Mission Tidings Newsletter

November 2012 

In This Issue
Harvest Fair Needs Help
Saturday Service
Reverend's Reflections
Chris. Ed Calendar
Youth Concert
Gift Basket Thank You
Friends of the Table
Food Pantry Thank You
Your Pledge
Outreach News
Life Care Ctr Ministry
Russian Choral Music
Christmas Tea

St. Luke's Links


Got News? 

Harvest Fair Really Needs Help!
The Harvest Fair is more than just our biggest fundraiser.  It is a time that our parish unites with the goal of working together and having fun along the way.   We all work together, teens, senior citizens and everyone in between.   Many of us love the opportunity to show off our church.  We get so many people from different churches and different towns pass through our doors that day and they get to see our parish united. 

There is a lot of help needed from Thursday afternoon through 7pm Saturday night.  Our event ends with a Saturday evening Pizza party.  Please add your name to the Harvest Fair signup sheets in the Narthex, or you can call me @781-545-1348 or email me @ morehalp@verizon.net.

The Fair is in need of donations.  We are short for our Silent Auction items: do you have a vacation home,  sports or theater tickets, gift certificate etc. We need donations of items for our White Elephant table, our book room, our crafts table, home baked cookies, pies and cakes.  There are lots of ways that you can help.  We appreciate anything that you can do.  We hope you will sign up to help us with OUR Fair!

With sincere thanks,
Maureen Keys and Susanna Dietz 
Saturday 4:30 PM Service
Saturday Service
The bean bag chairs are ready!

The musicians (two talented, wonderful seniors from Scituate High) are warmed up.

The Open Stations- to respond to the meditation of the day we have tables for clay and drawing, spaces for adult reflection (individually and in groups), banner making- are laid out.

In church the table is set with bread, wine, grape juice.

You are invited to the feast- all ages, all abilities.

Come to the celebration.
Reverend's Reflections
St. Luke's Mariner's Cross
Dear People of St. Luke's,

Please tell your children that the world will not end on or near December 21st.


The ancient Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world, or the end of cycle of history, will take place on that date. The great echo chamber of popular culture seems to have reached the attention of at least some of our kids. I've heard from a least a few adults-parents, grandparents-that the children are concerned.


The timing is intriguing because the date falls at the end of our season of Advent during which we pray for Jesus' return. That would also be the end of this version of the world and the advent of God's final kingdom.


Perhaps you've heard about various predictions from Christians in small sects awaiting Christ's return on specific announced dates in the recent and not recent past. People sell everything, quit their jobs; families split apart. After the day comes and goes I wonder what that next Thanksgiving dinner conversation has been like.


One underlying assumption at work here is that people in ancient times had some special privileged source of wisdom that has been now lost, despite the discovery of nuclear power, antibiotics, and contact lenses. The present day Mayans (yes they still live) are mighty puzzled about our culture's fixation with their calendar. They aren't preparing for the end of the world.


Jesus prophesies about his return and the end of history. He is also clear, repeatedly, that no one knows the day or time. The reason we pray in Advent for Christ's return is that it will mean not chaos, destruction, violence, but rather the end of all of that: the coming of peace and evil and death.


Peace to you all, 


Christian Ed Calendar
Nov. 4- All Saints Day
Veteran's Day Workshop- Please welcome representatives from the American Legion.

Nov. 11- Regular Classes

Nov. 17- Leadership Development Institute
High School- Gr. 9 - 12

Nov. 18- Regular Classes
Middle School Retreat (11/16 - 11/18)- Gr. 6-8 at Camp
Bowl-A-Thon- All Ages- Colonial Bowl- 3 - 5 PM

Nov. 25- Thanksgiving Theme Chapel
Youth Concert- Dogtown!  Friday, Nov. 16
7 PM - 10 PM in Dutton Hall for youth in grades 7th - 12th. Contact Rev. Joyce for details.
Gift Basket Thank You
basket lady
Congratulations to all St. Lukers! We completed the gift basket assembly process in just two weeks with 155 baskets ready for sale at the fair! My sincere thanks to our Fair Co-chair ladies, the Sunday School and Rev. Joyce for all their cooperation and encouragement in orchestrating the logistics and having the space needed ready for use.

Many thank yous to all that brought products and food items ( on time!) or gave extra dollars toward our use. My unsung hero award goes to Tracy Dieselman for balancing her work schedule and arrival of twin granddaughters with overseeing the schedule of workers to insure help was continuously available. To all that "showed up " as scheduled and worked so hard to transform a room filled to overflowing with heaven knows what, into the exciting offerings we have, my hugs to you. Each of you brought talent, commitment, humor and comfort to me as we worked. The cellophane evening went so quickly, our expertise of yearly practice showed! The decorating stage was, as always, the most fun! A huge thank you to all that stepped to the plate to write the tickets and to Pat Karsch, we missed you!

As for me, I head to Denver to care for my daughter and family. I take your many loving thoughts with me and will be thinking of you on Fair Day. For sure, I will miss the cranberry shortcake! Thank you for all your prayers, support and friendship, it holds me up!

