St. Luke's Outdoor Nativity Scene
Reverend's Reflections
 Dear People of God at St. Luke's,
"But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves* in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act-they will be blessed in their doing." Letter to James, Chap.1.
Christians-people who have a relationship with Jesus-are called deeper into that relationship over and over again, just as we are with people whom we love. To take the comparison further-we show our love and commitment in many ways.
So a real, necessary part of this relationship with God with Jesus, we are to live out that commitment. Jesus tells us that he is our neighbor, he is in the stranger who is hungry, thirsty, sick, alone. We pray privately and publicly in worship. We are fed at the altar. We want to grow through study.
We are also to help others, acting as individuals and as the church.
St. Luke's has a real commitment to this calling. During my almost-eight years here lay people have taken leadership and responsibility for feeding the hungry at St. Paul's Table/Friends of the Table in Brockton; Community Dinner; Long Island Shelter. We have weekly contributed food to the Scituate Food Pantry, and raised money and groceries in special drives. We have housed a drive for relief supplies for Hurricane Sandy victims. Raised an ark's worth of money for Project Heifer. We have collected essential toiletries for VA inpatients. We have given support to Carolina Hill Homeless Shelter and Rehoboth in Norwell. We have housed Habitat for Humanity college students from out of state and supported the building of a home in Scituate. Shoes for kids in Africa, adults and high school students have yearly gone on the Appalachian Service project, and support for the Scituate Animal shelter, serving food to the homeless with Common Cathedral in Boston, and probably some other projects I'm not recalling.
In January we are focusing not on any one specific project but on the role in our Christian life in general. At St. Luke's we have many opportunities to serve. We have a committee that oversees our projects, and we are in need of new people to come to the once a month meetings. We need volunteers to help out with our various projects...some are one-time events, some are repeating so if your life doesn't allow you to participate now you can wait for future dates.
I hear that some people want-are inclined-to volunteer but need to be invited. This is your invitation. Read the weekly email announcements and the Sunday bulletin; check out sign ups in the church narthex (lobby). You might feel apprehensive to go for the first time to help feed the homeless. I've not heard from anyone that they've regretted taking the risk.
Peace be with you.
Christian Ed Calendar
Jan. 6- Feast of the Epiphany Regular Classes
Jan. 13- Regular Classes Confirmation Class at Trinity Church
Jan. 20- Combined Children's Chapel
Jan. 27- Regular Classes
Teen Rally- Friday, Jan. 11, 7:30 p.m.
Live music by the band -
Snacks available. See sign up sheets to help with set up, chaperones, snack team, publicity and clean up.
Saturday Evening Worship
Will resume on January 12th at 4:30 p.m.
Confirmation Class- Sunday, Jan. 13th
Trinity Church in Marshfield Hills- 11:15 a.m.. We will carpool from St. Luke's. RSVP to Rev. Joyce ASAP.
Friends of The Table, Brockton
Thank you to all who helped serve the meal at the Table in Brockton on December 29th. We are scheduled next for Saturday, March 30th....please save the date!
Stewardship Drive
Please remember to return your 2013 Pledge Card as soon as possible. Thank you!
St. Luke's Winter Book Club

Join a discussion around the fireplace in the Gordon Room, with hot chocolate, wine, and coffee.
Tuesday, January 22rd, 7 p.m.: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife, by Dr. Eben Alexander III. soft cover, $15.95.
Leadership Development Initiative (LDI)
January 25-26 is the team training. Throughout the spring, leadership coaches will meet with each team at a convenient time to work locally on their specific project.
We are forming a team of youth and adults to plan and lead a project at St. Luke's this spring/summer. A parallel team is forming in South Shore Deanery to lead long-term regional youth ministry. Both teams need volunteers in 7th grade and above. No fee to individuals. The team cost was paid by the 2012 Youth Leadership Grant from The Church Home Society.
This is a great career resume builder and gives a good foundation for spirit driven adult leadership at St. Luke's!
Annual Meeting- Sunday, Jan. 27th
In the Episcopal Church we have an Annual Meeting to elect new members to the Vestry, hear reports about various programs at the church, and recognize exceptional support by members. It is a unique opportunity to be involved.
On Sunday, January 27th, after the 10 a.m. service, we will have our meeting along with a potluck meal; child-care will be provided. Please make plans to attend!
Please Note: Committee Chairpeople please forward your report via email to the office (stlukes.scituate@verizon.net) no later than Jan. 14th for inclusion in the Annual Report. Thank you.
Some Thoughts on Talking with Children about "Tough Stuff"
- As caring adults who deliver disturbing news to children, we need to process our own feelings and anxieties first so that we can remain calm when discussing difficult topics with children. This may mean limiting our own exposure to visual and auditory descriptions of a tragedy.
- Children need honest information, given in developmentally appropriate language.
- Even if children do not know the "facts" about a troubling situation, they pick up body language and social and emotional cues of adults around them. This creates a sense of "implicit" knowing that can cause children to experience internal turmoil if all truth of the facts is denied.
- We may see children's worries in their behavior and through their play. Play is an important way for young children to deal with their concerns. It is also a time for us to redirect play into nurturing themes if it seems to be overly concerned with violence.
- Reassuring language and extra hugs and physical closeness will help children feel safe. Maintaining regular routines and doing something enjoyable together will also restore a sense of security.
- Sometimes just listening to children is their most important need. We can also ask children what they need, and talk about it. Often in crises and times of loss, children's ultimate worry is about who will take care of them. We can offer reassurance by focusing on all the adults who care about them and are here to help them. It may be a time to play the "what if" game to help children feel a sense of control and realize their own inner abilities and power.
- Children are good at brainstorming about concrete activities they may wish to do to help others. Using energy in this way can bring family members close together and reaffirm individual and family strengths.
- Parents know their children best and are their children's most important experts. These are just some general ideas that may be helpful.
- Kenna Liatsos
Looking Ahead
February 13th will mark an early start to Lent with Ash Wednesday, and a pancake dinner the evening before.
The Month of March: Last summer St. Luke's ran the recycling center for Scituate for two weeks-cans, bottles, plastic bottles collected and redeemed for deposit money. We raised over $2,500. We will be responsible for the month of March upcoming. It's too soon to start signing up, but not too soon to file away in the back of your mind about this upcoming opportunity to help out.
ServSafe Food Training
The Board of Health requires that several parishioners undergo training to become certified as Food Preparers and Servers. Please sign up to take the one day course. We will schedule it in Scituate if we get at least 10 people. Fees paid by St. Luke's with an agreement to serve at our church meals for the public - otherwise the cost is $150-$185 for a 5 yr. certificate. Contact Grant.
Green Grant Update
The choir windows have been replaced with energy efficient models.