Mission Tidings Newsletter

October 2014 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Communications Circle
Adult Education
Gift Baskets
Crafter Workshops
Silent Auction
Finding God
Senior Dinner
Mexican Dinner
Feast of St. Luke
Stocks Appreciated
Community Dinner
Freezer Meal Workshop

St. Luke's Links

Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross


In honor of St. Luke's Day, October 18th, a Saturday this year, and when Bp. Alan Gates will join us at a 5 p.m. service to dedicate our new entrance and narthex.


  1. In what order do the Gospels appear in our Bible?

  1. Mark, Luke, Matthew, John

  2. John, Matthew, Mark, Luke

  3. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

  4. Luke, John, Mark, Matthew


  1. Of the four Gospel writers, which were original disciples of Jesus during his earthly ministry?

  1. John

  2. Luke

  3. Mark

  4. Matthew


  1. Which of the following does not appear in Luke?

  1. Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary

  2. The magi, or wise men, come to visit Mary, Jesus and Joseph.

  3. Elizabeth, Mary's older cousin, and mother of John the Baptist, visits with Mary.

  4. The journey to Bethlehem


  1. In addition to writing the Gospel with his name, what other book in the Bible did Luke write?

  1. Acts of the Apostles

  2. Book of Revelation

  3. Letter to the Hebrews

  4. Letter to the Romans


  1. Luke had, by our traditional stories, more than the occupation of Gospel writer. For what other work is he known?

  1. Artist

  2. Doctor

  3. Wealthy landowner

  4. Tax collector


  1. The Gospel of Luke is the longest book in the New Testament. There's a good reason for that...do you know why?


    For the answers to all of these questions, go to www.SaintLukesScituate.com 

Communications Circle- This Sunday

There is an abundance of activities happening at St. Luke's! 

Whether you've recently joined our community or were part of the founding congregation that built our sanctuary in 1962, you've undoubtedly heard about or been part of the many programs, ministries, events, and groups that are part of our life at St. Luke's.  


Since communication plays a big role in our lives today, we recognized an opportunity to reach out to others among us who might be interested in sharing what's happening at St. Luke's both within the Parish and with the larger South Shore community.  After a few conversations at coffee hour, we decided to launch a "communications circle."


Perhaps ...

  • You enjoy writing and/or photography? 
  • You have a blog or website?
  • You're a natural conversationalist who would like to learn more about the groups that work together to support St. Luke's?
  • You have PR experience or an interest in publicizing events?
  • You have ideas about ways to grow our website, newsletter, or social media presence?
  • You've come from another church or are part of an organization that has communications practices we might adopt?
  • You're interested in connecting with others who enjoy communications?


If any (or all!) of these areas interest you, please join us for a meet up on Sunday, September 28th - immediately after the 10am service.  We'll talk about existing communications efforts and brainstorm new ones.  We'll also talk about ideas to organize the Circle moving forward and keep working to spread the news of what's happening at St. Luke's.


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Chris McKerrow and Suzanne Otte

Adult Education - Fall 2014                             
Join us for a Bookclub, A Look At World Religions and/or Adult Inquirers - Confirmation Class.
It's Gift Basket Making Time!


Please return baskets, fillers and supplies this Sunday, September 28th.


Here's the Gift Basket Assembly Schedule.



Questions? contact Cheryl O'Grady, 508-989-3739, jogrady191@aol.com

Crafter Workshops                      
We will meet after church in the Sunday School Classroom used for Grades 1 & 2 to work on crafts for the Fair. Come with ideas or anything you are currently working on. Denise Barber will have some project materials to get us started. A fun and easy way to get involved in our biggest fundraiser!   We'll continue these sessions each Sunday until the Fair and would like to add one evening per week as well. Please see Yvonne McKerrow after church and let her know if Tuesdays or Wednesdays work best for you.  
Silent Auction

St. Luke's Harvest Fair is coming up on November 1st, we're looking forward to a great event!  The Silent Auction has historically been a great source of fundraising for the Fair. We're building upon this tradition and encouraging everyone to think about items to provide.  Our goal is to exceed expectations and showcase an exciting, extraordinary Auction!


What types of donations are we seeking?  We've put together a list, to inspire some ideas. To read the list, click here.

Please take a look and consider a contribution.  Be sure to stop by the table on Auction day to see all of the items and make a bid!


Questions?  Please contact Joyce Barthold (hjosbar@comcast.net) or Suzanne Otte (suzanne.otte@gmx.net).  Thank you!

