The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee


July 17, 2015  
Join Our Mailing List

In This Issue
A message from Bishop Miller on diocesan leadership and nominations for elections at Diocesan Convention
Madison Area Julian Gathering August 12th
HELP WANTED: PT Short-order Cook at SJNMA
Parishes - Apply for a Ministry Development Grant
Hunger Book Sale at All Saints' Cathedral, Milwaukee
Call for Nominations and Resolutions to the October 17, 2015 Diocesan Convention
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Julianfest 2015
ob Openings from Wisconsin Conference of Churches
Prayers for Parishes
Key Questions before a Giving Campaign
Safeguarding God's Children session offered at St. Christopher's, River Hills
Safeguarding God's Children on-line training offered
Follow up to the Diocese's Community Read of "Seedfolks"
Haiti Project offers classes in Haitian Creole
Support Fr. Jim Kaestner's bike ride to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis research
Catechesis of the Holy Spirit Retreat on August 22nd
Planned Giving Workshop set for September 26 at St. Mary's, Dousman
Applications for Financial Aid in 2016 available to congregations
HAITI PROJECT seeks Coordinator for Coffee project
"Surprised by Joy"...The 39th Miniweek for Women August 13-16
We welcome you to E-NEWS, the Diocese of Milwaukee's weekly electronic newsletter.  If you are not already a subscriber or wish to add or change e-mail addresses, please click on the "Join Our Mailing List" icon.   We invite you to send articles, photos, and news to so that we may include them in the E-NEWS. 

Barbara Klauber, Editor
A message from Bishop Miller on diocesan leadership and nominations for elections at Diocesan Convention 


We are living in a time that presents both great challenges and enormous opportunities to our Church, to our diocese, and to our congregations. In our diocesan leadership positions, now more than ever we need  clergy and laity who are gifted with the ability to face the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities ahead of us.  


Diocesan Convention takes place on October 17th at St. John's Northwestern Military Academy. The deadline for nominations for positions being elected at Convention is August 17 and I am asking both clergy and lay members of the diocese to take part in the very important  work of securing qualified nominees.  


Please see the nomination form for a list of positions being elected and information on how to make a nomination. It also contains a brief "job description" for each position. You may also obtain the nomination form and information by calling the diocesan office at (414) 272-3028. 


Please -- take a few moments to acquaint yourselves with the positions for which nominees are needed and then prayerfully consider whether you may be called to serve in one of them.  If there is a clergy or layperson known you to you that you feel would serve well in one of these positions -- please speak with them about it!   


If you have questions about Nominations, please contact Barbara Klauber, Administrative Assistant, at the diocesan office at or (414) 272-3028/ext. 111.   She will be very pleased to assist you.   


Thank you for your help! 

Madison Area Julian Gathering August 12th


Madison-Area Julian Gathering

Wednesday, August 12, 7:15 - 9:00 PM

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church

6205 University Avenue

Madison, WI  535705


We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition.  We meet monthly for contemplative prayer for twenty-five minutes, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called "a theologian for our time."  These gatherings are supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church.  We would love to have you join us.  If you have questions, call Susan Fiore, ObJN at (608) 845-2413 or e-mail at

HELP WANTED:  PT Short-order Cook  

WANTED: Part-time Short - Order Cook

to work at

St. John's Northwestern

Military Academy


Location: SJNMA Campus - Student Recreation Center

Job Responsibilities: Short- order cooking with some cashiering duties, stocking, and light cleaning. Apply if you are dependable/reliable, conscientious, trust worthy and can work 12-15 hours per week.

We are looking for someone to work 2nd shift - beginning at 4:00 p.m. weekdays and 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays (normally closing approx. 8:00 p.m.).

Pay Scale: Based on experience.

Contact:  or to apply


Parishes - Apply for a Ministry Development Grant (Applications due October 15, 2015)

Mission and Development is interested in helping support Parish projects that meet one of the following criteria:

  • strengthens the congregation's identity and purpose
  • deepens the congregation's engagement with the local community, or
  • fosters healthy and effective organizational dynamics within the parish

For more information and for an application form to apply for a 2015 Fall Ministry Development Grant, click HERE.


Questions?  Please contact Peggy Bean, Canon for Congregations, at or by calling (414) 272-3028 / ext. 158.  

The Hunger Book Sale
at All Saints' Cathedral, Milwaukee

It's that time again . . . the Hunger Book Sale sponsored by All Saints' Cathedral in Milwaukee takes place July 30 - August 04.  Hours on July 30 are 6-9 pm; all other days the sale runs from 11am - 6pm.  All proceeds from the sale are donated to hunger-related outreach ministries and programs.
The Cathedral is located at 818 East Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202.

