The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
Convention Newsletter
July 27, 2018  
A kingdom of priests  
This year we will gather at the Marriott-West in Madison on October 7-8, 2016 for the 169th  annual convention of the Diocese of Milwaukee.
The theme for this year's convention is:

    From every family, language, people, and nation,
             a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
                                                    (Canticle 18/Revelation 5:9-10)
which is especially fitting as we move into an era  when the gifts of all are necessary to enable the Church to speak to the lives of all people in a time of increasing multiculturalism. 
The work of the Diocesan Convention is spelled out in the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church.  The spirit of the Convention, however, is very much up to the deputies and others who actually make up the Convention and take part in it!  
Let's make this a spirit-filled Convention where we work together as a 'kingdom of priests' to serve our God and build a community in which all are valued . 

Now is the time to submit Resolutions and Nominations . . . deadline is August 8th
Elections are especially important this year, as we will be electing deputies to represent the diocese at the 2018 General Convention of the Episcopal Church.  Nominations and Resolutions are due on August 8th so please give some thought to this now.   Learn More about resolutions/nominations.

Visitors are WELCOME!!
If you have never attended Convention, please give some thought to attending this year as a visitor.  If you have attended before but are not a deputy this year and would like to come and see old friends, make new ones . . . please join in as a visitor!  Take part in the workshops and Convention Eucharist on Friday and then attend the social hour/reception which Bishop Miller is hosting in the Atrium of the Madison Marriott Hotel.  There is NO CHARGE for visitors to attend on Friday -- just fill out a registration form so you will be included in the count!  Visitors may also attend the Saturday business session using the same visitor registration form.
Questions about attending as a visitor?  Contact Barb Klauber at the diocesan office at or (414) 272-3028 / ext. 111.

Worshiping Together
The Eucharist is traditionally a  highlight of Convention, and rightfully so! As we gather in numbers much greater than most of us experience in our home parishes on a weekly basis, a unique opportunity presents itself to take part in something both old and new, something timeless that is renewed  each time it is celebrated!  ALL members of the diocese are invited and encouraged to be part of the Eucharistic community at this year's Convention.    You do not have to be an elected lay deputy or a member of the clergy to participate in the Convention Eucharist -- ALL  are welcome at this table!
This year's convention workshops are largely focused around the theme of "A kingdom of priests to serve our God"  and will include:
  • Multicultural Ministry - presented by Anthony Guillen, Latino /Hispanic Ministry officer from the Episcopal Church Center
  • Who are our Neighbors?
  • Living into our Neighborhood - real life experience
  • Time with the Bishop of Milwaukee
  • Diocesan Budget / Parish Assessments 2017
  • Racial Reconciliation
  • Global Reconciliation - Sustainable Development Goals / Grants
  • Altar Guild annual meeting and workshop

Volunteers Needed . .  . 
Volunteers are needed to help with registration, act as greeters and tellers,  and to assist other tasks at Convention.  If you are willing to volunteer a few hours of time on October 7th or 8th please contact Diane Brown, who is in charge of coordinating on-site registration and volunteers.  She may be reached at .  THANK YOU!  

Overnight Accommodations at the Madison Marriott West
A block of rooms has been reserved for the night of Friday, October 7th at the Madison Marriott West Hotel, site of this year's Convention.  Contact the hotel directly to reserve a room in the Diocese of Milwaukee block at the above link or by calling (608) 831-2000.  The reservation deadline is September 7th.

Pre-Convention Hearing schedule 
Again this year, Pre-Convention Hearings will be held in Convocations.  The deans of the convocations are setting meeting dates and will inform the parishes in their convocations of the particulars.  We will also publish a list of the convocation Pre-Convention Hearings in an upcoming issue of the Convention Newsletter.
 Stay tuned!

REGISTRATION for Clergy, Lay Deputies, Visitors and Vendors  
Please use the following links to register as a clergy or lay deputy or as a visitor or vendor/exhibitor.  Lay deputies are advised to check with their parish before registering, as many parishes send in registration and payment for their entire deputation. 
There is a wonderful exhibit / vendor space at the Madison Marriott West Hotel - in addition to vendors, we invite diocesan entities and entities with whom the diocese has relationships to register for an exhibitor/vendor display space.  All are welcome - we would love to see you at this year's Convention!

 Questions?  Contact Barbara Klauber at  

Contact the Diocesan Office if you have questions!  Call  (414) 272-3028 or e-mail

Looking forward to seeing you at Convention 2016