Mission Tidings Newsletter

October 2015 

In This Issue
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Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
I am looking forward to returning this Sunday, both services!
I've of course been thinking of St. Luke's a lot in my recovery time. It seems that I have been thinking about some of the same future planning as wardens and some vestry; in other words, the Spirit at work.
So, "love your neighbor as yourself" moves in two directions: self, in the case of St. Luke's, the community, and neighbor. Looking toward the future, I hope that people at St. Luke's will find new avenues for fellowship and spiritual nourishment in-house. That means events that connect, build community, and just plain point toward fun and being together. The Harvest Fair always brings that, as does volunteering at the can recycle center, and that Yard Sale, but all bring as well the expectation of raising money through a lot of work. My hope is to collaborate with others in the parish to come up with events and opportunities that have the sole goal of bringing people together. Some events will be social, some spiritual study (book groups, opportunities for growth in prayer).
Loving neighbor means going outside of the church walls (or inviting people in, such as Community Dinner). I hope to look at ways to further our service to those in need. We already have the Dinner, and go to feed people in need in Brockton, as well as our support of the Food Pantry. I hope for people of the parish to (re)-discover participating in those projects as well as exploring other ways to help those in need.
If either or both of those capture your imagination and interest I hope you'll be willing and able to offer ideas and your own time and energy. Please be looking for ways to contribute in ways both small and large to the ongoing conversation and opportunities to lead or support future events.
Yours in Jesus,
Christian Education Calendar                   
Oct. 4            Regular Classes
Oct. 11           NO CLASSES
Oct. 18           Regular Classes
Oct. 25           Regular Classes               
Harvest Fair 2015  - Fellowship, Fundraising & Fun, Too!  Sat.,  Nov. 7th                        
Harvest Pumpkins
Join in this important event at St. Luke's! It takes the whole congregation no matter what your age, your talents, or how much or little time you have.we need you to make OUR Fair a success and meet and get to know fellow parishioners!
Set up / Clean up
Direct traffic in the parking lot
Distribute posters in the community
Make crafts and jam
Donate a Silent Auction item/help with set up
Donate White Elephant or Kids Toys/Books
Staff a booth the day of the Fair
Help run the Kids Activities
Serve food from the Caf�
Donate books
Bake for the Bake Table or the Cookie Walk
Personalize items in the Personalization Booth
Help cook in the kitchen
Donate costume jewelry
Be a cashier for the Caf�
Donate a knit or sewn item
Help with final Gift Basket preparation
See sign up sheets in Narthex or get in touch with Yvonne McKerrow or Sharley Robertson!
Even if it is something you do every year, let us know!
Yvonne 781-545-0365 Rowaytontwins@yahoo.com
Sharley 781-378-2944 Sharleyandrandy@yahoo.com
Harvest Fair Gift Baskets                     
Every year brings its own challenge and this year we have to juggle our Fair projects with the Library using our hall! The Narthex is receiving extra foot traffic with our town residents sharing our space. Therefore, we will not set out baskets for everyone to take home to fill. We hope St Lukers will provide a basket or shopping bag to bring in their contributions to church. We will use the same classroom as last year as a workroom, please be considerate of Library classes as you enter and leave Dutton Hall.
Supplies Needed- we are always in need of Packing Peanuts, Cellophane Wrap and Wired Ribbon. Fillers such as Food Products, Linens, Candles, Gift Items, Wines, Children and Pet items are top requests.
Word is out- we have the BEST fair is town! Now is the time to get energized and prepared to offer our gift baskets at fair time! Here is the INITIAL PLAN!
Sunday, October 4- idea sheets and shopping suggestions along with a sample basket will be displayed in the Narthex.
Sunday, October 18- Bring filler items and baskets to church
Set up of workroom in Sunday school classroom and begin sorting product.
Monday, October 19 till Friday, October 23- Assemble baskets. Please help as you can!
Tuesday, October 27 Shrink Wrap night WE NEED 20 PEOPLE to work our assembly line!
Wednesday, October 28-30 Decorate Baskets
Monday, November 2- till completed- ADD decorated description tickets to all baskets.
Thursday, November 5- Pricing Day!
Saturday, November 7- ENJOY FAIR and SELL OUT of Baskets!
It is SO gratifying to see the generous participation and support of our parish family in this project. Please add your assembly efforts and donations to our Basket Creations. Keep in mind that all donations are used and appreciated.
Questions call Cheryl O'Grady 508-209-3308 or email jogrady191@ aol.com
Thank you and have fun gathering!
YOUR St. Luke's Basket Team
Community Dinner- October 25th, 5 pm
This month's Community Dinner will be hosted by the Scituate Rotary.  Menu will be posted in the narthex soon.
Friends of The Table- Sat. Oct. 31st
Volunteers are needed to serve the meal in Brockton. Great way for teens to earn community service hours. Please sign up in the narthex. Contact Joan Powers for more info at 545-9650 or joanpowers29@comcast.net