Mission Tidings Newsletter

November 2013  

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Stewardship Drive
Basket Table Congrats
50th Anniversary
Scavenger Hunt Thanks
Church School Calendar
Other Local Events
Rehoboth Project
Community Dinner News
Friends of the Table
Save The Date
Giving Tree

St. Luke's Links


Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's,


During Sunday services this last month I handed out to everyone present a single dollar bill-it came from my discretionary fund, which is for 'holy and charitable works.' I did so with the direction that those present were to look for opportunities out in the world to do something which might help those in need.


The scriptural warrants for this were from two Gospel passages. The first was about Lazarus, a beggar, who is ignored by the rich home owner at whose gate Lazarus sat. The fellow has traditionally been given the name Dives (two syllables, di-ves). Dives never really noticed, never saw, Lazarus. The second Gospel reading is about having faith the size of mustard seed. So people were invited to really see, and then use the dollar in an act of faith even if it seems small, the monetary equivalent of a mustard seed.


I had used a red marker to run down the edges of the dollars so they stood out from whatever else people carried. I asked that people tell me what they ended up doing with their dollar.


What a variety of uses those dollars were put to!


A micro-finance effort in California, Kiva (if you don't know about micro-financing as an economic help to those in need to achieve economic independence I urge you to ask me or search on the internet). The two dollars from that household were added to the minimum of $25 to open an account.


Several put the dollar into one of the boxes that sit at cash registers for Children's Hospital, or feeding programs for children (hope.com), or cancer research funds.


One person encountered a woman begging for money to support her children, and since then has encountered three more, to whom she have additional dollars. Another gave his dollar to a homeless veteran, and another person gave it to a busker in Central Square.


Others used the dollar as an incentive to add more dollars and buy food for the food pantry.


A scholarship fund for Boston area children for an enrichment program, Summer Stars in the Berkshires; children are given education and support in musical arts.


I'm still interested in collecting stories. I know several people have told me that they are waiting for an opportunity when they both see a need and know that God is presenting this specific opportunity.


Weren't there on the Sunday when dollars were handed out? Nothing to stop you from taking one from your own wallet and doing the same, and letting me know.


As a matter of fact, the exercise is in part meant to lead you to continue to see needs in the world around you and to respond. It all fits into Jesus' teaching: to love God, love neighbor, change the world.


Which leads me to my final point in purposeful giving of money. At St. Luke's this last Sunday, St. Luke's Day, we started our Stewardship Drive for the 2014 budget. We need you and yours to pledge. I mean, really need it. This last year we had less than 120 pledges from the 300+ households we send this newsletter to. We started the year with a budget in the red, and we are slowly making progress on making up for that short-fall.


When you pledge you aren't giving to 'the church,' you are giving it to the mission and work of the church as informed by our following Jesus and led by the Spirit. Your dollars go to help make sure that the building is maintained and the staff is paid, but building and staff are just parts of the work of the church, and we-the entire people of the church-do so much.


Pledge forms are in the narthex. They have been mailed to you in one letter already. You can find a form you can print out on our website. Another will come in the body of our weekly Thursday newsletters.


If you face financial uncertainties I offer two ways to think about this need. First, at any time you can let the treasurer know you need to alter your pledge level; no questions asked. Second, instead of thinking of how much you can give, how about how much you can at least give-not the 'reach' amount, but what you can safely anticipate you can give to our work together.


Remember: love God, love your neighbor, change the world. 

In Christ,


Stewardship Drive 2014-Thanksgiving
The 2014 Stewardship Drive is underway. Over the next few weeks you will hear from speakers about our progress and on Nov. 17th we are planning for Ingathering Sunday.  Extra pledge forms are available in the narthex.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the Stewardship Committee members- George Ackley, Paul Antenore, Corbina Foucart or Chris McKerrow.  Thank you!
Basket Table Congratulations!
It seems that an early start is a good idea for this part of our Harvest Fair planning! Thanks to all the contributions and volunteers, we were able to assemble 156 baskets! As it happens each year, materials and food products magically arrive, volunteers appear and our amazing offering is once again able to entice our Fair shoppers. Our reputation has spread over both the North and South shores and it is a wonderful testament to our parishioners that we share our collective talents. Many thanks from your "basket cases" and start collecting for next year!
50th Anniversary in Third Order of Society of St. Francis- Joan Powers

I recently had a celebration for my 50th anniversary of my profession as a Tertiary of The Third Order of The Society of St. Francis. The celebration was in Reading, MA. With the Juniper Fellowship, which covers the New England area, I was presented a unique Tau Cross. It was carved by a fourth generation American Indian artist from pipestone. Pipestone is found only in Western Minnesota in the Pipestone National Monument. I was also given a blanket with the Third Order symbol. I along with several other people renewed our vows.


