File to run the Duplicate Item Report. Once the report has been run, click Close and the system will present the Item Combine Approval screen. This will list the items that appeared on the Duplicate Item Report and allow you to select which ones you wish to combine. This screen shows the keep information and delete information within the various columns in the listing. Once you have selected the items you wish to combine, click Accept. Now, click the Combine button at the bottom to complete this process.

Grab Bag 1 (eNews #25)
Internal Calendar and Calculator

TransActPOS offers a built in calendar and calculator that can be used in various tasks. These can be accessed on the main menu of TransActPOS by clicking the "Tools" drop down menu in the upper left hand corner of the screen. There is also a Calculator button on the right side of the main menu that brings up the same thing. These two tools (pictured below) can be used only on the main menu.


The calendar shows the days of the week along with the date for that given month. Using the arrows along the bottom, you can view previous or next months in sequential order. Clicking the back arrow from January will take you to December of the previous year and clicking the next arrow from December will take you to January of the next year.


The calculator offers basic functions that a basic calculator would have. You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division for positive and negative numbers. There is also a square root key and percentage key. The M keys on the left side offer memory functions. MC will clear any numbers stored in the memory. M+ will add the entered value into memory. M- will subtract the entered value from memory. MR will recall all values that were added or subtracted from memory. Before using the memory functions, make sure that the memory is zeroed out (there will not be an M next to the number field). Here is a quick example of how to use the memory functions:


Item 1 is $100 at a 10% discount: 100*.9 = 90 M+ (Memory = 90) 
Item 2 is $200 at a 30% discount: 200*.7 = 140 M+ (Memory = 230) 
Item 3 is $150 at a 20% discount: 150*.8 = 120 M+ (Memory = 350) 

How much did I spend altogether? MR. 350!

Fee Item (eNews #20)

In our very first newsletter, we talked about an upcoming feature called Sticky Fees. This feature was implemented due to the PaintCare organization mandating a fee to be attached to all paint cans. Now that the feature is within TransActPOS, it can be used for much more than just paint cans. You can attach any fee item to any inventory item if you wish to do so. These fees could be a core charge for a battery or a pallet charge for buying a pallet of any given product.


The first step in having a fee item is to create an inventory entry for the fee to be attached. This item can be "stuck" to any inventory item and will change with the quantity sold. Go to IC | Inventory File and click the Add button. On the Add Wizard, enter an Item ID (Fee, for example) and a short description. Once this is done, you can click Save to complete the entry. Once you are back to the Inventory screen of the newly created Fee item, click the Edit button. Choose "Fee Item" from the Item Type field and enter a retail price for the fee. Click Save and the fee item will be completed and ready to be assigned to an inventory item.


Locate the item you wish to assign the newly created fee by clicking the Find button within the Inventory File and searching your inventory. Once the item you want is located, select it. In the lower right corner of the item screen is a box titled "Fee Item." To attach the fee item, click the edit button and then the first button in this "Fee Item" box. This will bring up a Select Item screen. Clicking the Find button will allow you to locate the fee item you created previously and attach it to this item. Once the item is located, you confirm it by clicking the Select button. It is now attached to the main inventory item, but you aren't done just yet. The second button in this box determines at what quantity the fee is applied. Clicking it brings up the Unit of Measure Selector. If the inventory item is a 12 pack but sold at an each, you may only want the fee to be applied when someone buys the 12 pack. In this case, you would enter the unit of measure 12PK. Once the fee item has been attached and a UOM has been assigned, you can click the Save button and the process is complete.

You can test this by creating a sale with the inventory item that has the fee attached. Once the desired quantity is met, the fee item will appear on a different line within the Ring Sale list. If the desired quantity is doubled (above example would be 24 or 2 twelve packs), you will see that the fee is also doubled.
(From left to right: Jon Love, Ken Traub, Frank Defini, Steele Pierson, Zack Sutton, Cory Barnes, Cyndie King, Jim Love and in the front is Sue Love; The dogs from left to right: Malie and Rascal)

Thank you for being a part of this incredible milestone! Your continuous support and feedback mean the world to us and we very much appreciate it. From everyone here, thank you and we hope you all have a great rest of the week!

Your TransActPOS Team
Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. | 270-821-0720 |
47 West North Street
Madisonville, KY 42431
Copyright � 2013 Profile Systems Design Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.