Mission Tidings Newsletter

                                February 2013  

In This Issue
Reverend's Reflections
Christian Ed Calendar
Dogtown Concert
Ash Wednesday
Pancake Supper
Saints & Sinners Youth Group
Save the Date
Winter Book Club
Summer Camp Jobs
Wish List
Friends of The Table

St. Luke's Links


Got News? 

Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of God at St. Luke's, 

I write to you in a time of revealing-Epiphany-as it turns over to a time of introspection in Lent.


When I was at a structured retreat time one summer a few years back I once again took up one of the vexations of my life, personal and professional. I come from a home where expressions of anger were as powerful as they were unpredictable. As an adult I experience anger in others directed in somewhat the same way, and I seem to find myself in an emotional and spiritual wilderness without guide markers to show me the way.


So at this retreat I began working with images-paintings, photos-both ancient and contemporary as means for meditation to give me guide posts along the way that I could recall and remember. I've now amassed quite a notebook full of helpful images. I want to share with you three of those. When I am meditating with them I start in quiet, say my prayers for those about whom I am concerned, myself, and offer thanksgivings. I then ask God to open my eyes to what I am seeing, and what I might further see and connect.


The first is the wilderness.


For those of you receiving a hard copy of this newsletter, and for purposes of explaining where some of my thoughts go in meditation, I'll starDistant Hopet with a description: this painting by Antonio Garcia Lopez (who by the way had an exhibition at the MFA several years back) is painted in autumnal/wintery browns, from the perspective of what I think of as a basement view into the world. A small doll sits against the door, on the floor; the area in the middle distance is a walled-in garden; beyond the wall we get a glimpse of more bare trees, a cloudy sky and a muted sun.


The doll can represent childhood, things outgrown, loved things now deserted, the past that is still very much in the foreground, wanted or unwanted, 'looking' back at me the viewer. The dark basement though has window, even if the view is of a season of bare trees. The garden does not have life, but there is a promise of it. The wall can either feel protective, to keep out the larger world, or oppressive, keeping the viewer contained. More of the same though is glimpsed outside the wall-barren, a sun that brings no warmth.


To inhabit this world is to face past and present, with a kind of bleakness pervasive. The scene is static-no movement implied unless it is the slow change of the sun in the sky-is it rising or setting?


What do you see?


The next image I claim as 'way station,' a step in the process of finding my bearings.


  Way stationThis photograph by Nicole Yeoman is clearly arranged, not a scene that the artist just happened upon. It shows a floor made of wooden boards. Some of the boards have come loose and are arcing upward-warped or forced?-with light shining through the cracks. The real power of this photo is not in complexity but rather the many directions one can go in thinking about its import. I associate light with God's light, presence; as the psalmist says "in your light we see light." One stands on a floor, but this one is alive with power, not an inert thing to be taken for granted. Moses heard God say "take off your sandals because you are standing on holy ground," and I reflect that since God is in all places at all time then wherever we go is holy ground. God is the 'ground of our being.' God's word is a light to our footsteps. But-uneven boards! You have to pay attention to the light. This light is inside. In contrast with the previous image, here you don't need the dim sun; the light rises up wherever you are.


The final image is one that follows up on the promise hinted at in that second image above.


When I first started writing this reflection I wasn't sure which image I'd choose here, but my reflections lead me to this icon:




Here the holy mountain of God rises up in the wilderness. Moses is the small figure bowed prostrate to the ground in front of the overwhelming burning bush. Blue sky. Sheep peacefully and safely gathered together. And I'm not sure you can make it out, but there is a small angel peeking out from behind the burning bush at Moses. We join Moses in the presence of the holy which is awesome (in the true sense of the word), humbling, but also the presence to which we are called-powerful, but safe. To internalize this image, to carry it around in my head, as one of the tools I can call on in the middle of life's challenges, means to know myself in God's presence as the first and foremost meaningful reality of my life.


To pray and meditate with images takes a kind of concentration that does not come with a visit to the museum, or at least not easily. You ask God to be present, let your mind free associate, see where you and the Spirit take you. Let me know if this approach appeals to you. I'd be happy to direct you to sources of art on the internet where you can view and select and save your own images with which to reflect.


