Thank you ....and you.... and you!
 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES THIS YEAR..... CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS: Chris & Mary Swigart, Jennifer Penney, Diana Huntress -Nursery substitutes Adrienne Wood- preK and K Denise Fox-Barber- 1st and 2nd, Communion Class Paula Rooney- substitute 1st and 2nd Joyce Lukacik- 3rd and 4th Janine Beal- 5th and 6th Ann Johnson- 7th, 8th, 9th Rev. Beatriz Hurwitch- substitute 7th,8th,9th Rev. Joyce Scheyer and Philip Flaherty- Confirmation Class CHURCH SCHOOL SUPPORT TEAM: Rev. Joyce Scheyer Martha Tansey, Administrative Assistant Chris Pierce, Sexton Gayle Beaudoin, Parent Assistant Nancy Reid, Overall Assistant Nick Beaudoin, Teen Assistant Bethany Bergin, Nursery Staff DIOCESAN YOUTH COUNCIL: Adrienne Wood CHILDREN & YOUTH OUTREACH TEAM- ADULT MENTORS Joan Powers- The Table with Cyndra Zambo Nancy Buckley, Steve Rafferty- ASP Trip Chaperones Parker, Arevian and Clancy families- Community Dinner Kelley Arevian, Stacey Stratton, John McDowell, Meiji Yang- Pancake Supper Joyce Lukacik- "Wish Upon A Crayon" coordinator SAFE CHURCH TRAINING: Thanks to the following who completed all or part of the free online training for adults who work with children in the Episcopal Church called "Safeguarding God's Children"....Grace Strong, Nursery Assistant (beginning April 2014) CHILDREN & YOUTH MINISTRY SPECIAL HELPERS: Molly Rafferty, Nikki Margeson, Paula Jewell, Janine Beal, Shey O'Grady, Bethany & Shane Bergin- Christmas Pageant Linda McDowell- Handmade Cross bookmarks for Communion Celebration John & Linda McDowell- Transfer Station coordinators Corbina Foucart, Karen Hirsh, Cyndra Zambo, Ed Malouf-Transfer Station mentors Gayle & Nick Beaudoin, Nancy Reid, Denise Fox-Barber, Jayme & Maddye Parker and many anonymous candy donors- Easter Egg Hunt ....AND SO MANY OTHERS WHO HELPED AT VARIOUS EVENTS THIS YEAR!!! |