Reverend's Reflections
 Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
People don't like to wait for something good. I see it in others and the general culture in part because I see it in myself. Oh, of course there's the slow food movement that counters microwavable frozen dinners. Handmade items, such as knitted sweaters or quilts from material scraps take loving care, time and patience, over against clicking on a website and getting the wanted thing in a couple days (even overnight if the money isn't a priority). I don't have to wait to tell Denise and Kelsey some good news or share a funny incident until I see them or get home to the phone; I can call them from the car, or text them in the parking lot of my next stop.
I'm not going to argue here for a return to 'the good ole days.' I like convenience.
I'm not even going to rail against the Christmas carols I've heard playing, well, everywhere already or the red and green themed displays at retail stores. By the way I'm fine with lots of the secular holiday songs, "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas," or "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas," and so forth; it's the hardcore carols that we sing at our Christmas eve services-"Silent Night," "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" for example-that make me cringe in the dog food aisle at Shaw's.
What I do want to reclaim is the good that comes from waiting. Recently I heard an exchange in a store between a parent and young child who wanted something very badly, and pretty much everyone in the store was in on the exchange. When the parent suggested putting the item on a Christmas wish list there was some degree of calm restored. We teach our children to delay, to be patient. Christmas can feel good. "What if we treated everyday as if it were Christmas?" Why not start early then?
One answer is that the harder it is to get something, the more its intrinsic worth seems to be. A high school diploma comes after lots of study, angst, hard work. We can tell the recipients that we are proud of them, and that rings true. The spiritual work of our Advent Season is wrapped up in the anticipation building, perhaps reflecting on the upcoming birth of a child into vulnerability, to a family without wealth or political power, displaced. In the Philippines thousands of babies are being born to families without reliable food, water, and shelter. That geographically remote reality can bring us back to our own neighborhoods and towns where the same is happening, just more hidden from news reports.
Advent can be a time for recalibration.
But what I really want to turn back to are the cooking and knitting examples with which I started. You can add carpentry or some other activity. There is a simple joy in putting thought and energy into something that takes time to complete, knowing all the while that the crafter feels meaning as the project unfolds, and in thinking about how the recipient will be touched by the thought and effort. All of this has a spiritual counterpart. As days shorten and temperatures turn colder we can draw inward, reflect on gifts given all through the year from God, our own blessings and frustrations that we can hold up to this life-changing, world-changing, reality-changing event of God entering into our world in new, fresh ways.
In Christ,
Stewardship Drive 2014-Thanksgiving
A huge thank you to all who have gotten your pledge in. If you intend still on turning it in, now would be good. Can't find the pledge form in the pile of mail? Just click http://www.saintlukesscituate.com download the form (top right of screen), print it out, fill it out, and mail it in or bring it with you on Sunday.
We've not had anyone do this next thing next, but it should work just as well. Download the form to your computer screen; fill it out (may take some finessing with the lines and so forth, but not too much of an inconvenience), save it as a document, and then attach it to an email to: "St. Luke's Episcopal Church" stlukes.scituate@gmail.com. NOTE this is a change in the St. Luke's email address from Verizon to gmail.com; the address before the @ sign remains unchanged.
Church School Calendar- December 2013
1 Regular classes, Advent Wreath bases and candles available after worship. Free to new church members. $5 suggested for a refill candle set or replacement base. Add your own greens and perhaps a bow. Prayer guide free. 8 Regular classes 15 Regular Classes, Christmas Pageant 22 No classes- Christmas vacation
29 No classes- Christmas vacation
Calling Artists of All Ages
Creative costume and scenery teams are forming for our 2013 Christmas Pageant to be held on December 15th at 4 PM. Volunteer to help on a few days or evenings. Materials provided. Sign up in Dutton Hall, outside of Room 2.
Community Dinner Special Thank You
In November our Community Dinner hosted over 100 people as the Council On Aging recognized Florence Choate, retiring Director. Special thanks to those organizing the event (Joan Powers, Karen Stone, Joyce Lukacik, Roberta Swift, Alice Dana, Nancy Jacobs, Denise Barber, Jane Shea) and all the great volunteers who helped.
