
Reverend's Reflections
 Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
I don't watch reality shows but heard from a priest who does about a great challenge given to contestants in a chef/cooking show. The competitors were each handed identical boxes containing the same ingredients, maybe five? They weren't told what to make with them, just to make something.
So, we are told that we are made in the image of God....think of it as the same box of ingredients we've all been given. Creativity, the freedom to make choices, hearts with which to feel, minds with which to think, bodies, spirits.
On a fairly significant level we all don't have the same opportunities. We are born into a day, time and place, with our parents' genetic material, and social forces that are real.
Still, I believe-I know-that there is a certain constant. I recognize a basic reality that I share with an 80 year old woman in Kenya, a five year old girl in China, a 25 year old young man in down-scale Manchester, England. That reality includes the right to basic dignity, hopes for the future, fondness and regrets for the past, people surrounding each of us in some form of communities, a desire for happiness and meaning and purpose.
I hear Jesus asking me and you: "What are you doing with those basic ingredients I've poured into making you? Do you choose to risk loving not just the lovable in your life, but those who are challenging, or unknown by name but not in need?"
In October we have several opportunities-not the only ones you have, but some on offer through St. Luke's. We will be signing up people to go to Oaxaca (see article elsewhere); some painting at a unit at Rehoboth Homeless Shelter; serving a meal at our community dinner. Ways to help the church itself-sign up to work at the Harvest Fair, help with the children's Church School and education program, taking on a new role like serving on the altar guild or singing in one of the choirs, or reading lessons (or being an usher, or helping count the weekly money offering once a month after church).
I know that God waits with hope and expectation to see what you will be doing with your 'box' of ingredients both at church and in the larger world in which you work, study, play, and love.
In Christ,
Harvest Fair 2013- Sat., Nov. 2, 10 am - 3 pm
We need everyone's help to make our annual Harvest Fair a success- it is a major fund raiser for St. Luke's.
For all of the booths, donations are needed, help with set up on Friday, staffing booths on Saturday during the Fair, or clean up on Saturday- see the sign up sheets in the Narthex.
Some areas where we have the greatest needs right now are:
KIDS GENTLY USED TOYS AND BOOKS - We need a team of people to sort, price, set up the donated items that will come in starting October 18th, and to run the booth on Saturday.
SILENT AUCTION - We need items donated - such as restaurant gift certificates, a service provided, tickets to a sporting event etc . We also need someone to make up bid sheets 2 wks prior to the Fair with descriptions of items, minimum bids etc. COUNTRY STORE/CRAFT BOOTH - Homemade jams, pickles etc. Come to the craft nights on Sundays October 6th and 20th at 6:30 PM in Dutton Hall.
WHITE ELEPHANT - Got stuff?? Moving? Neighbor moving? De-cluttering? Time for a home makeover? We'd love to include your donation of home goods at the White Elephant Table. Items we can accept are: Glassware, Dishes, Cookware, Kitchenware, Table Linens, Curtains, Bedspreads, Small Area Rugs,Tools, Accessories (purses, bags, wallets, scarves),Bric-a-brac, Holiday d�cor, Books, Toys & Games, Bikes, Sporting Goods, Small furniture, Small electronics and appliances - new or almost new, free of mechanical defects,CDs & DVD's, Kid's Toys & Games. PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Broken or unclean items, skis or ski boots, heavy exercise equipment (weight benches, treadmills, stair steppers, stationary bikes)VHS or cassette tapes, televisions or computer monitors We also need help with sorting, and pricing, see details on the table with sign up sheets. But please do not bring items to the church before Friday, October 18th. GIFT BASKETS- See time schedule on sign up sheet table or read more here. PET BOOTH- Someone with a sewing machine to do some simple sewing. Materials will be supplied. Please let Joyce Barthold 781-378-1272, jwbarthold@hotmail.com or Cindra Zambo 781-545-3732, cindrazambo@gmail.com to let us know how you can help! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!
Thank You to Wilbur's!
Next time you are in Wilbur's in No. Scituate be sure to thank them for their donation of their delicious ice cream for Sundae Sunday! A yummy time was had by all!
Church School Calendar- October 2013
6 Regular classes
13 No classes- Columbus Day weekend
20 Regular Classes
27 Regular Classes Scavenger Hunt for Food Pantry after Church
Last year's Scavengers!
Blessing of Pets & Installation of Peace Pole
On Saturday, October 5th, at 5 p.m. at St. Luke's we will celebrate the witness and life of St. Francis in two ways.
We will bless all pets that people bring-dogs, cats, snakes, rabbits, fish, rats, you get the idea.
We will also re-dedicate the Scituate Peace Pole. When first established in Scituate the Peace Pole was on Front Street. Renovations there precluded restoring it there, and it's been in storage. The four sides include a bidding for peace in English, "May peace prevail on Earth". It was originally donated by Dr. Deborah Tranberg, a chiropractor in Scituate, and it was installed with the help of the Clergy Association of Scituate, including then-Rector Ray Low.
I and the vestry have readily agreed to putting the Pole in St. Luke's yard. More information about Peace Poles can be found: http://www.peacepoleproject.org/
Oaxaca Outreach Trip
Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico: located in the southwestern part of Mexico, well south of Mexico City and any of the border drug activity, and just north of Chiapas.Their primary industry is tourism.
The city itself is large: a population of 225,000 people (Providence RI has 178,000). It is a city distinctly marked by its Spanish colonial heritage. Oaxaca State has the highest poverty rate in Mexico now. Outlying villages have living conditions- housing, food security (one is 'food insecure' if you don't know where tomorrow's food will come from, or if what you will eat tomorrow depends on labor today), basic public amenities and basic medical care are unreliable.
Monthly Meetings:
The goals for meeting monthly:
--learn functional Spanish
--learn about Oaxaca
--learn about poverty-causes, realities, what can be done.
--become grounded in the spiritual reality that comes from living out the commandment to 'love your neighbor as yourself.'
--plan details of trip as a group: activities we will engage in with Oaxacanos.
--support fund raising efforts. Each person needs to raise $1,000 to cover half of the total cost expected per person (transportation, food, housing, incidentals).
Proposed monthly meetings: after the 10 a.m. service, an hour (with some food provided): October 6, November 10, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9, April - No mtg, May 11, June 5. May end up meeting on a weeknight instead; tbd by group.
Basic information for St. Luke's Logistics
Minimum number of committed persons to go forward is 6 in addition to Grant and Denise. No upper limit on number of people. Commitment needed by October 20th.
Proposed travel dates: to be worked out with those interested. Looking like mid-late August at this point.
Creation Care Reception- Tuesday, Oct. 8
Help celebrate the observance in this diocese of Creation Care Season (from St. Francis Day, Oct 4 through the end of November) with a kick-off reception on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6 p.m., at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (138 Tremont Street) in Boston. The two main reasons for this reception are to celebrate our fourth annual Creation Care Season and to thank you, the 70 congregations in our diocese who have received green grants, for all your work for the glory of God's creation! There is no cost to attend, and we will be serving appetizers, desserts and beverages. Please RSVP here.
Coffee Hour
Copies of the new schedule are available in the narthex or click here Please take one and make note of your assigned date. Thanks to all for your cooperation!
Community Dinner- October 27, 5 PM
Help us celebrate the flavors of Fall with Roast Pork, Hash Browns, Butternut Squash and Gingerbread. Please see the sign up sheets in the narthex and thanks for your continued support!