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Spotlight on Kacy Walker
Teacher, Paul Revere Middle School
Kacy Walker 
"BookEnds has added so much to my leadership class. It has given students an opportunity to give back to their community, which is a main component of leadership. The greatest aspect of BookEnds has been the quality time my students have been able to spend with the students they are helping. It has been moving to see the the joy in everyone's face when delivering books on our field trips. My hope is that BookEnds, will aide in creating future leaders that are active in charity and their community as adults."


Please pause with us to celebrate the life of David Sanders, one of BookEnds' first members of our board of directors. Through David's professionalism, family life and community work, he demonstrated not just a successful life but a life well lived.  We will miss him.

 Robin M. Keefe, BookEnds President

So Much Good News!
BookEnds provided City Year LA with 6,000+ books for their corps members to take into classrooms this fall. From CYLA, "I want to thank you. We delivered about 6,000 books to 22 schools. I'm sure this will result in countless ripples of joy and pride as more students gain access to great books. Your support comes at a critical time for City Year and our city."
Students at Paul Revere collectePaul Revered 7,300 books and boxed every last one. This is the highest total in BookEnds history since 2003! We are incredibly proud of everyone at Paul Revere who helped make it happen!



Read Ronit Yael Sholkoff's impassioned plea for books for BookEnds for her Bat Mitzvah Tikkun Olam project.  She loves to read and wants to share her passion. Thank you, Ronit!


Thanks to all the awesome volunteers who  came on 10/13 and sorted 3,196 books (and read  some too)!



Want to help us plan and re-invigorate our Scrabble Challenge?  Now's the time to join our planning sessions - email us now.


"Inspiration" is our latest blog by Associate Director, Gayle Baigelman.  We bet you'll be inspired after reading this too.


BookEnds Vision is a literate

and philanthropic community.


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