Mission Tidings Newsletter

January   2014 

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Teens Send Photo
Church School Calendar
Concert of Light
Flowers & Candles
Annual Meeting
Community Dinner News
New Veteran Program
2014 Envelopes
Nursery Help Wanted

St. Luke's Links

Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's,


Some time ago I heard a radio show about a dinner party conversation; the question came up, "If you could have one super power-either to be invisible or to fly-which would you choose?" Many different directions the responses and reasons for choosing.


On movie and TV screens we've seen lots of super hero stories-X-Men, The Avengers (Thor, Iron Man and so forth). I think we're now on the fourth movie Superman, Ben Affleck will soon be a new Batman....and how many Spidermans?


Underneath all of these stories is the idea that our ordinary world might still contain extraordinary realities if only we had the eyes and ears tuned in to see and hear. The Harry Potter stories, of wizards and witches and trolls, dragons, Diagon Alley, coexisting with our world does the same thing.


Christian Christmas celebrates the birth of a savior, Jesus, into the backwater town of Bethlehem, in a country on the edges of the Roman Empire, to parents who were themselves ordinary-not wealthy or from a notable family, that is unless you look back to their ancestors, to King David.


I believe that the hunger we have for the extraordinary in the middle of our routine lives  is the spiritual need for connecting to this greater reality found in knowing Jesus. Other world religions have their own versions of this connection; often when I hear from Moslems, Jews, and Buddhists they are describing a similar reach of the special and holy into the daily. Since I am a Christian I wouldn't presume to speak for other faiths; I can tell you that in Jesus I find what I long for, and I hear from so many others how that is so for them too.


So if I could have one superpower it might be something taken from another Bible story, in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles when those who followed Jesus are waiting for what might come next after his death, resurrection, and ascension. Gathered in a room they all receive the power to speak in other languages so they can tell visitors to Jerusalem about Jesus in all of the various languages the visitors speak. I'd like to have the power to have a conversation in any language needed. I imagine walking through Harvard Square and coming across tourists from Asia, Slavic countries, Latin America who are looking lost as they hold a map one way and then another. How great it would be to give directions, but even better, to ask if they have time to sit down for coffee or a meal and tell me about their lives.


Even more nuanced: if I could hear and understand, and communicate back, with those whose positions on important topics of our day and time: health care, welfare, gun ownership and reform. I suspect that while we all speak English we aren't really communicating and understanding one another.


In this New Year my wish for you is that you engage in the world, not with anger or indifference, but with the hard work of listening, trying to understand and be understood. You and I are actually the extraordinary 'hidden' among the ordinary. Love God, love your neighbor, do to others as you would have them do to you. These things can change your world.


In Christ,


Teens Send Photo to Heal Teacher
Jr. High church school class
The Jr. High church school class sent this photo to their longtime teacher, Ann Johnson, when she missed classes in December due to health. She cheered up immediately and called them by name and asked about all the other youth. Rev. Joyce subbed in and led the class through their usual curriculum "Living The Good News". Ann Johnson returns to the class as of January 5th. She hopes to see a room full of teens from 10-10:45 in the Gordon Room.
Church School Calendar- January 2014

  5- Regular Classes
Regular Classes  
 19- No Classes- MLK,Jr. Holiday 
 26- Regular Classes
Concert of Light- Saturday, Jan. 4th
Elizabeth Von Trapp will perform  at 7 p.m., St. Mary of the Nativity Church, 1 Kent Street, Scituate Harbor. She will be accompanied by the Scituate High School Select Choir, William Richter, Director, Vicki Schlosser, Accompanist. The cost of the concert has been entirely underwritten by the Scituate Clergy Association. All proceeds to to the Scituate Food Pantry. See Joan Powers to buy tickets ( Adults- $20, Students 12 & under-$10). Also on sale at Front St. Bookstore and Buttonwood Books & Toys in Cohasset.
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candles- 2014
This beautiful St. Luke's tradition continues... If you would like to dedicate the weekly Altar Flowers or Sanctuary Candle in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for blessings, please sign up on the new 2014 charts in the narthex. The cost for the flowers is $55, the candle is $10. Thank you!
Annual Meeting- Sunday, January 26th
Join us after the 10 AM service for the Annual Meeting and a pot luck meal.  All committee chairpeople are requested to email their reports to stlukes.scituate@gmail.com no later than Monday, January 13th for inclusion in the Annual Report. Thanks for your cooperation!
Community Dinner- Sun., January 26th
Thank you to all who helped with the December meal. Thanks also to the Scituate Rotary who will be providing and serving January's Community Dinner at 5 PM on January 26th.The menu will feature Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes. Hope to see you there!
New Veteran Program Manager
Jim is collecting photos and stories of military service from anyone at Saint Luke's. He is making a notebook to honor the history of everyone retired or on our veteran prayer list. Thanks for the 20+ entries collected this fall. Jim has a mailbox in the church office for more photos and stories. Please include your name and contact information for follow up. Thanks also to Joan Powers who cleaned our large American Flag in Dutton Hall.
2014 Envelopes
For those who requested envelopes with their 2014 pledge, they are available to pick up in the narthex...listed alphabetically by name. If you did not request them, but have decided you would like them- we do have some extras. Please see Ed Karsch. Thank you.
Nursery Help Wanted- Sundays
Adult over 21. Safe church training provided free. Weekly commitment from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Paid weekly. Send letter of inquiry to Rev. Joyce, revscheyer@gmail.com