Friends of the Table - Thanks!
Thanks to those who helped at The Table in Brockton in November. The next date is March 29th.
Scituate Food Pantry
December is the month for St. Luke's to staff the Food Pantry. We need one volunteer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays, Dec. 3rd, 10th and 17th. Please sign up in the narthex.
Twelve Days of Christmas Tea, Dec. 7th
Join us in Dutton Hall for an entertaining and educational program explaining the 10,000 year history of this great holiday season, how it evolved into the 12 days, what it all means, how we can extend our own holiday season in celebrations and joy while understanding the secret meanings of the oldest Christmas carol that has puzzled modern man. Presented by Donna & Ron Lasko of Courtship Tea. Sign up in the narthex. Tickets- $10.
Special Parish Meeting Called- Dec. 8th
Immediately following the 10 a.m. service. The Vestry has requested a special Parish Meeting to approve the borrowing of up to $200,000 from our Endowment Fund for our first capital improvement project: installation of fire and smoke detection, renovations of bathrooms, enclosure of front entrance, replacement of lighting and flooring in the narthex. The good news is that we have pledges, and significant money in hand already (over $100,000) toward the entire 5 year span of the pledge period. Please see a separate email/newsletter with a much fuller explanation of the project, funding, and this request. Information will also be available in the narthex. You may also speak with any of the committee members overseeing this process: Joe Barthold, Joyce Barthold, Gail Meehan, Chris McKerrow, Ed Karsch, Grant Barber, Cheryl O'Grady.
St. Luke's Giving Tree
 As we get ready for Christmas, we are asking for help to provide gifts for the residents of the Rehoboth Shelter in Norwell.
Please consider taking a tag or two to help make a resident's Christmas warmer. Remember to sign the gift log next to the tree and please return the items by December 15th!
We are also looking for volunteers in the following areas:
List checkers: Calling those who have taken a tag, and the gift hasn't been returned by 12/15. This job will take place between 12/16 and 12/20, anytime of day or evening. You can do this from home!
Santa's Elves: Also known as gift wrappers. Helping to wrap the gifts and attach the tags. Wrapping will take place beginning 12/16 until 12/21. Times to be determined.
Santas: Also known as gift deliverers. Bringing the gifts to Rehoboth on 12/21 or 12/22, which will be determined when all of the gifts are wrapped.
Please contact Stacey Stratton at 781-733-0142 or stacey762@gmail.com for more information or to sign up!
Christmas Pageant & Soup Dinner
 On December 15th at 4:30 p.m. the children will put on the annual Christmas Pageant. Following there will be a Soup Dinner offered by the Barbers. This year we are doubling up with the Community Dinner and will ask parishioners to sign up in the narthex to bring a salad, dessert, bread and to help with set up and clean up. More details to follow. Hope to see you there!
Christmas Eve and Day Services
Christmas Eve: 4 PM - Family Service with Holy Communion
9 PM- Choral Eucharist Christmas Day: 10 AM- no music
Holiday Concerts
Choral Arts Holiday Concert: December 8th, 4 PM at St. Luke's, Tickets $20 ($15 for seniors & students).
Scituate Music Program Holiday Concert: December 18th, 7 PM in the High School Auditorium.
Elizabeth von Trapp Concert of Light: January 4, 7 PM, St. Mary of the Nativity Church. Tickets $20 (students 12 & under $10). Benefits the Food Pantry.
Christmas Flowers

Would you like to remember a loved one in a special way this Christmas? Please look for the Christmas Flower envelopes in the pews, simply note your dedication, and return the envelope with your donation during the collection or stop by the office by December 18th. Thank you!
Church School Wish List
Used laptops in good repair. Needed for weekly online curriculum, event files and photo archives. Either Mac or Windows is ok. Tax receipt can be given for donations. Contact Rev. Joyce at RevScheyer@gmail.com.