Mission Tidings Newsletter

November 2015 

In This Issue
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Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
 I've been thinking about saints this week. "Halloween" is a spelling evolution from Hallow's eve, or the night before the Feast of All Hallows/Saints. For the first time in a long while the day falls on a Sunday, and we'll be celebrating by a Baptism and some great music that will involve kids at the end.
I returned this month to a parish well and truly cared for by many lay people, administrative assistant Martha Tansey, Vestry, and especially Senior Warden Chris McKerrow and Jr. Warden Paul Antenore. I've been watching saints-in-action this week as people go about preparing for the Fair (which is happening, it feels, a week later than usual thanks to calendar timing). Fr. Michael J Marrone will be gathering together those interested in confirmation, and so are saints-in-the-making. OK, we're all saints in the making, but those who sign up will be mostly be younger, and they will be intentionally learning  more about the faith.
Holidays are right around the corner. There's something quite poignant about those events the older one gets and remembers family members and friends no longer to physically gather around the table: in the communion of saints we still believe they are present.
Do you have a favorite saint? Usually by such a question we mean a famous person from the past with names like Teresa, Christopher, Patrick or Mary. But the response could be someone who inspires you in your own faith whom you've known or still spend time with, people on the journey who show us the way in Jesus.
You are hallowed, made holy. You share the time and struggles and blessings and guidance with so many others. May November 1st, All Saints' Day, be a blessing to you.
In Christ,
Christian Education Calendar                   
Nov. 1                         Regular Classes
Nov. 8                         Regular Classes
Nov. 15                       Regular Classes
Nov. 22                       Regular Classes
Nov. 29                       NO CLASSES
Harvest Fair 2015  - See you there!
See you there!
*Silent Auction          *Creative Crafts    *Gift Baskets
*Country Store           *Ornaments          *White Elephant
*Hand Stitchery          *Preserves           *Jewelry
*Home Baked Goods   *Cookies             *Books
Lunch is available: Beverages, Seafood Salad, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Clam Chowder & St. Luke's Famous Cranberry Shortcake!
Kids Welcome!  Children's Boutique, Books, Popcorn, Balloons and more!
Volunteers appreciated. It's never too late to help! Sign up  in the narthex!
Calling All Inquirers/Confirmands       
9th graders, and anyone else 15 to 95, who would like to explore making an adult affirmation of faith, become an Episcopalian/Anglican, then please be in contact with the Rev. Michael J Marrone: in person on Sunday, 781-934-5314, michaeljmarrone@yahoo.com
Stewardship Reflection     
There are powerful forces intent on separating us from our true selves and from each other. These "forces" come in the form of a constant stream of messages and imagery- on our televisions, in our newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, web browsers and now phones. All with messages that are devised to create or meet an unmet, unfulfilled, deep psychological need that what we have, what we are, is not enough. We need more, we need to be more, to strive for more, to buy more-more, specifically if "more" is new and better. These messages create in us anxiety, fear, and depression (clinical or not) that what we have and are, is not enough and that we need to protect what we have from others.
There are two cures for this cultural neurosis- one is worship, because in worship, in community, we leave our fears, and our overstimulated selves behind and become present to the one who made us, and loves us for who and what we are....no strings attached. The other is to develop and live in a posture of gratitude. To appreciate all that we have, much, most, and at times all of which we take for granted.-"little things"...electricity, running water, food in our pantries, the ability to stand in the morning without assistance and to string a coherent thought or thoughts together in a sentence. Giving thanks for these "little things" allows us to rise above the din of noise and messages that surround us tell us otherwise.
Out of this gratitude, out of our often taken for granted abundance is The Church. Our Church, not just St. Luke's, but the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, as well as The National Episcopal Church all of which are working to meet the call of God's mission on Earth, Jesus's call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick and give encouragement and hope to all who seek it.
We, in this parish have been blessed. Blessed by not only the physical church that we have worshiped in for over forty years, but blessed to be able to afford full time Rector(s) something that increasingly fewer parishes on the South Shore are able to do. Most of all, we have been blessed by the presence of each other, those here now, those who came before us, and those who will worship as The Body Of Christ in the future. Let us give in thanksgiving, in gratitude for all our blessings.
Behold what you are......let us become what we receive.