Mission Tidings Newsletter

May 2015

In This Issue
Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross


Dear People of God at St. Luke's,


I'm pretty sure that you, as I do, notice when a helicopter is flying over Scituate; I also hear the planes on their way to Logan, especially at night. If technological reports and for-profit company hopes are to be believed, we're going to have drones to add to the list sometime sooner than later. I shudder.


Now, I've read the amusing accounts of people objecting to trains, and then later cars, and the fears of society changing forever (it did) with dire consequences (usually not in reality). So I'm keenly aware that my dismay over drones might one day look just as quaint. (Driverless cars are a similar matter, but a topic for another day.)




Issues of privacy are at the top of the list of concerns, and ownership of space above our properties. Will utility companies one day come to trim trees for drone paths? And you know they'll crash into people, animals, houses, and cars.


On lots of TV murder mysteries and police procedurals an axiom I've heard is to look up, because nobody routinely looks up-in trees, roof tops, etc. We're coming on a time when looking up will be prudent and routine.


Which leads me to think about matters spiritual. Yes, we're long past thinking of God in heaven as living 'up there,' in the sky above sight, literally out of the earth's atmosphere. The power of metaphor though is strong. "Our Father, who art in heaven," Jesus' ascension into heaven being lifted up into the clouds*. God enthroned above and hell 'down there.'


Maybe drones could be a tipping point for our technologically over-saturated lives, an invitation to shift in perspective. The greater we move in one direction, the pull to see completely in the other becomes even more inviting. So drones in the metaphorical space of the spiritual-mechanical messengers-'angel' means messenger-invite us to think of the spiritual realities, the over-the-top intrusion of the material allowing for the message of some other, meaningful reality for which people I think will long for more and more.


We as individuals and as a faith community can offer some really good news to people who are looking for it, and increasingly those people will not have really heard the story of the good news of Jesus, not really. We have a message and the 'goods' that no drone can deliver.


Yours in Christ,



*Ascension happens during the Easter season, which is 50 days-which is what Pentecost means.. Ascension happens 10 days before Pentecost.

May Is a Busy Month!             

Much to look forward to:


May3rd: Baptism of Debbie Carleton's first grandchild and a new baby boy for the Campbell family.  Healing offered at the altar after you receive communion.


May 10th:  Mother's Day- Fr. Michael Marrone celebrating and preaching at both services. The Barbers away in Atlanta for Kelsey's graduation from her MA program in applied anthropology.


May 17th: Celebration of First Communion (note, also being observed on the 31st for those not able to be there on the 17th).


May 24th: Pentecost, also Memorial Day weekend, Fr. Ray Low, Rector Emeritus, preaching and celebrating at both services. Remember to wear red.  Barbers out of town on vacation.


May 30th: a Saturday, St. Luke's hosts the Deanery Confirmation service.


May 31st: Celebration of First Communion. Recognition of the newly confirmed.


Save the Date:  June 7th- Year End Picnic, Teacher/ASP/High School graduates Recognition

Prayers of the People & Prayer list          

If you've been in church for a regular Sunday service you may have noted that we're varying the Prayers of the People. One addition will be to name those on our prayer list for those sick or in need. The names on our current list as published in the bulletins of April 26th and May 3rd will be 'zeroed' out, so please be in touch with Grant or the office if you wish for a name to be kept on, or new names added. Please indicate when you do so if the need is chronic (which can often be the case) or for a specific situation that might be resolved, such as a prayer for surgery.

Recent Photos of St. Luke's Events
Do you have any photographs from recent parish events? From the fair, social events, and especially kids programs?  Please forward to Grant at revgrant@comcast.net
Annual Food Pantry Scavenger Hunt    
cans of food

Over 200 families in Scituate are eligible to receive food support from the Food Pantry. The pantry receives no government funding, but relies solely on the generous donations of the community.

We are that community!

On Sunday, May 31st at 1pm, we will be holding our annual Food Pantry Scavenger Hunt and we need your help.   You can help by:

  1. Being a kid (grades 3 and up) who wants to participate

  2. Being a family that would like to have us pick up donations at your house

  3. Being an adult that would like to drive around Scituate with our kid participants

Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex beginning next week, as well as a list of items the Food Pantry is looking to collect. Any questions please contact: Stacey Stratton at 781-733-0142, stacey762@gmail.com


Thank you to everyone who helps us to fill the Food Pantry Shelves again!

Volunteers for The Table: May 30th
Please contact Joan Powers if you can help serve the meal at The Table in Brockton on Saturday, May 30th. A nice opportunity for teens to earn some community service hours. We carpool from the church. Call Joan for more information, 545-9650 or email her at joanpowers29@comcast.net
Greeters Needed                             
We're looking for a few more people to join our Greeting Team. The job is simple but important... all you need is a friendly smile, a pleasant manner and the availability to help out once a month. If you would like to be a face of welcome, please contact Tracy Dieselman at tdieselman@gmail.com, or call the Office at 545-9482. We also need someone to chair the group, please let us know if you are willing.
Family Camp 2015- June 25th -28th

At the Barbara C. Harris Camp & Conference Center. This year's theme, Peace Within Us, Peace Over Us, Let All Around Us Be Peace, will help us learn ways to live out our faith in our families. Enjoy swimming, boating, hiking, archery and sitting around a campfire. Register online at bchcamp.campbrainregistration.com