In Christ,


Appalachian Service Project
To support the Scituate Appalachian Service Project stocks are for sale.  Share forms are available in the Narthex.  This year from St. Luke's Nicky Walker will be going for his third year and Maureen Keys for her sixth year.  ASP rebuilds homes for desperately needy families.  The stock sales are the largest part of the fundraising effort to send the 60 teenagers and 24 adults from Scituate to Appalachia.  ASP is a Christian ministry with the goal to keep families warmer, safer and drier.  If you need any further information please email Maureen@ morehalp@verizon.net or call 781-545-1348.
Christian Ed Calendar
Feb. 3-
Regular Classes
Confirmation Class

Feb. 10-
Regular Classes
LDI Team Meeting- 12 - 2 pm in Gordon Room

Feb. 12- Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper

Feb. 17- School Vacation begins
Lenten Theme Chapel

Feb. 24-
Regular Classes
Teen Friday Dogtown Concert
Dogtown Band
On January 18th local teens enjoyed live music in Dutton Hall. Shown above are Dogtown band members including St. Luke's Ian Strobino. Below is Ian's trap set.
Band equipment
Ash Wednesday Services

7 a.m., Noon, 7 p.m. 


Each service will have imposition of ashes and communion. A special service for children will also be offered; stay tuned for announcements about the time-late afternoon.

Pancake Supper- Feb. 12, 5:30 pm - 7 pm
We will have a special program about Haiti this year. Please welcome Sr. Claire Marie from the Society of Saint Margaret, our Episcopal convent with sisters located both in Duxbury and in Haiti. She will make a short presentation about Haiti and the sisters' ministry with children and elders especially since the earthquake in January 2000. We will have our traditional Mardi Gras theme with beads and decorations. Bring your friends. Proceeds from the sale of pancakes with sausages and fruit toppings will go to international children's ministry including Haiti this year. Please sign up so that we can plan enough food.
Saints & Sinners Youth Group- Feb. 20
Wednesday evenings in Lent, from 7 pm - 9 pm beginning Feb. 20th.

Watch movies, make banners, do service projects.

Check out lentmadness.org
Save the Date: Regional Youth Events
Do you enjoy meeting new people, playing games and sharing stories? Are you interested in art, volunteerism or living more peacefully? Want to hear what other youth groups in your area are up to this year?

Attend the Winter Regional Your Days and enjoy what DioMass Youth has to offer!  Art, Culture & Class: Feb. 23, St. John's, Jamaica Plain, Creating Your Own Culture of Peace: March 9 St. John's, Lowell and Answering God's Call to Service & Volunteerism:  April 13, Church of the Holy Spirit, Fall River.

For more information, contact Rev. Joyce.
St. Luke's Winter Book Club
Sophie Wilder book

Join a discussion around the fireplace in the Gordon Room, with hot chocolate, wine, and coffee.


Tuesday, February 26th, 7 p.m. 


"What Happened to Sophie Wilder "  by Christopher R. Beha (soft cover- $15.95) is an old fashioned literary novel in the very best sense--thoughtful and intellectual, moving and well-wrought. Like its restless, yearning characters, it's not afraid of the big questions, God and love, work and love, friendship and love, and yet the solace this impressive debut finds lies as deeply in the page as in the flesh or the spirit. Beha has managed to produce a book that is satisfying for anyone who reads in order to live." -Helen Schulman, author of This Beautiful Life
Summer Camp Jobs
Are you, or do you know, a current high school senior or college student who has a passion for making a difference in th e lives of children?

Applications are now available for Summer Camp Jobs at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center in Greenfield, NH. All are welcome to apply by March 1st. Click here
Wish List

1. What a great thing to need: more nameplates so that new members can have their own. Seeking donations to cover $500.


2. Albs: That would the white robes that the Lay Eucharistic Ministers wear. The challenge is the variable sizes of our LEMs, so we're in need of another four. Each cost $113.


3. A volunteer to buy (reimbursable) salt for icy sidewalks and commit to coming to church for the rest of this winter to put out the salt as needed. Each time a volunteer would do that it will save the church $75...and guarantee our people are safe. 

Friends of The Table
The next date for St. Luke's volunteers for The Table in Brockton is March 30th. There will be a sign up sheet. Please sign up early.  Please contact Joan Powers with any questions at 781-545-9650.