The Society of St. Francis has the First Order of Brothers and Sisters, who live a celibate life in their respective communities. and a Third Order. The Third Order consists of men and women, lay and ordained, single or married who are called to a dedicated life to Our Lord through prayer, study and work. Tertiaries make a lifetime commitment to live a rule of life. They follow Francis in prayer and action by striving to be peacemakers working for social justice and deepening relationship with God. They share Francis' concern for the well-being of the earth and the poor.


Joan Powers

Scavenger Hunt Thanks
Thanks to the twenty two households who donated food for the Scavenger Hunt on Oct. 27th. We filled 3 big round tables with the bags and boxes at the Scituate Food Pantry. They are very happy to be able to feed more people.  Thanks especially to drivers and navigators, Kelly Arevian, Jayme Parker, Janine Beal, Gayle Beaudoin and Nancy Reid and their children & friends. Your ministry to the hungry in our community is a blessing.
Church School Calendar- November 2013

Regular classes

 10         No classes- Veteran's Day Recognition.                    Veterans and active duty military are invited                 to bring pictures and stories for a display                     during coffee hour.

 17         Regular Classes

 22- 24    Diocesan Middle School Retreat

 24          Regular Classes           
Other Local Episcopal Events
Sunday, Nov. 3rd- Evensong at Society of St. Margaret
in Duxbury. To carpool, call Rev. Joyce.
Sunday, Nov. 17- Bowlathon for South Shore outreach projects. South Shore Country Club Lanes, followed by free pizza at St. John's Hingham.
Rehoboth Work Project- Sat. Nov. 16th
Volunteers are needed to assist in the maintenance of the shelter at 405 Washington St., Norwell. This project will consist of some light preparation (washing of walls and light sanding), urethane coating of unfinished doors, painting of walls, metal door frames and hanging of curtains in two windows. Please sign up in the narthex. Thank you.!
Community Dinner News
Thanks to all who helped at the Community Dinner on October 27th. We especially thank Joyce Lukacik and her third & fourth grade students, and their parents for their help and being such great servers. Also for their singing, which the seniors really enjoyed.

Next Dinner is November 24th- We will need extra help for the November Dinner since it will be in honor of Florence Choate, who is retiring as the Director of the Senior Center. We will need extra cooks as well as help.  The menu will be: Pot Roast, Carrots, Mashed Potatoes and Salad. There will be a special cake with ice cream for dessert.  Please see the sign up sheets and recipes on the table in the narthex. Call Joan Powers, 781-545-9650 for more information.
Friends of the Table, Brockton- Nov. 30
We will be providing volunteers at the Friends of the Table in Brockton on November 30th. We leave the church at 10 AM and will be back by 3 PM. We hope to get some young people to help. High School students can get community service hours for their participation. Please sign up in the narthex or call Joan Powers at 781-545-9650.
Save the Date- Christmas Tea, Dec. 7th
Join us in Dutton Hall on  Saturday, December 7 from 2 - 4 pm for a very special "Twelve Days of Christmas" Tea. This entertaining and educational program is presented by Courtship Tea of Osterville.  More details to follow.
St. Luke's Giving Tree
Giving Tree

The season of preparation and giving is almost upon us again. As we get ready for Christmas, we are asking for help to provide gifts for the residents of the Rehoboth Shelter in Norwell.  


The Giving Tree will go up the weekend before Thanksgiving (no need to start shopping until after the turkey has been cleared though) and the gifts will be due by Sunday, December 15th.  Please consider taking a tag or two to help make a resident's Christmas warmer.   

 We are also looking for volunteers in the following areas:

 List checkers: Calling those who have taken a tag, and the gift hasn't been returned by 12/15. This job will take place between 12/16 and 12/20, anytime of day or evening. You can do this from home! 

 Santa's Elves: Also known as gift wrappers. Helping to wrap the gifts and attach the tags. Wrapping will take place beginning 12/16 until 12/21. Times to be determined. 

 Santas: Also known as gift deliverers.  Bringing the gifts to Rehoboth on 12/21 or 12/22, which will be determined when all of the gifts are wrapped.


Please contact Stacey Stratton at 781-733-0142 or stacey762@gmail.com for more information or to sign up!

let your light shine
Would you like to remember a loved one in a special way or give thanks for a wonderful blessing? The Sanctuary Candle and Altar Flowers are available for dedications. There are a few open dates remaining for 2013:  Flowers- Nov. 17 and Dec. 8, Candle- Nov. 17, Dec. 1 and 29. Donation is $55 for the Flowers and $10 for the Candle.  Please contact Pat Karsch or Sylvia Davis if you want to reserve a date in advance for 2014.