Blessings to all, Cheryl O'Grady
Friends of The Table, Brockton:
The Table Oct 2012
Thank you to the volunteers at the Table in Brockton on September 29th. They included  Alice Dana, Pat Jones, Bill Lincoln, Nancy & Maria Curtis, Sarah Whalen, Kyle Compton, The White family including Jay, Paula, Casey & Chris, and Joan Powers. They were quite busy with 3 seatings serving 150 people. We will need volunteers on Dec 29th. Scituate High School students can get community service for this day. For information call  Joan Powers at 781-545-9650.
Scituate Food Pantry Thanks You
Thank you to the volunteers that helped in October at the Scituate Food Pantry. They were kept busy with serving over 100 people each time.
What Does Your Pledge Do?

I remember as a kid overhearing my parents discussing whether to pledge to the Presbyterian church in Hamilton, Ohio. They quickly decided 'no.' Their reasoning, if I recall correctly, had something to do with 1. keeping the family income private, 2. not being beholden to a group that others had say over, values and so forth. Maybe I should mention here that we joined, briefly, the Episcopal church in town until the rector marched with the civil rights folks.


I think there was also the sentiment that the church always had it's hand out.


Odd, that now I am in a position of leading such a church. But then again, I know how wrong much of that perspective was.


I believe, oh, in so much. That the revelation of Jesus is the most, the most, important reality. That the meaning of Jesus is not of us as individuals but as the people of God. That yes, God works in the world in so many ways, one of which is the people of God gathered together in a common community to try as best as possible to live out the message of Jesus in our specific day, place and time. The church doesn't need money. The mission of the church needs all the resources we can bring to it: our money yes, but even more our hearts, our dedication.


We live out our lives in the midst of other commitments God has given us: family, town, schools, friends. Those also call on our selves, our money, time, hearts.


What I ask for is that you live out the call of God to your faith community by pleding your support for 2013; if you have already done so in years past, please consider increasing that support as our church grows, lives into its mission and work, and attendant costs from inflation.


Thank you,


Outreach News

Our Outreach Committee has articulated specific monthly projects and focus. We have two upcoming in November.


The first is the Bowl-athon, Sunday, November 18, 3 PM - 5 PM at Colonial Bowl in Weymouth.   


It is an all ages bowling party for Episcopalians on the South Shore to raise money for the Episcopal Church to make a difference not just as separate congregations but as something larger. Money raised will go toward our common shared vision: feeding the poor, helping the homeless. Please sign up to bowl! Please pledge support to those who ask.


Second, we want to highlight our monthly Community Dinner. The fourth Sunday of each month we serve any who want or need to eat a free meal (donations taken though). It arose in 2008 as the hardest economic times occurred. I understand that some thought it unlikely that such an offering for the larger town would work. And then people's energy and generosity and vision engaged, and this dinner has been one of the most consequential steady ministries of our parish.


This month of Thanksgiving we invite you to:

  1. Help by cooking.
  2. Help set up...tables and chairs.
  3. Help serve
  4. Just come with your family or friends to eat-keep company with those who are our guests.
  5. Help with clean up.


All ages can help; kids are especially welcome.

Life Care Center Ministry
Presently there is a need for a few volunteers to help lead the service at the Life Care Center. For the uninitiated, Saint Luke's leads this service once a month and has been doing so for a long time. I know I speak for others who have led this service when I say that this has been one of the most rewarding acts that I have done as a member of this parish. The service is held at 10:15 a.m. on the designated Sunday and lasts approximately 30 minutes. The duties include singing two or three hymns, reading of the lessons and Gospel from the service bulletin and selections from a service binder such as the 23rd psalm, prayers of the people or beatitudes etc. Don't worry if you are voice challenged, as I am, you will have a magnificent accompanist at the keyboard, Gertrude Summers, who is a Life Care resident and a treasure.

The residents of the Life Care Center are extremely appreciative of the service and for many it is an important break in their daily routine. Over the past few years that I have participated in this service, I have always had the feeling that I was the benefactor, that the experience, was one in which I gained a lot more than I gave.

Please consider volunteering for this assignment. If you want more information, you are always welcome to attend one of the services as an observer.

Bill Lincoln
Festival of Russian Sacred Choral Music
November 10 at St. James Episcopal Church, 1991 Mass. Ave., Cambridge,MA.

Have you always loved the rich sonorities and spiritual depth of Russian Orthodox choral music? Now is your chance to COME SING IT YOURSELF!  Be part of the Russian Festival Choir....practice is at 9 AM, Concert at 3 PM. For more details, see the flyer on the table in the narthex.
Save The Date- A Victorian Christmas Tea,
Saturday, December 1st, 2 - 4 PM
Join us for fellowship and a wonderful program presented by Donna & Ron Lasko of Courtship Tea. Through their educational entertainment approach you will discover how to put more fun, joy, hope and peace into your holiday by fully understanding the meanings behind what we do and why we do them. Contact Tracy Dieselman for more information at 781-545-5454, email: tdieselman@gmail.com