The Cathedral WELCOMES your donation of gently used books (please no text books/encyclopedias) and may be able to arrange pickup of large donations.  Books may be dropped off at the Cathedral from 9am - 1pm Monday - Thursday through JULY 23rd.  For more information please contact the Cathedral office at 414-271-7719. 

While attending the Hunger Book Sale, you will also have an opportunity to attend a FREE organ recital . . . that's a pretty wonderful two-for-one!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 2pm 
Karen Beaumont, organist 
Music by Mendelssohn and Buxtehude 


Call for Nominations and Resolutions to the October 17, 2015 Diocesan Convention 
2013 Diocesan Convention business session

Nominations & Resolutions to the  October 17, 2015 Diocesan Convention are due AUGUST17, 2015. 

Please click HERE to access forms for submitting Nominations and Resolutions and for general information on both!  Questions?  Contact Barbara Klauber at the Diocesan Office at or (414) 272-3028 / ext. 111.  Registration information and material will be available in later July.  We look forward to seeing many of you, whether you will be a deputy or a visitor, at this year's Diocesan Convention, which will take place at beautiful St. John's Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin!
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles . . .  

by Susan Fiore


JulianFest 2015 group picture

That's how Affiliates of the Order of Julian of Norwich arrived, from fifteen states and two Canadian provinces, for the 33rd annual Julian Retreat and JulianFest, held at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in rural Oconomowoc.

The Rev. Dr. Holly Ratcliffe, ObJN led the retreat, presenting her well-researched thoughts on how Julian's personal history may have led to her face-to-face encounters with the crucified Jesus. We were in silence, except during the Divine Offices and the Eucharist.


JulianFest began Saturday. Professor David Carlson of Franklin College in Franklin, IN spoke movingly about his research on how monastic orders responded to 9/11 -- a very different response from what we all saw in the media and heard on the streets. Prof. Carlson makes a strong case that only monastic wisdom can bring peace to the world.

Saturday evening we were treated with entertainment provided by -- what else? -- Julian Affiliates!


 What are Julian Affiliates?

Julian Affiliates are men and women, Oblates and Associates, who respond to the Holy Spirit's invitation to draw nearer to Jesus. The monks and nuns of the Order are the still point at the center of a worldwide network of lay and ordained people who have chosen to live under a rule of poverty, chastity, obedience and prayer, bringing spiritual renewal to the Church through contemplative witness.  


What draws a person to undertake such a demanding rule of life?

"At the time of my affiliation, I was wrestling with my faith (or lack of it) in God. I was tired of running from God and sought direction and faith in my life."   

     READ MORE . . .  

Job Openings from Wisconsin Conference of Churches 
The Wisconsin Conference of Churches (WCC) publishes a monthly list of job openings in church/religious entities around Wisconsin.  They range from clerical and communications positions to youth ministry and music director positions . . .
Click HERE for the  WCC's full list of Positions Open.

Rachel Zylstra in concert at St. Mark's, Milwaukee on July 19

St. Mark's, Milwaukee, is proud to host Rachel Zylstra for concert on Sunday, July 19, at 7 p.m.

"Smoky, sweet and verbose-in the best ways (," Rachel Zylstra is a New-York-based confessional songwriter and performer whose music finds a home in church sanctuaries and in dimly-lit music bars alike.

With formidable piano and plaintive vocal, Rachel delivers lyrics rich in wit and narrative. She has self-released three albums, opened for cult favorites including Over the Rhine and David Bazan, and this summer will introduce a new full-length album recorded with her band, The Tacit Turn.  Having presented this concert in whole or in part in cities as diverse as Dublin, New York, and Grand Rapids, she's excited to bring it to St. Mark's, Milwaukee, this July 19.

To listen and read more, visit St. Mark's, Milwaukee, is located at 2618 N. Hackett Ave.

Please join us.   


Angelus Concert July 22 at 7pm at All Saints' Cathedral, Milwaukee  

Created in 2008, Angelus is comprised of seven young women from Mt. Vernon Senior High School (Mt. Vernon, IN). Dedicated to the performance of sacred music of varied religious traditions and historical periods, Angelus is completely unique among American high school vocal ensembles.  

Having modeled themselves on the American quartet Anonymous 4 and the Irish ensemble Anuna, Angelus explores repertoire that is both historically and artistically significant yet quite suitable for younger voices; this repertoire includes medieval chant and polyphony, works from the American Sacred Harp tradition and contemporary Irish and American compositions.  All Saints' Cathedral is located at 818 E. Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202. 


Recital at All Saints' Cathedral, Milwaukee on July 25

Sarah Richardson & Michel Shestak (ASC organ scholar) will present a recital of German lieder on Saturday, July 25th at 7:30pm at All Saints' Cathedral, which is located at 818 E. Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202. Small reception to follow in the library. There is no admission fee. Donations will be accepted to help fund Sarah's travels to Germany this August as a student of the Lyric Opera Studio Weimar.

