Reverend's Reflections
 Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
Have you heard of Whisper and Secret? I hadn't either until last week-NPR radio show again. They are two websites where people can go to post anything they want, anonymously, and comment on others' posts.
This sort of thing started out over two decades ago when you could pay for a phone service-you could call a number and confess anything on to a recording. The flip side is that you could also listen to other's confessions. Apparently for the relatively brief life of the service all manner of transgressions were recorded. People who used the service described finding some relief-just to say out loud what was a silent burden helped; listening to others let them know they weren't alone.
Of course that's the generous interpretation. I suspect that people 'confessed' lots of made up stuff and were titillated by the horrible errors of others. Dear Abby and the weekly gossip rags at the supermarket checkout cater to that lower nature of people. We get the sarcastic, crass, cost-free comment sections on any internet news story or opinion piece in our own day.
When people can express themselves anonymously then maybe there is the chance for both honesty and dishonesty, genuineness and cruelty, relief of a sort and also digging further ruts in the road we travel-of anger and callousness.
Jesus has encounters with people that start out with their brokenness, sometimes even an initial anonymous exchange-a woman reaches out to touch his robe knowing that it will bring healing. I know the power of knowing and calling one another by name, in direct contact, in a community. Genuine, face to face relating takes some effort but brings commensurate deeper rewards.
What all of this leads to is the great pattern of our lives known in Jesus: time in the desert, emerging into the promised land, death and resurrection, Lent and Easter. We find this when we gather at church for all the seasons of our lives.
Speaking of journeys and life in community: plans are under discussion to recognize the ministry of the Rev. Joyce Scheyer among us. She joined St. Luke's almost two and a half years ago in a position funded by the bequest of Dick Clay, with a contract that extended to the end of the church school program year of late spring 2014. Look for opportunities to express your appreciation for Joyce, with special recognitions in May.
In Christ,
Thank You!!!
To all who helped with the Community Dinner in March- especially Boy Scout Troop #7!
To all who served at The Table in Brockton on March 29th!
Your support is truly appreciated!
Construction Project Update
As most of you know, construction on our new narthex/vestibule entrance and bathrooms began three weeks ago.
The first two weeks consisted of major demolition of the old bathrooms and narthex. During this demolition period it was recommended by the General Contractor that we test the ceiling for asbestos before we started ripping it apart. Although no one ever likes to find these things out it was imperative that we do the responsible thing for the safety of the workers on the job, and for the parishioners. Unfortunately the tests came back positive for asbestos.
At that point, work was halted on any ceiling demo until we could get an abatement company to remove the ceiling properly. With a permit filed with the state, a team of haz mat professionals removed the ceiling. After the process the air was tested to make sure it was not contaminated in any way. It came back negative. I've been told that at no point has this ceiling ever posed any health risk to our parishioners. Asbestos is something that is considered dangerous to our health only when it becomes airborne, which it never did.
The major drawback to this was the extra cost of $18,000, which had not been budgeted. We continue to hope donations come in for the capital campaign to help cover this unexpected expense. While we tried to account for every dollar on the project, and keep within our budget, unforeseen things such as these are difficult to budget in. In fact we had $12,000 dollars in our contract with the General contractor for contingencies such as this, but this wont be quite enough to cover the abatement.
There have been other small unexpected costs and there may be more, however it was the largest at this point and thought worth sharing.
Work has continued with the framing of the new bathrooms, the rough plumbing, HVAC rerouting, and electrical work.
This next week will bring the demolition of the rest of the old front entrance, and pouring a new concrete slab for the expanded footprint of our new Narthex. Bathroom work will continue as more new plumbing and electrical are run through the studs.
I know how difficult and frustrating this may be for some. Change is always difficult. But I do believe when the dust settles we will all be extremely pleased with our new, bright and welcoming Narthex, along with updated handicap accessible bathrooms.
And everyone is probably wondering when the project will be finished. The asbestos work set us behind a few weeks. At this point we are anticipating a completed project by mid to late May.
Isaiah 43:18-19:
"Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth..."
Supporting St. Luke's
We are asking for consideration for new pledges for our building needs (Capital Campaign).
Our church--our building, our mission, our work--is funded on a yearly basis by parishioners' pledges and donations. In addition, any big expenses that come about to fix or improve our building happens because members commit to that work. We have not had, as a congregation, any major need for big building expenses since it was built in the late 1950s and early 1960s. In the almost-nine years I've been here we've replaced the roof, bought new hot water heaters, changed and upgraded the exhaust hood above the range in the kitchen, but all from funds already on hand--but each time it's been a stretch.
Our current building project includes replacing bathrooms, finally hard-wiring our building for smoke/fire/CO2 detection, and enclosing the building entrance. Pledges received almost two years ago from members have made this possible. These pledges were for varying amounts--from $3,000-$50,000. Each household that pledged determined how to pay that pledge over a five year period--monthly, quarterly, annually.
However, we have had to approve borrowing up to $200,000 from our endowment fund: the expenses are now, but donations will still be arriving over the next three or so years. We will have a short-fall between income pledged and unanticipated construction costs. We have other building projects/needs that we would like to make happen, for example repaving the parking lots and giving Dutton Hall a make-over (flooring, lighting, painting).
At the time of pledging some households expressed a desire to pledge and support the project, but for financial constraints were unable to do so at that time. In addition we have welcomed new households and individuals into our life together.
If you will help us with our building needs please contact the church office for a pledge form, or talk to Grant or any vestry member--the list of those are in each week's bulletin. Pledge forms will be available in Dutton Hall with the other hand-out material. What we will want to know: how much in total you will pledge, paid in what increments (weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly) spread out over how many years--anywhere from 3-5 years. Then to make sure you receive the recognition, thanks, and credit for this charitable contribution against your taxes we will of course need your name and address.
Thank you for considering this. Your support would mean much to the life of the church.
Confirmation Meeting- April 6th
Rev. Grant will meet with Confirmands and their parents after the 10 AM service. Please note that Confirmation will take place on Saturday, May 3rd at 10 AM in Duxbury.
Holy Week Special Services 
April 17th - Maundy Thursday
6:30 PM- Return to the Upper Room, an observance of Jesus' Last Supper. Bring a simple dish to share. Followed by stripping of the altar and devotions at the Altar of Repose.
All Night Vigil with Jesus in the Garden
April 18th- Good Friday
NOON- 3 PM- Reflections by St. Luke's clergy on Jesus' Last Words.
7 PM- Solemn Collects and Prayers
April 20th- Easter Sunday
8 AM- Said service, no music
9 AM- Family/child oriented liturgy, followed by Egg Hunt.
11 AM- Festal Eucharist
Please see sign up sheets in Dutton Hall for Maundy Thursday and also for a Pot Luck Breakfast, Easter Sunday between the 9 and 11 AM services. We seek substantive brunch food along with volunteers to set up and clean up.
Egg Hunt Helpers Needed
We are looking for donations of non-melting candies (individually wrapped) for our Easter Egg Hunt after the 9 AM worship on Easter Sunday. We will also accept monetary donations. Volunteers are invited to help count and fill eggs, hide eggs or supervise the hunt. Please sign up in Dutton Hall.
Communion Celebration- Sunday, May 4th
Please save the date...more details to follow.
Think Summer! Register for Camp!
Registration is now open for Camp Barbara C. Harris for campers entering 4th through 12th grade. One week sessions are available from June 29 - August 9. For more info visit www.bchcenter.org/campRev. Joyce has scholarship info and 2014 camp brochures. *A car wash is planned on May 17 to raise funds for camp.