Newsletter - November 2015 

An Invitation to Write
Holidaze - You know it's coming. So how do you feel about the holiday season? What are some of your favorite holiday stories or memories? What intentions can you set to get you through to the New Year? Follow your muse!

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Program Flyer


Featured Writings 


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Save the Date
December 1st is #GivingTuesday

help reduce financial
barriers to our circles. 

By donating in support of scholarships, you will make this unique and transformative experience accessible to
more people. 
Simply note "scholarships"
in the comments box.
 Many will thank you!

Seeking YOUR Words and Stories for our 2016 V-DAY Event

For our 4th Annual V-DAY  event, to be held in early 2016, we invite persons of all genders to stand up and tell their stories. We are soliciting your original monologues, comedy, poetry, and more. Relevant topics are diverse and include all aspects of sexuality, all forms of gender-based violence and abuse, street harrassment, rape culture, LGBT issues, and much more.

If you would like to submit your story or have questions, please email Laurie Lambert.

To submit anonymously, mail your words to Laurie Lambert, c/o WWf(a)C, 6906 Plainfield Rd., Cincinnati, OH  45236.

Learn More about V-Day 2016 
Congratulations to
Young Women Writers

Daphne Constantinides
and Jaye Johnson have been chosen to represent Wyoming High School, in the 2016 Cincinnati Arts Association's Overture Awards Competition for the Creative Writing category!

We are so proud of these promising young writers from our community as they follow in the footsteps of past YWWf(a)C participants who were named Overture Award Winners in Creative Writing :

Zoe Cheng of Walnut Hills
2015 and 2014 Awards
Olivia Linn of Wyoming High, 2013 Awards
Hannalee Goldman of Sycamore High, 2012 Awards
Best of luck to you,
Daphne and Jaye!

We love to promote the accomplishments of our writers. If you have something to share, please contact Heather at: 
  Kroger Rewards Program
Have You Re-Enrolled?

Even if you have signed up in the past, all members must

re-enroll in the Kroger Rewards Program to continue supporting WWf(a)C. Click HERE for simple   instructions.

Thank you!
Amazon Smile:
Support while you shop

Did you know you can
support WWf(a)C with every
Amazon purchase? Start at
Log in with your Amazon
account and choose "Women
Writing for a Change
Foundation" from the list.

Women Writing for (a) Change is supported in part by

Artswave Logo
Greetings and Gratitude from our Director

Dear Women Writing for (a) Change Community,

November brings a mélange of ingredients for a delicious autumn: chilly mornings topped with warm afternoon sun, a brisk wind to finish off the leaf-fall, cobalt skies with scudding clouds to stir up my muse. I am surprised to look back and see that I haven't written a community letter in some time.

2015 has been all about deepening our roots, branching out, and (as suggested by our name) a bit of change. Looking ahead, 2016 marks our 25th year!  Recent science explains that the human brain reaches full maturity near age 25. It the same can be said for organizations, the Women Writing for (a) Change is coming fully into her own.
Has Women Writing for (a) Change made a significant difference in your life or that of someone you love?  
Have you made a gift of your time, money or advocacy in support of these unique and affirming writing circles? 
Now through November 24, we are encouraging everyone to reflect upon why they give.  Submit your personal story about what inspires you to give to Women Writing for (a) Change, and we could both benefit!  It's easy to participate.  Enter your story at or visit the #MyGivingStory tab on #GivingTuesday's Facebook page 

Meaningful Mondays Captivates Crowds in the Courtyard!     
November concluded the second of our series  "Meaningful Mondays: Women Poets in the Courtyard at Arnold's Bar and Grill."  Thanks to the generosity and partnership between Women Writing for (a) Change and Arnold's, we have hosted 28 women on stage, who have all been affiliated with Women Writing for (a) Change over the past 24 years.

L-R: Readers Maddie Basil, Toni Lackner, Kathy Wade,  
and Leslie Clark.  Photo credit: Annette Januzzi Wick  

"The goal of the series was give those women who needed or wanted a nudge a platform to share their words with a wider audience.  We have hosted three young women from our YW program, founder Mary Pierce Brosmer, former director Kathy Wade, a grandmother-daughter-granddaughter trio, as well as two singer-songwriters.  We have presented nurses, mothers, social workers, graphic designers.  Our women have been extraordinary poets connecting the audience to their every day lives," writes Annette Januzzi Wick, co-creator of Meaningful Mondays with Nancy Jones, Diane Debevec and Mary Pierce Brosmer.
Meaningful Mondays will begin a new series with these dates in 2016: February 8, March 7 and April 4. Additional dates are pending.  For more information about the event or participation, please contact Annette Januzzi Wick
Winter Writing Retreat
Aging with Intention: The Graceful Path 
What would you tell your younger self?  What would you like your older self to know?  Where are you now?  Give yourself the gift of time to check in with the whole of your life, and join us for four days of reflection, connection and community.  Facilitated by Diane Debevec, Executive Director and Karen Novak, novelist.

January 24-27, 2016 
Transfiguration Spirituality Center in Glendale 
Cost: $375
(includes room and board)  
Current and Upcoming Offerings
*Please click the class name for details, dates, and registration. Many courses run several weeks. 

FREE Samplers - Bring or refer a friend! 
Core Class Sampler - January 9
Specialty Classes
Maintain Your Writer's Shape  - runs Oct. 27 - Dec. 15; drop in or get a 4-class pass
The Many Faces of Writer's Block - Dec. 5, 12, and 19
This circle is led by Kelly Richey as her CFLA practicum. 
Jump Start Your Journaling Practice - Jan. 16

FREE Sunday Book Group: 
December 6: Giovanni's Room - first in our winter LGBTQ series, facilitated by Janie Baer
January 10: Rubyfruit Jungle - with Phebe Beiser
February 7: The Paying Guests - with Laurie Lambert

Classes for Young Women 
TBD:  Please stay tuned for information regarding Winter sessions for Girls and Young Women.   
Women Writing for (a) Change®
6906 Plainfield Rd 
Cincinnati, OH  45236 