Issue: #83November 19th, 2012
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Let's follow King Solomon's advice and ENJOY our food and drink, shall we?  

Fitness chocolate!  

The X Gym manual on fitness, nutrition and brain training - now available on Kindle too!
X Gym Biggest Loser after
Take the X Gym workout with you on the road or give it to a friend!


King Solomon's Advice on Eating     

     If you heard some advice from the second smartest man to ever live, wouldn't you listen? King Solomon gave us some advice on eating that we should heed. He said, "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 8:15 NIV)      

     Great advice, right? You bet - especially for Thanksgiving and this philosophy is one of the many reasons I don't promote any type of diet or calorie restriction program. Diets like "Paleo" are great, but they aren't sustainable for most people (especially right away). It's just too big of a jump.  

     Good nutrition habits have to change in steps over time to become permanent. This is why I recommend swaps and substitutions in those initial steps. Swapping unhealthy foods that you enjoy for healthy foods that you enjoy as much or even more, makes it easy and helps you feel like you really aren't making huge sacrifices like you do with other strict diets.

     So how do you find those foods? Well, I've done the work for you! From now on, each newsletter will feature one of those swaps and where to find it. For this issue, try swapping breads for the breads you typically eat. The varieties to choose first are Sourdough, Cinnamon Raisin, Purity Bread (toasted - instead of English muffins or bagels), and Smart Carb #1.  


Remember the X Gym Recipe Page for Thanksgiving!          

Stuffing! Mashed "Potatoes!" Meatballs! Chocolate! Pudding! Garlic Cheese Bread! It's all on the X Gym recipe page, so check it out today!         


Train Your Brain Today!

Did you check out how to train your body to get your dream brain? For this issue, try this suggestion: Visualize your actions at your next party or your Thanksgiving meal before you get there. See yourself eating just the right amount, making the right choices and enjoying the food as you eat it slowly. For even more things to visualize, click here



PJ Glassey, CSCS
X Gym (
Author, Cracking Your Calorie Code (
Fitness blogger:
Fitness tweeter:
P.S. Get on the X Gym recipe page today for great Thanksgiving day food ideas! 

We know that learning a new activity is great for the brain - especially one outside our scope of expertise. Other mental exercises are also fantastic and can even protect against age-related brain changes, but now science has found something even better than mentally stimulating activities. Yep, it's exercise!

C'mon - did you ever doubt it? If you have ADHD, you know exercise works better than any drug. If you have a kid with it, you also know that when they get enough exercise or are involved in regular sports, they do remarkably well. It just so happens that the more the intense the exercise, the more it helps too. Hmm, know anywhere that offers intense workouts?  

Today's Quote: "A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work." - King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 2:24 NIV)       


Next issue:

New brain training tips, interesting research, and more!






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