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SEE Change...As it happens 
January 2013

A new year begins, and with it comes the hope of fresh starts, new beginnings, and positive change. As social entrepreneurs, that last one is pretty much always on our minds. That's why we do what we do here at SEE Change. We want to make sure you are informed and inspired to continue working for good.

We encourage you to take a look at some of the great how-to articles, inspiring profiles, and social enterprise developments you may have missed in the past year.

Find it all online at SEE Change Magazine.
In This Issue
Ontario SE check-up
Impact measurement
In Conversation with...
Pepperdine University
1% for the Planet
Recent Articles

Map of Ontario 

Last month, we brought you a round-up of social enterprise developments across Canada. We continue this month with a special focus on what's happening with the movement in Ontario.


Read on for highlights from Ontario.


Verity Dimock In this third installment in our series from students at the School for Social Entrepreneurs-Ontario, Verity speaks with a successful social entrepreneur about what to consider when trying to measure impact. One piece of advice: learn which measures matter most to your funders


Find out what else she learned, here.

Looking for ideas to help you gear up for the year ahead? Hear what some of our past interviewees have to say in our