Mission Tidings Newsletter

Late August  2014 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Church School
10 days in Oaxaca
Hospitality Committee
Thrift Shop
Gift Baskets
Religions of the World
Community Dinner
Main Spring Thankyou
Potluck Dinner
Did You Know?

St. Luke's Links

Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's,


This is one of my favorite times of the year. Autumn weather is so wonderful, but even better, the fall brings back a robust, energetic life at the church. In addition this summer has had its tough moments from all of the challenging international and national events, longer term illnesses of some folks, and deaths, more than usual for any given time of year. That last piece is a mix because as Christians we are people of resurrection, but it is still sad to know that we will never see loved ones, parishioners, friends again on this side of life.


I am excited about several upcoming opportunities in our life together.


Sunday School


In the third week in August we had a Christian Education Committee meeting. Lots of energy and new ideas there, and we have more than one teacher lined up for each grade, save one at this time of writing. As usual for these sorts of things leaders bring together parishioners with years of experience along with newer members. Bethany Bergin will be the new Director of Christian Ed and she has several new goals for this year, and high schooler Adrienne Wood has given us valuable insights into her own fond memories of her younger years in the program. Returning after a four year absence will be 'The Little Service' to start each Sunday morning with the younger children.


See further details about Sunday School elsewhere here, but note the date of September 7th, the first Sunday after Labor Day, for back to school registration and picnic.


International Mission Trip

Monkey bars & seesaw
Seesaw smiles

Second, this summer also brought our first parish international mission trip, as six of us went to Oaxaca, Mexico for two projects. (We had three others going up to the last minute when the impending death of participants' close relative required cancellation the day before we left.) Logistical challenges going and coming though faded when we engaged in the two projects, one with a school for street kids and a second building a playground in a village outside the city of Oaxaca. Those projects were unqualified successes on their own terms, and laid the groundwork for a return trip next year. Look for announcement about a presentation to the whole parish early in the fall, including a meal of traditional foods. We'll leave out the fried grasshoppers, but the chicken with chocolate based mole (the 'e' is not silent) sauce just has to be tried!


So I'm excited about telling all who wish to know about this trip, and even more so to find out who might join us next year. For more photos, visit our website.


Kim Harriman washing freshly dug potatoes for lunch

New and Returning Programs


Third, I'm excited about the return of one social opportunity returning, as well as two new programs. We return with Taste of the World! On Sunday October 5th we'll have a group of those interested going to a Brazilian steakhouse in Plymouth, in the evening. See further announcements and sign-up sheet in the narthex. I hope to have a once a month event for high school students. And for adults, a Religions of the World class going all year. See article elsewhere.


See you this Fall!



In Christ,


Church School Registration
It's that time of year again. Look for the registration forms on the table in the narthex or click here.
Back to Everything Picnic- Sept. 7th

On September 7th we resume Sunday School for children, bless their backpacks and have a picnic following the 10 AM service. Households with last name starting A- M, please bring a dessert. Households with names from N- Z, please bring a salad to share. Not a cook? Help with set up or clean up. Not realistic that you can cook or do the set up/clean up? It's more important that you are there, not what you can do...so plan on joining us!

Ten Days in Oaxaca, Mexico                  

By Beatrice HurwitchA new swingset!


Oaxaca is considered to be the poorest province in Mexico. Being in Oaxaca, getting to know the people, their needs, their work ethic, their customs and way of life was a unique experience for me. As you know, I joined a group of nine people led by Rev. Grant and his wife Denise Barber to work on a project at the Educational Center for street children, also known as children street vendors, that would help them bring in some income to be used towards their education. A lot of families are very poor and do not have the means to buy their children the required items needed to enter school - such as shoes and uniforms, no matter how simple or inexpensive they may be. All the children who do go to the Educational Center are sponsored by caring people willing to make a difference, one child at a time. Besides their regular curriculum in a public school, at the Hope Educational Center children are taught computer science, discipline in their studies, respect for all, and moral values. Their main language is Spanish, but they also learn to speak English. These children were confident, doing well in school, had radiant smiles and were happy and full of fun. While those children who had filled out the application forms and were waiting for a sponsor looked resigned and sad. We spent the first four days with the children on a project led by Denise Barber that involved hours of cutting paper, cardboard, using glitter paints and binding. Some of the children did really beautiful works of art. Then we spent the next five days going to a village high in the surrounding mountains to help build a playground for the children there. When the swings, the see-saws and monkey bars were in place the children were overjoyed and their laughter mingled with the laughter of their parents. As I look back on all I experienced in Oaxaca and remember those I met, young and old, villagers, men, women and children working together in their corn fields from sunrise to sunset, tending their small herd of goats which would supply the family with some milk and cheese, my respect for their way of life increased. Mexicans are, by and large, very hard workers, skilled, creative craftsmen and excellent farmers. For thousands of years they have learned to cultivate and live off their land. They learned to take the simple, humble corn to the next level, creating a wide variety of delicious meals and yet I did not see anyone that was overweight. On the return trip, I came away with the feeling that maybe the world would be in better shape if we tried to get to know one another, while at the same time respecting our differences.


