BookEnds has had a very busy month:
12 - traditional bookdrives were held
11 - Individual donations came in because people were "spring cleaning"
10 - 10,000 books were given to the schools who won the Million Word Challenge
9 - different foods were served at
deliveries (popcorn, pie, strawberries, empanadas, cake, cookies, chips, fruit rollups, ice cream)
8 - 800 boxes were used to hold and deliver books
7 - conferences were attended by staff
6 - the article "6 Ways Libraries can Inspire you" was posted
5 - R.A.R.E. programs went live (Reading and Reciprocity Empowers)
4 - BookEnds blogs were posted
3 - homeschooling groups collected and donated books to BookEnds
2 - in-office sortings occured with over 30 volunteers helping out
1 -
the largest book drive in BookEnds history occured as Castlebay collected 14,127 books!
BookEnds Vision is a literate
and philanthropic community.