
Audrey L-O-V-E-S to read. That's why she chose BookEnds as her Girl Scouts Bronze Award project.  Inspired by BookEnds' mission, she created her own flyers and posted them all around.  But she didn't end her outreach there.  Audrey-the-Entrepreneur set up a lemonade stand and raised money to buy additional good quality books from her school library sale.  Altogether, Audrey collected 350 books to donate through BookEnds.  Thanks, Audrey!  You're a leader!



5th Annual Scrabble Challenge!


Scrabble Save the Date

March 7, 2013

You know you want to play!





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Books everywhere!  Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers who gave their passionate energy to sort thousands of BookEnds books.  Because of you, our books are on their way into the eager hands of Los Angeles students.


Thank you!


boys sorting  

 fixed sorting


Our deepest appreciation to

The Joseph Drown Foundation 

 for their $50,000 grant to BookEnds!
You provide essential resources that
make our vital work possible.


BookEnds Vision is a literate

and philanthropic community.


[email protected]