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PCHHC Newsletter
May 2013 
Welcome to the May Newsletter!

With Mother's Day coming up on May 12 and Father's Day
following close behind in June, we will be featuring some exciting new programs and resources helping parents (and future parents!) in this newsletter.  We have an article on a fantastic and innovative new program in San Francisco that is helping HIV positive men to achieve their reproductive health plans, and information on a toolkit and other resources for preconception care among HIV positive people.  We will also highlight some helpful resources on fatherhood programs and preconception care for men...  and share the latest viral Dove ad that might make you smile AND cry.   
National Women's Health Week

May 12-18, 2013 is National Women's Health Week!  Coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health, this week focuses on engaging consumers, communities, businesses and other stakeholders to promote women's health and raise awareness about its importance.  Did you know that part of National Women's Health Week is National Women's Checkup Day (May 13)?  Learn all about how National Women's Health Week is celebrated here.

Positive Reproductive Outcomes for Men (PRO Men)
By Shannon Weber, UCSF

PRO Men (Positive Reproductive Outcomes for Men) is an initiative of BAPAC (Bay Area Perinatal AIDS Center) based at San Francisco General Hospital's Ward 86 HIV Clinic. PRO Men is aimed at supporting the ~ 500 HIV+ men who have sex with women at Ward 86 HIV Clinic in determining their reproductive health intentions and supporting clinicians to integrate reproductive health care in to the primary care setting. The project was funded by a grant from the Macy's Foundation and launched by both BAPAC and PHP/Ward 86 Staff.

     PRO Men may be the first effort to prioritize HIV+ men's reproductive health intentions and desires within a primary care setting in the U.S. Because of the close coordination between BAPAC and PHP/Ward 86, female partners of HIV+ men are able receive prompt, expert clinical care around their sexual and reproductive health decisions.  Click here to read more about PRO Men!  Visit the PRO Men website for patient and provider materials and resources, and check out the fantastic video below on having a healthy sex life and a healthy family for HIV positive men.  

HIV Positive Men: Having a Healthy Sex Life and a Healthy Family
HIV Positive Men: Having a Healthy Sex Life and a Healthy Family

HIV and Preconception Care Toolkit 

We are excited to share this very helpful and comprehensive toolkit on preconception care and HIV.  The Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center, in collaboration with the CDC's Expert Panel for Preconception and Reproductive Health of HIV-Infected Persons and the CDC's Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission (EMCT) Stakeholder Group on Family Planning and Preconception Care, developed the toolkit to assist primary care providers in addressing reproductive health issues with their HIV-positive patients, including preconception care, family planning and safer conception for HIV sero-discordant couples.  The toolkit includes training slides, recorded webinars, healthcare provider resources (including an algorithm on preconception counseling and care, and a provider's guide to preconception counseling), and educational materials for patients.  In addition to the toolkit, Women & HIV also offers online CMEs on Gynecologic Care for Women with HIV from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and resources on HIV screening, testing, and policy.   


Recommended Resources:
Fatherhood & Preconception Care for Men 


You are more beautiful than you think.

This new viral video from Dove is touching, inspiring, and thought-provoking.  Despite being a marketing strategy, we think the message of recognizing the beauty that others see in you is important, relevant to women's health, and very timely for Mother's Day and Women's Health Week later this month.  What do you think about the ad?
Dove Real Beauty Sketches
Dove Real Beauty Sketches

About the Newsletter 

Thanks for reading!  Is your organization doing exciting work to promote preconception health?  We would love to feature you in an upcoming newsletter!  Please email for details, or if you have any questions about the newsletter.  
Happy Mother's Day!
This month is a great chance to honor and appreciate all the wonderful women in your life - the moms, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, godmothers, mentors, friends - and the future moms, too!

Show Your Love 
The Show Your Love campaign runs through National Women's Health Week so remember to keep Showing Your Love!  In honor of Mother's Day, check out this podcast on interconception care - more podcasts, PSAs, and videos are available here.

SYL Hug Green Tshirt
Hashtag #SYLToday
New CNE Module on Preconception Care
The March of Dimes is offering a new CNE Slide Module by Merry-K. Moos, nationally recognized preconception health expert.  The module, Preconception Health Promotion: The Foundation for a Healthier Tomorrow is designed for nurses who interact with women of childbearing age  and is available here.
This e-newsletter is archived.  Find back issues of the newsletter and more information about improving preconception health and health care here.