        Prayers for Parishes
The  diocesan Commission on Mission and Development has prepared a cycle of prayers for the congregations of the Diocese of Milwaukee. 
To view the current installment of the cycle, which runs from July  through November 2015, please click 
HERE  .  This week's prayer appears immediately below.
July 19, 2015 - St. Christopher's, River Hills
Loving God, we pray for the faithful people of St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in River Hills. May they be good stewards of the many gifts you have bestowed upon them, and may they continue to serve you with generosity and gratitude. In the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, compiled by the Order of Julian of Norwich, which includes both Diocese of Milwaukee and Diocese of Newala parishes and ministries, is also posted on the diocesan website, along with the Commission on Mission and Development's "Prayers for the Parishes of the Diocese of Milwaukee".  Parishes are encouraged to make use of both these resources in their weekly prayers and Services. 
Key Questions before a Giving Campaign 

Is it time for your church to run a stewardship campaign?   Only if you can demonstrate a few clear components first.  For instance, you need a clear, compelling vision that  demonstrates the long-term benefits of the giving campaign.  A survey found that 72% of donors look for that clarity of vision.  In addition, do you have a healthy stewardship culture to begin with? Don't put the added pressure of a campaign on your congregations unless  you know they're already financially invested.   - RSI Stewardship from Church Finance Today.


Check out this graphic from Church Finance Today on this question - Does your church have a written strategy for inspiring people in biblical generosity?  



The Commission on Mission and Development along with the Finance Committee will be happy to help you continue this conversation.

Peggy Bean, Canon for Congregations    Marlene Udovich, Finance Officer 

Safeguarding God's Children session offered Aug. 22 at St. Christopher's, River Hills 
St. Christopher's, River Hills is holding an in-house Safeguarding God's Children training session on August 22 from 9am - 12Noon.  Members of other parishes may register to attend by contacting  St. Christopher's at or (414) 352-0380 AND they are asked to inform the diocesan office by e-mailing  THANK YOU!
Safeguarding God's Children/Safeguarding God's People  

Click HERE  to register online to take a class or any of our online trainings offered by our diocese in Safeguarding God's Children (SGC) and Safeguarding God's People (SGP).sgclogo

Our next class with a trainer will be in the fall - See Fall dates for classes with a trainer below.

ONLINE CLASSES - registration due on or before June 30th. There will be on online registrations accepted in the month of July. Registration begins again in August.

FALL CLASSES with Trainer:

Saturday, Sept 19th, 9am-Noon at 2 locations: St. Luke's, Madison and St. John the Divine, Burlington.  

L.E.V. are required to complete SGP and anyone who is in ministry with children and youth are required to complete SGC. All certificates need to be renewed every 5 years.  See our website for details on trainings, to register for trainings and to see the Master List of all who have completed trainings since 2003.

Follow up to the Diocese's Community Read of "Seedfolks"  

by Peggy Bean, Canon for Congregations

We hope that you have had a chance to read Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman.  We gave this book out at last year's convention with the hope people would read it and share it.  It is a wonderful little book that looks at the big issues of fear, racism, poverty, and apathy with hope, care, support, and transformation.  We can't do it all but we can make a difference in some way.  In this story we se e that together small acts can make big things happen and I know that is true in this Diocese.   We would love to hear how reading this little book impacted you and your community.  Please email me at to share your story.   

   Also:  We still have a number of copies of the book at the diocesan office; if you would like to use the book as a discussion starter for a group in your parish -- it works well for young adult/youth groups -- please let us know how many copies you are looking for!   

Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project


Haiti Project Matching Campaign for Water and Electricity

by Heidi Ropa, Haiti Project Exec. Director 

There is a proverb in Haiti that goes like this..."The rocks in the water do not know the pain of the rocks in the sun."  This saying was made real to me in March when I visited Jeannette, Haiti, a community this Diocese has had a partnership with for 28 years.  All water in this community comes from water catchment and is held in cisterns  -- large holding tanks of rainwater. People walk with their buckets for long distances to fill them and return to their homes with their water supply for the day.  Currently, there is no purification system for the water at St. Marc's School, therefore, there is no access to safe drinking water.  The parish priest, Pere Jean Lenord Quatorze reported to me that after each rain, at least 20 students come down with water-born illnesses like diarrhea or intestinal worms.  The way of Christ, invites us to respond to such needs.  All children deserve to grow up with safe water to drink.

