The Every Woman Southeast blog provides a platform for "grass tip" leaders across the region to share their successes, vision, and challenges in the area of women's health and wellness. We are continuously seeking great content for our blog. Please read below for suggested topics and submission guidelines.
Suggested Topics

We welcome blog posts on many different issues and topics relevant to women in the Southeast, including but not limited to: Women in leadership, violence against women, reproductive health, family planning, STIs, community health programs serving women and families, health equity, fatherhood, women's health and incarceration, and mental health. Following are suggested questions to help guide your blog post:

  • What resources do you use to address women's health in your community?
  • What resources do you use to start the conversation about race/ethnicity, gender, and health equity in your community?
  • What are your ideas on how to support programs providing services to those affected by violence?
  • How can we find more ways to listen to and amplify women's voices in our region?
  • How can public health and community groups partner with health care providers to make it easy for them to ask the key questions, and then refer women to the resources they need to improve their health?
  • As a professional, how do you stay organized, reduce stress, and stay healthy?
  • How do you engage young professionals in your agency's work?
  • How do you incorporate positive youth development in your programs that are geared towards young women and girls?
  • What innovative ideas do you have about working with partners from different sectors? 
Blog Post Guidelines

Our blog articles typically follow the monthly newsletter topic; however, we welcome blog posts about women's health and equity in the Southeast written for professionals working in clinical service, on public health or related programs, and/or helping to craft policy. We ask guest bloggers to adhere to the following criteria to ensure consistency among all of our posts:

  • Please include a two-to-three sentence bio with your tile and the name of your agency/organization and a photo (can be a casual picture - does not have to be a professional head shot) with the submission of your post.
  • Please limit links to those that highlight your organization, resources, and/or an upcoming event that are applicable to the topic.  Website, social media, blogs, and other links that are related to the guest blogger's affiliated agency/organization are permitted. 
  • Articles should can be written in first-person language.
  • Educational posts should focus on providing practical, how-to/action steps that readers can use immediately.
  • Article submissions can be sent to everywomansoutheast@gmail.com.  An approval email will be sent once the article is reviewed and has met the above criteria.

Need more information?  Please contact us at everywomansoutheast@gmail.com.

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Every Woman Southeast Coalition
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599