A Reflection on Finding God
by Judy McGreenery

To Grant-

A couple of weeks ago in your sermon, you mentioned about finding God during the week.  This was not going to be an ordinary week for Paul and I, as we were about to journey overseas to places we had never been before.  Since your comment, I was well aware then of finding God during our weeks to come.  Even though we couldn't speak the language whether it was Hungarian, Slovakian, German or Austrian, we found that we had a common bond and respect with the people of these lands as we visited their territories, they as hosts and we as their guests.  Somehow with just simple gestures at times, we could understand each other.  God was not only in the people, but in the land, the churches and the castles, in the rich history of the area and sadly in the previous turmoil that the area experienced for centuries.  I kept thinking as we journeyed through Germany, how could someone so evil (Hitler) come from such a beautiful and peaceful country!  Yes, God was there once again as I witnessed seeing a man on a white stallion at dawn galloping around his field with his dog running along side at Nuremberg; in the rushing current of the Danube and Rhine rivers; in the peace and quiet of the morning mist as the boat floated along the rivers into another peaceful town that had experienced turmoil all those years ago and in the people who persevered despite all the hardships they endured; in the young people who were told about the country's past history, not by the grandparents, who had since passed away, but by their reluctant parents; in the ringing of the church bells in almost every town; and in witnessing the happiness at a county fair of farmers who had gathered with their families showing off their tractors. The lands that are now once again peaceful, yet holding horrid memories in their soil of days gone by.  Yes, God was there once again in the land and in the people and goodness had overcome evil.

Friends of Scituate Seniors  Dinner- Oct. 1 
First Trinitarian Congregational Church, 381 Country Way, Scituate, MA. Menu: Meat Loaf ,Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Brownies & Ice Cream, Tea or Coffee.  Cost is $7- per person. RSVP to Joanne Ball @ 781-545-9164
Authentic Mexican Lunch- October 5th 
After the 10 a.m. service in Dutton Hall. The Oaxaca, Mexico service group from last summer will be joined by some of those thinking of going next year, in cooking a unique meal to share some of the food of the region. Chicken mole, guacamole, Oaxacan cheese, tlayudas, tres leches cake and more!  A presentation on our recent trip and opportunities for the one in planning will also be made. Suggested donation is $10 per person, with families of multiple members being asked to give whatever they are able. Funds will go for next year's trip. Please make your reservation on the sheet in the narthex.
Bishop's Visit- Saturday, October 18th
Celebrate the Feast of St. Luke on Saturday, October 18th at 5 p.m.  with a special Blessing of the Entrance, Cross and Narthex !
The Right Reverend Alan Gates, Bishop of MA will be our celebrant at a service with choirs and Holy Eucharist.  Assisting will be all clergy, past and present, affiliated with St. Luke's parish.
Immediately following, we will have an Elegant Celebratory Potluck Dinner. Please watch for announcements, and sign up sheets in our beautiful new Narthex a few weeks before the special day!
Please note this service will be the principal service of the weekend. Services on Sunday, Oct. 19th will still occur at 8 & 10, the latter without music or Sunday School.
Stocks Appreciated!                         
With the stock market reaching all-time highs, now may be a good time to consider donating appreciated securities to St. Luke's as part of your year-end planning.  A charitable contribution can be one of the most tax-efficient ways to give.  When you donate appreciated stocks held for over a year, you can take a full deduction for the market value of the securities, and avoid paying capital gains.  If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Ed Karsch.  As with any decision, please consult a tax professional with any detailed questions.
Community Dinner- October 26                       
Thanks to all who helped with September's Dinner. This month's meal will be provided by the Scituate Rotary. So relax, enjoy the dinner and thank the Rotary for their continued support!
Freezer Meal Workshops 

Hi St. Luke's community!


I wanted to share with you all an opportunity for an event I will be hosting monthly at St. Luke's. I am grateful to Grant Barber for allowing me the use of your church's space for my workshops. As a thank you I would like to offer registration to my workshops for $5 off for anyone in the St. Luke's Community.


This is for the busy dads. The working moms. The takeout families. The ijustdontwanttocooktonight wives. The planning grandparents and the procrastinating college students. Come join me in a local Freezer Meal Workshop where you will make 10 delicious meals in just 2 hours to take home and stock your freezer with. That's ten nights this fall that you won't have to worry about what's for dinner!


Join our November Workshop- Mon.,Nov. 3 at 6:45 pm