A thought to ponder from "Wind, Sand and Stars" by Antoine de Saint Exupery, copyright 1940


"We met at last. Men travel side by side for years, each locked up in his own silence or exchanging those words which carry no freight- till danger comes, then they stand shoulder to shoulder. They discover that they belong to the same family...they wax and bloom in the recognition of fellow beings! They look at one another and smile...they are like the prisoner set free who marvels at the immensity of the sea"...

Hospitality Committee                        

St Luke's now has a Hospitality Committee!

I will oversee the committee, but I will be needing others to help organize events such as the Potluck on St. Luke's Day, Saturday, October 18th, the Annual Meeting Potluck in January, Easter coffee hour, and checking on supplies (coffee/tea) for weekly coffee hour, 

Karen Stone and Joyce Lukacik have volunteered to check kitchen every couple of weeks for clutter that does not belong, and tidy up areas that may have been left messy, heaven forbid!  This will be a huge help!

Please email hjosbar@comcast.net , call 781-378-1272, or talk to me at church on Sunday to let me know how you can help!  The kitchen is always a great way to meet people at church!

Thank you!

Thrift Shop Donations Needed   
Rev. Colette Wood's parish, All Saints in Whitman, is opening up a new community thrift shop in September. The thrift shop will be open twice a week for folks from nearby towns to come and buy adult and children's clothes, toys and small household goods. We are very much in need of more children's clothes! If you have some you would like to donate you can drop bags off at the Wood's house, leaving them on the porch at 748 Country Way in Scituate. You can call Colette at 617-922-9664 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance!
It's Gift Basket Making Time!

Thank you to all that kept the gift basket project in their minds during this past year. Many baskets and fillers have been collected and we have a wonderful start for this year's offering for our Harvest Fair coming the first Saturday in November.


Baskets will be displayed in the Narthex by September 7th for choosing to fill. As in the past two years we will work on this project during the first two weeks of October. Dates and schedules will follow later in September, BUT, please think about allocating some time to share in the creation of these exciting gift baskets. All are invited ( read that encouraged!) to participate and add individual talents to the mix. The uniquely diverse offerings we present each year keep our customers returning!


In addition to filling baskets, please be on the hunt for packing peanuts, cellophane wrap and all sorts of ribbon. These supplies are drained each year and are always needed.


Call Cheryl O'Grady 508- 209-3308, email: jogrady191@aol.com or Yvonne McKerrow, 781-545-0365, email: rowaytontwins@yahoo.com

Religions of the World

As our world seems to shrink we hear from other faiths. We might benefit from knowing more about various other beliefs...concepts of what it means to be a human being, what the Divine looks like, and moral decision making.


I need at least seven committed participants to sign up to make this a going concern. It will meet most Wednesday evenings, with calendar provided, starting on Wednesday September 17th.


We will begin with focus on the major world religions as they emerged historically. So the larger framework will explore Hinduism, with Buddhism and Judaism coming next, then Christianity. Islam will conclude the world religions. Along the way we'll also look at Zoroastrianism, Native American belief, Sufism, Baha'i, Taoism, Confucianism, Greek and Roman paganism, Wicca, Christian Science, tribal gods of Africa, and Santeria. Okay, that sounds even overwhelming to me, but I've done it before!


We'll also be including 'field trips' to a Hindu temple, a mosque, a synagogue, and an Orthodox Christian church, and maybe a Zen center. When possible we'll invite a representative from that tradition in advance of the tri to give a first-hand account of the faith.


How we'll organize all of this will be by categories:


            Concept of the Divine (god, gods, goddesses, etc).


            Creation story and relation to nature.


            What it means to be human and how to commune

            with the divine.


            Concept of afterlife, along with any concepts of sin

            and forgiveness.


Because this is a class offered in a specific Christian tradition setting we'll also be looking at each faith as it compares and contrasts to our own traditions.


Full disclosure. Although I seek to understand other faiths, I still choose to follow Jesus, so we'll be learning to live with the inevitable tensions between understanding and believing, openness to others and commitment to a specific faith.



Community Dinner - Sept. 28th                  
The menu will feature Baked Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Salad and Finger Desserts. Look for the sign up sheets in the narthex. Thanks for continued support!
Main Spring Thanks You
Thank you to all who helped with the meal at Main Spring in Brockton on Saturday, August 30th. The next date will be November 29th.
Potluck Dinner on St. Luke's Day During Bishop's Visit                               
On Saturday, October 18th, following the dedication and Evening Prayer service by Bishop Gates we will have a potluck dinner in Dutton Hall.  Of course we will need food, help with set up, kitchen help, clean up, and table centerpieces etc.   As the time draws closer, more information will be available. Be on the look out for sign up sheets!  Thanks! 
Did You Know That...
we receive no regular yearly money or financial support from the Diocese. But we are required to send them over $25,000 each year?