Through Labor Day Weekend, the Haiti Project is seeking to match the $35,000 given by two generous donors who seek to address issues of water and electricity at St. Marc's School and Health Clinic.  We, the rocks in the water, may not understand the pain of the rocks in the sun -- what it is like to walk for a bucket of water each day hoping our children will not become ill from drinking it.  We can, having learned of this problem, respond with generous hearts.  Please follow this link to make a contribution to the Matching Campaign for Water and Electricity: .  Questions?  contact Heidi Ropa at (608)235-9393 or email


Join a Haiti Project trip to Jeannette

Fall Haiti Project trip is being planned Oct. 23-Nov. 1.  Please contact Mary Alice Eschweiler at for an application.

Contact Heidi Ropa at (608)235-9393 or email


Participants in Haiti Project's March 2015 trip 
Support Fr. Jim Kaestner's bike ride to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis research 
Please consider helping The Rev. Jim Kaestner raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis research!  For 23 years -- and again this year -- Fr. Kaestner will be riding "The Best Two Day Bike Ride for MS" on August 1st & 2nd. 
For reasons not fully understood, MS is more prevalent in Wisconsin than in any of the other 49 states; chances are good that someone among your own family members and acquaintances has MS or will have it.
Much has been accomplished in the 23 years Fr. Kaestner has been biking for MS research but still more needs to be accomplished.

Donations in honor of Fr. Kaestner's participation in this years Best Two Day Bike Ride for MS maybe sent to:

1120 James Drive - Suite A
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: (262) 369-4400

Or donate on-line at National MS Society website.   THANK YOU!!
Catechesis of the Holy Spirit retreat Aug. 22 at St. Bartholomew's, Pewaukee 
There will be a Catechesis of the Holy Spirit retreat on August 22, 2015 (10am - 3pm) at St. Bartholomew's
Pewaukee.   Clergy and lay persons interested in learning more about CGS are welcome, as are those already working with CGS!  Registration fee $20.  Please see FLYER for details and registration information.
Planned Giving Workshop set for September 26 at St. Mary's, Dousman 

The Diocese of Milwaukee and the Trustees of Funds and Endowments invite parish leaders to join them for a workshop on planned giving.  

The two hour workshop will take place on Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 10:00  a.m. - 12:00 Noon at St. Mary's Dousman, located at 36014 Sunset Drive (Hwy. 18 & 67), Dousman, WI 53118. 

Both parishes with an existing Planned Giving ministry and/or an Endowment, as well as those without one, will benefit from this workshop. This workshop reviews best practices and empowers leadership to be able to take the best, next steps for their congregation!

To register for the September workshop, please contact Michael Hagon via e-mail at, or phone at (414) 232-7358 by Monday, August 31, 2015. There is no charge for the workshop. 


Applications for Financial Aid in 2016 available to congregations
Congregations in need of financial help that are ready to put a development plan in place with the support of Mission and Development will want to check out the Financial Aid for 2016 Application.  We work with the leadership of the congregation to provide support, training and networking as a way to strengthen your development plan.  If you would like the application in a Word document,  please email Peggy Bean, Canon for Congregations, at .
HAITI PROJECT seeks Coordinator for Coffee project 

Singing Rooster Coffee is looking for a Coffee Coordinator for the Diocese assisting parishes with coffee purchases for parish use or coffee sales to individuals in each parish. This person would also help get the word out to all churches in the Diocese about supporting the economy of Haiti through coffee sales.  Each bag of this delicious coffee pays Haitian farmers at greater than Fair Trade rates and a portion of the sale goes to the Haiti Project to help fund St. Marc's School in Jeannette, Haiti.

Interested?  Contact Heidi Ropa, Haiti Project director, at:  


"Surprised by Joy"  

The 39th Miniweek for Women August 13-16

The 39th annual Miniweek for Women will be held at Camp Lakotah, Wautoma (center of the state) from evening meal Thursday, August 13 through brunch Sunday, August 16. 

This event is open to all women with the theme this year being "Surprised by Joy". The weekend contains presentations, workshops, entertainment, good food, beach time, worship, naps, conversation, laughter. The participants can go to everything - or nothing - it is your weekend. There are a variety of housing choices from rustic cabins to inside facilities with amenities. Scholarships are available.

The chaplain will be The Rev. Anna Doherty from St. Aidan's, Hartford. The keynoter is Mary Fran Crist, Province V health ministry committee member speaking on the theme. There will be some new workshops including opportunity to learn how to play bells, making fingerless mittens, overview of General Convention, and archery. The labyrinth will return, along with choir, book study, exercise to music, Taize and talent show. And much much more.

Go to, for registration and other info.

THE EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT DEADLINE IS MAY 15, 2015. Gift certificates in any amount for Mother's Day available from Barb McFadden at  

One more time . . . THANK YOU for forwarding this newsletter to parishioners and others who may be  interested and for sending YOUR news/events / photos to !
See you next week!

Barbara Klauber
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee