Christian Ed Meeting, Sept. 1st, 7 pm
All teachers and Christian Ed Committee members are encouraged to attend this important meeting before church school begins on Sept. 13th.
Sept. 6- Labor Day Weekend- No Classes
Sept. 13-Church School Begins, Registration,
Welcome Back Picnic
Sept. 20-Regular Classes, Registration continues
Sept. 27-Regular Classes,
Children's Service during the Adult Service
Service Schedule Changing
Sept. 6th: Holy Eucharist- Celebrant - Rev. Ray Low
This is the last 9 AM service of the season.
Beginning September 13th, we will resume our normal schedule with services at 8 AM and 10 AM. Rev. Sister Sarah Randall will be the Celebrant for the remainder of September.
Reverend's Reflections

Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
All the theological, spiritual, and sermon talk can sound just fine; it's when reality enters into the picture-how all that talk actually informs living, especially facing challenges-where the true measure can be found.
To be Anglican (Episcopal) in spirituality is to live out faith in action, to let our relationship with God to be embodied. Jesus' Incarnation, God entered into our very real world with all of the joys and sorrows, is a central mystery, reality, cornerstone of our faith. Jesus eats, heals by touching and once by using spit and dust to make mud to be spread over a blind man's eyes; he takes the hand of a little girl who has died and raises her up. He faces storms while on a boat; changes water into wine; takes children into his arms. Jesus uses physical illustrations to teach: the good shepherd who bears the lost sheep on his shoulders; the good Samaritan who salves the hurting man in the ditch; the prodigal son greeted in his return by the finest robe. Jesus' torture and death on the cross; the resurrected Jesus who tells doubting Thomas, "Touch my hands, put your hand in my side."
All of the scientific, neurological studies of monks' and nuns' brains wired for observation as they enter into deep meditation doesn't point to spirituality as mere physical changes, chemicals in the brain: of course spiritual realities will be revealed in the physical. Where else can it be revealed? We are embodied beings.
So I've been in the hospital multiple times for surgeries on my abdomen. Artificial mesh from surgery 20 yrs ago created abscesses. Not how I planned on spending my summer. I claim though that such experiences in the body connect to the Spirit. A great feast of food in the company of others is one way to know God. Being deprived of any food, with deep pain in the same belly and doctors and nurses in attendance also leads to God. There were many instances when watching TV, listening to others in the room talk, and reading were all too much effort. Staring at the wall was about all that happened. It was then that I could turn my attention to God, asking for relief, help, and presence. Did a golden light appear around me and the pain go away? No. But I wasn't alone. The ultimate Lover and Physician of souls was with me. I knew I was connected to others praying for me. Denise, one doctor in particular each time he appeared, a nurse during one especially difficult 3 a.m. bout of pain, various clergy who visited all brought themselves but also holy comfort.
Death and resurrection, the valley of the shadow of death journey that brings us to a feast beside still waters, fear and anxiety met with comfort, words of life: this is the pattern of our lived faith, affirmed over and over and over again.
My fervent hope is to return by mid-September, first part time leading up to full time back to St. Luke's. I've been serving on two different committees of the diocese; I'm rotating out of those roles so that what energy I do have I can give here. I'm pretty sure that celebrating and preaching two times on Sunday will be some way off, so I'm grateful that other clergy are around to help. But I've also learned the hard way once again that making any plans comes with a big asterisk. Know though that when I can return it will be with great satisfaction and joy.
Yours in Christ,
Food Pantry- Volunteers & Food Needed
September is St. Luke's month to staff the Scituate Food Pantry. One volunteer is needed for each Tuesday in September. Food donations are also needed. Please leave non-perishable goods in the basket in the narthex. Thank you!.
Welcome Back Church Picnic- Sept. 13th
The Vestry invites one and all to a Welcome Back Picnic after the 10 AM service on Sunday, Sept. 13th. Hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages provided. Families with last names starting with A-L are asked to bring a salad to share, M-Z, please bring a dessert. Thank you!
Coffee Hour Returns Sept. 20th

Watch for the new Sunday morning Coffee Hour schedule in the next few weeks.
Sunday, Sept. 20th will be the first official Coffee Hour. Thanks in advance for your help!
--Joyce Barthold, hjosbar@comcast.net, 781-378-1272 |
Community Dinner- Sept. 27th, 5 pm
This month's Community Dinner will celebrate the bounty of our gardens. The menu will include a Veggie Pie, Sausage, Salad, Rolls, Apple Crisp & Ice Cream. We are asking for donations of fresh vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, basil, oregano, parsley, etc) to be dropped off by Sept. 20th). Please sign up in the narthex. Thanks, as always, for your support!
Time to Think of Gift Baskets!
After enjoying the leisure of summer, fall is fast upon us. YES, we will offer gift baskets at our Harvest Fair this year! Firstly, a huge THANK YOU to all who generously contributed last year, donating, creating, decorating and ticketing all 185 of our baskets. Our offering was the best ever!
As always, each year brings its own challenge to our organization and production. The roll of the calendar moves the Fair to November 7- the latest possible date in the cycle. The good news is that we have an extra week for production and we do not conflict with Halloween festivities. This year we find that we share space with the Library, creating g a new challenge. Logistics will need to be worked out and our format may change. As details are decided upon, announcements will be posted.
Baskets and idea sheets will not appear as early and do expect some changes to the process. In the meantime, PLEASE start gathering baskets and fillers to be ready when the basket assembly begins. PLEASE look at your October calendar and see when and how YOU can participate in the process. One of the best parts of the basket project is the time spent with fellow St. Lukers and the joy that comes from a team pulling together.
Looking at our stockpile of reserved materials, we find a desperate need for packing peanuts! If you have some to donate or have a resource for us to tap into, please let us know as soon as possible. Having our materials ready makes the process work in a short time frame.