At this special time of year, we want to take a moment to pause and thank all of the wonderful volunteers that make the work of BookEnds possible. Together, since September, we have placed more than 60,000 books into the eager hands of Los Angeles children. Thank you!
Even amidst our incredible team of volunteers, one person stands out, giving her abundance of heart, resources, time and talent:
Lori Neville is BookEnds
Ambassador of the Year!
What she has done is simply AWESOME:
- Donated the BookEnds BookMobile!!!!
- Acquired Calabasas Inn storage space for 100,000 books
- Powered the Brentwood Community BookDrive
- Secured thousands of book boxes
- Donated numerous BookEnds Scrabble challenge Silent Auction items
- Created a book donation center at her company: Autotrixx
- Connected us to Motor for Toys for book donations
- Ambassador of Goodwill to BookEnds to every person she meets.
The world, and certainly BookEnds, are much better places because of Lori.
With our immense and humble gratitude,
Team BookEnds
---------------------------------------------- BookEnds Vision is a literate
and philanthropic community.
Access to books makes all the difference.