| October 2014

Welcome to the October 2014 edition of the CCTS Investigator!

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Immune Cell Activity May Help Predict Breast Cancer Response to Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy 


A research team led by Davis/Bremer pilot awardee Robert Wesolowski, MD, found that women with breast cancer who have high levels of myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) could respond poorly to pre-surgery chemotherapy versus women who have lower levels of these immune cells. 


Read more | Learn more about CCTS Pilot and Collaborative Studies program



New Cancer Drug for Dogs Benefits Human Research


Dogs suffering from certain types of blood cancers may have a new treatment alternative thanks to the collaborative work of cancer experts looking for options that can help both humans and their pets.


Read more | Learn more about CCTS Comparative Animal Core


Did You Know? 


NCATS seeks to increase small business participation in federally supported research and development as well as private-sector commercialization of technology developed with federal support.


Learn more about the federal government's Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.


2014 Community Engagement pilot awards RFA

The CCTS Community Engagement Program and the Pilot and Collaborative Studies Program are pleased to announce a pilot RFA to support community engaged research and partnership- building proposals.


The CCTS community engagement initiative aims to facilitate community-centered projects that include collaborative teams of researchers and community members. Learn more | Attend the informational session on October 3, 2014


Tools of the Trade: Conducting Research with Biorepositories

On October 15, 2014, 8:00am - 3:00pm in room 115 of the BRT, the CCTS Research Education, Training and Career Development program presents "Tools of the Trade: Conducting Research with Biorepositories."

Faculty and staff from OSU and Nationwide Children's Hospital will talk about the biorepository resources available for research. Listen to researchers tell their stories and learn about IRB issues, best practices, costs, and resources to help you get started.

For more information, please contact Stuart Hobbs. | Read more & register online

Clinical Research Orientation: Introduction to Clinical Research Principles

The Clinical Research Orientation will be a two-day comprehensive overview of clinical research principles, ethics, regulations, policies, processes and management of human subject research conducted at Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center.

For questions regarding the Clinical Research Orientation program, please contact Vanessa Hill, (614) 292-2856 or Meliha Rahmani, (614) 292-4876. | Register via Net-Learning

Writing Tips Workshop: Write Compelling Grants and Papers 

Still Point Coaching and Consulting, a biomed grantsmanship coaching firm with years of experience in scientific writing and grantsmanship, will conduct a writing tips seminar at Nationwide Children's Hospital on Thursday, October 2, 2014 from 9:30am - 11:30am. | Learn more

Collaborate with NCATS Scientists

NCATS researchers are seeking collaborators in the NIH Chemical Genomics Center, NIH RNA Interference Initiative, and the Toxicology in the 21st Century Program.

How are we doing? 


"The help of the nurses in the Clinical Research Center has been invaluable for my research, which could not have been launched without the funds I received through an award from the Pilot and Collaborative Studies program."

Angela Brown, PhD
Development of an RNAi therapy for triple negative breast cancer

Robert Lee, PhD (pictured), and Yasuro Sugimoto, PhD, have developed a liposomal nanoparticle to inhibit a cancerous gene expression in triple negative breast cancer using a cellular mechanism known as RNA interference.
Their research has demonstrated therapeutic value with a significant reduction in cancerous gene expression. | Read more 

StudySearch provides home for researchers seeking volunteers to list studies

StudySearch is an online tool which serves as a central repository of research studies that are seeking volunteers at The Ohio State University.

StudySearch was created to enhance visibility and participation in research studies conducted at OSU. It provides an easy way for potential study participants to find basic, descriptive information about openly recruiting research studies and trials, including contact information. 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - Inaugural Bernadine Healy Lectureship

Friday, October 17, 2014 - Candidates Forum on Children and Youth 

Thursday, October 23, 2014 - Research in IHIS Seminar

October 28-29, 2014 - Clinical Research Orientation

Friday, November 14, 2014 - Big IDEAS for Health 

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Research in IHIS Seminar

NIH Weekly Funding Notice

NIH announcements are published in a funding notice at the end of the work week. Links to announcements are included in the notice. | Latest NIH Funding notice 

NCATS Monthly Newsletter - September 2014
Read about the next phase of the Tissue Chip for Drug Screening program, contract funding opportunities for innovative health technology development, how exercise can enhance the tumor-shrinking effects of chemotherapy, research opportunities and announcements, and more. | Read more
ACTS Newsletter
The Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) publishes a newsletter every month filled with new information, translational news and grant opportunities. | Latest ACTS newsletter 

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