November 2013

Welcome to the November 2013 edition of the CCTS Investigator!

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New program for autumn 2014: Master's in Applied Clinical and Preclinical Research

The Master's in Applied Clinical and Preclinical Research will offer four different specializations: Safety Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Research Management.

The program is a joint effort of the OSU Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy and Medicine, and will also include course options in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Did You Know? 


Researchers enrolled 734 participants in studies using ResearchMatch from May through October 2013, earning the MatchMaestro Award from ResearchMatch for the second time.


Learn more about the services offered by the CCTS Recruitment and Retention program.

CCTS Education & Training Program releases 2014 KL2 RFA 

The OSU Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) is seeking applicants for the KL2 Career Development Program which supports the career development of investigators who have made a commitment to conduct patient-oriented or translational research.

Applications are due February 3, 2014.

For complete information and application instructions, visit the CCTS website.
2014 Longitudinal Mechanism (L-Pilot) RFA 
The CCTS will soon be seeking applicants for the 2014 L-Pilot Awards which support investigators looking to form interdisciplinary teams to transform health care or translational science through innovative, patient-based research. 
Be sure to attend the L-Pilot RFA Town Hall Meeting on December 9, 2013 at 8:00am.
KL2 Grant Information Brown Bag - December 16th

Bring your lunch and learn about the CCTS KL2 award program. Meet and ask questions of former KL2 awardees and Program Director Karla Zadnik, OD, PhD.
Topics include eligibility, benefits, and tips on writing a successful application. Register online or find more information about the 2014 KL2 Grant RFA.  



Commercialization for Researchers Course - Spring 2014


The Commercialization for Researchers Course (VETBIOS 8855) is a 2 credit hour course which will teach the basics of the commercialization of university discoveries.


Get more information


Tools of the Trade: Community Engagement

When: February 18, 2014, 8:30am - 4:00pm

Where: Biomedical Research Tower (115)

Topics covered will include Getting Started with Community EngagementCommunity Centered Research Design, and Establishing Research Fidelity.


For more information, contact Stuart Hobbs.


Researchers seeking more effective drug to inhibit fungal growth

Chad Rappleye, PhD received a Collaborative Partnership pilot award from the Center for Clinical and Translational Science for his research in antifungal drug development.


Rappleye's research team is looking for small chemical compounds that may inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens.


Read More 


Nutrient-controlled meals

Nutrient-controlled meals developed and packed by CRC staff.

Over the past four months, CRC staff have measured and packed 612 nutrient controlled meals for a study focusing on vitamin E levels in participants. Bionutritionists can help design, test, measure, and pack out meals for participants to eat at work and home.

Staff are available to discuss compliance and food safety issues with participants. For more information or to request this service, visit the CCTS website.


Executive Committee and Program Directors
The Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science brings together research teams and fosters innovation to translate science more quickly into patient care.

Monday, December 9, 2013 - L-Pilot RFA Town Hall Meeting 
Monday, December 16, 2013 - KL2 Grant Information Brown Bag

Tuesday, January 21, 2013 - Core Management Training Series

Monday, February 3, 2014 - KL2 Grant RFA deadline

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - Tools of the Trade: Community Engagement

Thursday, March 27, 2014 - 6th Annual ATRN Health Summit

CTSA Central: Tool Shop Archive

The CTSA Central website offers archived videos, presentations, fact sheets and question & answer lists for their CTSA Tool Shop webinar series.
Visit the CTSA Tool Shop webinar archive to virtually attend any session that you may have missed in the past, and bookmark the page so you can check for any webinars that may be scheduled in the future.


Applications to develop potential therapies may be submitted to BrIDGs

Applications to develop potential therapies for any disease or disorder may be submitted to Bridging Interventional Development Gaps (BrIDGs). BrIDGs will accept applications for the FY 2014 solicitation cycle starting November 1, 2013.

NIH announces 15 Clinical and Translational Science Awards

The National Institutes of Health announced more than $79 million in fiscal year 2013 funding to support 15 Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA).



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