Party Like a Fit Star This Holiday Season!
It's party season and if you know how to party like fit people do, you won't end up gaining that "holiday 10" (or more). Heck, you might even get LEANER this year instead! Click here to go to the blog for your 5 step party plan. Do you want to party like a rock star and get fat for some lame immediate gratification or party like a fit star and get fit for the rest of your life? It's all up to you...
Bon Voyage to Steven Shocki
The Alki X Gym will miss its all-star trainer, Steven Shocki as he scratches his travel itch in New Zealand for an indefinite period of time. Happy trails to you Shocki!
Check out the video of Shocki recently making the X Gym proud in his first ever mud run (note: "Shokis' " is not a typo with the apostrophe in the wrong place. His sister did it too).
Shockis' Gladiator Rock N Run |
Train Your Brain Today!
Did you watch the video from the last newsletter and get "programmed?" Feel free to watch it again and again! The more the better, as it rewires new and old pathways each time you view it.
For your next brain training suggestion, go for a walk and see how many people you can make smile. I know it sounds corny, but it will do wonders for your brain, because we are socially starving ourselves these days with all the modern gadgets and computers that keep us from interacting face to face. It really does take a toll on our brains. When you go for your walk, pick the number of smiles you want to get out of people and then come back to your starting point after you reach that number. Yesterday for instance, I walked for 21 smiles!
PJ Glassey, CSCSX Gym (, Cracking Your Calorie Code ( blogger: www.pjfit.comFitness tweeter: